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  1. #1
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    First time user looking for advise on Anadrol

    Ok, i've done as much reasearch as possible, and about to start Anadrol next week. Can anyone tell me, from thier own experience, if the side effects are as bad as the websites say this is. I'm also thinking of only starting with 25mg a day to judge the effects for the first week. Thanks guys.


  2. #2
    breakbones's Avatar
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    Stats please:

    And what research have you done, how long will you be doing this cycle? why 25mg?

  3. #3
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Are you planning on running anadrol only? Anadrol is not something you want to run by itself.

    What are your stats and how is your diet?

  4. #4
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    First I've read forums online and read the info provided on this site and others. I've also checked to see that the tabs i have are indeed anadrol . All the things i've read about it say the normal dose is 50-100mg a day. Being a first timer I thought maybe testing the first week at 25mg may be a good idea. I have enough for 30 days at 50mg per day so thats the length of the cycle

  5. #5
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    I'm 6' about 205 and 16% bodyfat. My diet is the normal building diet 300g protien a day balanced with healthy carbs and fiber. What do you suggest running with it? I've read test is good to stack with it or an anti aromtase.

  6. #6
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    scotty51312's Avatar
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    I'm 31 years old

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    breakbones's Avatar
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    Planned PCT?

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    scotty51312's Avatar
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    have nolvadex comming for after the anadrol . Also the trianer i've talked to at the gym said I should lower my dosage over the last week of the cycle. Is that good advice or bs?

  10. #10
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    I'm 6' about 205 and 16% bodyfat. My diet is the normal building diet 300g protien a day balanced with healthy carbs and fiber. What do you suggest running with it? I've read test is good to stack with it or an anti aromtase.
    You would normally run anadrol to kick off a test cycle. There's no sense to me in tapering off at the end. You're natural production will already be shutdown so it will make no difference. You may want to get your bf% down slightly before running anything tho. One of the many benefits of a lower bf is you can see certain sides such as gyno coming on and stop them before it's too late.

    I would recommend you do some more research before jumping into a cycle.

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Is your cycle just drol or Test and drol?

  12. #12
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    have the drol now. Never read that it couldn't be used solo. So is drol something thats not worth taking alone?

  13. #13
    Big's Avatar
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    I wouldn't use it alone

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    have the drol now. Never read that it couldn't be used solo. So is drol something thats not worth taking alone?
    Your going about this all wrong, you need to step back and do more research. You dont want to be running drol on its own for your first cycle. Please do some more research on first cycles.

  15. #15
    Family Guy is offline Banned
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    Anadrol alone is just a joke. Not realy just a joke. Because ur strength and waight. Will be crazy after just some weeks. But u just get bloated. If u want to look like a blow fish. And go up and down in the same speed. Then drol is the way to go. But we all use dbol or drols to kick start the cycle. That is mention already !!

    I did one crazy drol cycle 7 years a go. I did use 100mg ed. I did drop it down to 50mg after some weeks or so. I realy not remember. But i did 1 box of 100tbas in 8 weeks. Along with some test and all the other compounds i did find in the pharmacy. I was up 18 killos in 8 weeks. Not know why i mention this LOL !!

    To me it seams that u not know to much. About what u are doing. And u just been listening to some guy from the gym. Gues we all started that way. But if u deside to do a cycle. Do some more reading. And plan out a real cycle. Not just some drol alone. That is my advise.

  16. #16
    Noles12's Avatar
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    You understanding on this subject is way off. When it comes to AAS look at it as you stack other compounds with your test not vice versa. Test should be the base of every cycle. For a first cycle you are better off running a long estered Test by itself

  17. #17
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    Ok, i've done as much reasearch as possible, and about to start Anadrol next week. Can anyone tell me, from thier own experience, if the side effects are as bad as the websites say this is. I'm also thinking of only starting with 25mg a day to judge the effects for the first week. Thanks guys.

    Side effects will vary from different body chemistry's. How one will react may not be how another will react.

    The pros:
    Weight gain
    Strength gain
    Increased appetite
    Increase RBC

    The cons:
    Inhibition of natty production of hormones (if standalone)
    BLP issues
    Excessive water retention

    Now stacked with another compound such as test, will reduce some of these side effects. But IMO, the cons outweigh the pros.

    As already previously in the thread, research what a first cycle should consist of.

    Good luck, and keep us updated.

  18. #18
    myosaurus is offline New Member
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    25mg/day will give some vascularity and pump and sides should be well tolerared. but you will probablly tempted to take more. once you go over 50mg/day, lethargy, headache, loss of general sense of well-being, and appetite loss. appetite loss is what I feel makes user not respond well to it, as you don't eat, you don't grow.

  19. #19
    maxpump88 is offline New Member
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    Hey mate, interesting question you have there.... A friend of mine, no word of a lie, started an anadrol only cycle 1month ago and has finished today. He experienced no sides, had his blood work done at the start, the middle and is about to do another 2moro. He experienced really good gains from just one tab, 25mg a day. He took his time on the anadrol and has gained, what looks to me, almost natural gains if you didn't know he used. He went from 85kg to 90kg in the course of a month and has had no water retention and has really looked after himself with liver sups etc and a good diet. The thing is mate, it worked for my mate, did really well, and by the looks of it, he'll be keeping his gains, or won't find it hard to keep his gains because he built them up apposed to people taking 75-100mg of anadrol over a period of 4-6 weeks etc and getting huge gains but finding it hard to maintain afterwards. So bottom line, 25mg a day for a month is great and its worked for my mate. Take your time, don't get fooled by the strength gains and bump up your weights in the first day...TAKE YOUR TIME, look after yourself and eat well.

  20. #20
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by myosaurus View Post
    25mg/day will give some vascularity and pump and sides should be well tolerared. but you will probablly tempted to take more. once you go over 50mg/day, lethargy, headache, loss of general sense of well-being, and appetite loss. appetite loss is what I feel makes user not respond well to it, as you don't eat, you don't grow.
    Quote Originally Posted by maxpump88 View Post
    Hey mate, interesting question you have there.... A friend of mine, no word of a lie, started an anadrol only cycle 1month ago and has finished today. He experienced no sides, had his blood work done at the start, the middle and is about to do another 2moro. He experienced really good gains from just one tab, 25mg a day. He took his time on the anadrol and has gained, what looks to me, almost natural gains if you didn't know he used. He went from 85kg to 90kg in the course of a month and has had no water retention and has really looked after himself with liver sups etc and a good diet. The thing is mate, it worked for my mate, did really well, and by the looks of it, he'll be keeping his gains, or won't find it hard to keep his gains because he built them up apposed to people taking 75-100mg of anadrol over a period of 4-6 weeks etc and getting huge gains but finding it hard to maintain afterwards. So bottom line, 25mg a day for a month is great and its worked for my mate. Take your time, don't get fooled by the strength gains and bump up your weights in the first day...TAKE YOUR TIME, look after yourself and eat well.
    Pleease take no notice of the above advice, IMHO it is wrong.

  21. #21
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxpump88 View Post
    Hey mate, interesting question you have there.... A friend of mine, no word of a lie, started an anadrol only cycle 1month ago and has finished today. He experienced no sides, had his blood work done at the start, the middle and is about to do another 2moro. He experienced really good gains from just one tab, 25mg a day. He took his time on the anadrol and has gained, what looks to me, almost natural gains if you didn't know he used. He went from 85kg to 90kg in the course of a month and has had no water retention and has really looked after himself with liver sups etc and a good diet. The thing is mate, it worked for my mate, did really well, and by the looks of it, he'll be keeping his gains, or won't find it hard to keep his gains because he built them up apposed to people taking 75-100mg of anadrol over a period of 4-6 weeks etc and getting huge gains but finding it hard to maintain afterwards. So bottom line, 25mg a day for a month is great and its worked for my mate. Take your time, don't get fooled by the strength gains and bump up your weights in the first day...TAKE YOUR TIME, look after yourself and eat well.
    Your mate has no clue whether or not he will keep his gains. He just finished. More than likely it will be gone in a few weeks. There are reasons why we dont recommend an oral only cycle and recommend test as a base. Both form a scientific standpoint when it comes to testosterone and personal experiences by many users who have tried all kinds of cycles over the years.

    Encouraging someone to run an oral only cycle can be encouraging something harmful to their health

  22. #22
    maxpump88 is offline New Member
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    Sorry, i didn't mean to encourage someone to do an anadrol only cycle, was just stating another side of the fence. By all means, it has, or may not have worked for him in the long run, only time will tell. I personally, would not do it. And thats my opinion.

  23. #23
    Family Guy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxpump88 View Post
    Hey mate, interesting question you have there.... A friend of mine, no word of a lie, started an anadrol only cycle 1month ago and has finished today. He experienced no sides, had his blood work done at the start, the middle and is about to do another 2moro. He experienced really good gains from just one tab, 25mg a day. He took his time on the anadrol and has gained, what looks to me, almost natural gains if you didn't know he used. He went from 85kg to 90kg in the course of a month and has had no water retention and has really looked after himself with liver sups etc and a good diet. The thing is mate, it worked for my mate, did really well, and by the looks of it, he'll be keeping his gains, or won't find it hard to keep his gains because he built them up apposed to people taking 75-100mg of anadrol over a period of 4-6 weeks etc and getting huge gains but finding it hard to maintain afterwards. So bottom line, 25mg a day for a month is great and its worked for my mate. Take your time, don't get fooled by the strength gains and bump up your weights in the first day...TAKE YOUR TIME, look after yourself and eat well.
    What do u know about steroids ?? Sorry to ask u this. But no water from only drols alone.. U have to be joking !! Sometimes do peopel not get so bloated in the face. And the resst of the body look good. But in the end it is more then 70% water in that body...

  24. #24
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    ok guys i guess its back to the drawing board. anyone have a suggestion for test for a noob?

  25. #25
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    Just a quick question,
    I see a post every day, or every other day, where a noob says they "have done lots of research", yet once they start talking about what they are going to do, they sound like they have less knowledge on the subject than even a noob should have.
    What magical website is everyone reading?
    Its always the same thing...
    "I am going to run a dbol only cycle"
    "I am going to be running anadrol by itself"
    "I am gonna try dbol and adrol cycle"
    Then when members ask why these people would ever run these compounds by themselves, the OP says "Well, I have done ALOT of research, and i have never read that it couldn't be run by itself"
    or even worse, they respond with "I know what i am doing, only god can judge me"

    If your research has not told you even the basic info that anadrol/dbol or any of those things shouldn't be run by themselves, I would seriously doubt the credibility of the website, and do much more thorough research.

    Just my view on the matter, not trying to offend anyone.

  26. #26
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    Ok, i've done as much reasearch as possible, and about to start Anadrol next week. Can anyone tell me, from thier own experience, if the side effects are as bad as the websites say this is. I'm also thinking of only starting with 25mg a day to judge the effects for the first week. Thanks guys.

    say bye bye to your libido!!!

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    ok guys i guess its back to the drawing board. anyone have a suggestion for test for a noob?
    I'm currently running test base at 100mg ed transdermally with DMSO. Not sure what's going to happen. But it could be an option if pins in the house is a no-no. I'll find out soon.............................

  28. #28
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    have the drol now. Never read that it couldn't be used solo. So is drol something thats not worth taking alone?
    Imo, if you've never seen this statement before, you haven't read enough.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by myosaurus View Post
    25mg/day will give some vascularity and pump and sides should be well tolerared. but you will probablly tempted to take more. once you go over 50mg/day, lethargy, headache, loss of general sense of well-being, and appetite loss. appetite loss is what I feel makes user not respond well to it, as you don't eat, you don't grow.
    utter rubbish!

  30. #30
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    thats why i'm here. If i'm going to do this i want to get it right. You guys are the subject matter experts. I appreciate all those who look out for beginners like me, and at the same time for all those that don't karma will catch up to.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    thats why i'm here. If i'm going to do this i want to get it right. You guys are the subject matter experts. I appreciate all those who look out for beginners like me, and at the same time for all those that don't karma will catch up to.
    read all the beginner stuff then get back to us

  32. #32
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    ok guys i guess its back to the drawing board. anyone have a suggestion for test for a noob?
    Research long ester tests such as test e and test c. Stick with a test only for your first cycle so you know how your body handles sides.

    There is a ton of info in the beginner threads.

  33. #33
    anabolix112's Avatar
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    Propably would forget anadrol from first cycle and when being used the method of doing it efficiently is so much different than common opinions. With efficiently i mean mad gains without almost any sides at all. You do need to stack it and its also very special product and has to be used correctly. From test Suspension and propionate , and ok, quality cypionate like testex (dunno why it gave so awesome pumps), Anadrol and winstrol would be my all time favourites (used together) over tren , masteron , you name it. Don't touch that stuff as first cycle + when you do you need some test ofcourse, and also remember that what works for someone might be totally bs for you even with the strange cycle developed by someone way smarter than me with professional knowledge and athletes to train.

    Nobody has actually given the one i consider the best way for anadrol usage (personal opinion, i don't mean nobody with experiences is incorrect) and yes, have used it together with winstrol and test but dosages are actually pretty low, no cancer drugs or other anti-a's included not much bloat, ofcourse diet etc. makes a big difference here and true weight can differ about 10lbs at different days at week which is just normal. Strength up to roof, veins, solid gains, plus also as little bonus: AAS use can also increase the amount of RBCs(excessive red blood cell %) and, therefore, impact the hematocrit, in particular the compounds boldenone and oxymethelone. That leads to increased risk of developing blood clots resulting strokes and heart attacks. Those clots may travel to lungs or heart and boom. I have got my blood completely checked when one of those were suspected and also basic Hb value was upto 220+ and hematocrit up. Theres also other factors that cleared me out from forming clots but that took some serious testing and time spent in hospital. Also i would add deca to the list which is to be nasty in this area. So Anadrol is not a joke in any case even if you monitor your liver and kidneys etc. theres some factors that you won't get to know unless going thru some bloodwork and tests that are beyond normal. So im good to go with that substance without risk of suddenly dying but still i would watch the hematocrit values along elevated Hb.

    When we talked about EQ on other subject Marcus pointed out the RBC problem which with Anadrol and especially the amounts ppl use here (i wont go over 175mg a week never, usually 100mg will do) is more pronounced problem.
    Last edited by anabolix112; 07-01-2010 at 10:00 PM.

  34. #34
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    down right rubbish im irratated just reading this thread i dont know if the tren in me or what but this thread makes me angry wierd.

  35. #35
    anabolix112's Avatar
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    Hopefully my posts are playing big part of angry weird because i those responses were for your personally afterall you're the man behind the rl mailbox with name Anadrol Jack written in it.

    Tren doesn't make nutting, nor does any other gear than propably some parkinson medication which shouldn't be used in bb purposes. Whoops im trolling here. Must be the yawn effect. Im not even sorry perhaps im just hoping someone to tell me what i say is rubbish to give little motivation to prove my points

    I might run two months cycle with 2-4g of test, 1000-1500mg anadrol and maybe 500-1000mg of winstrol if provoked a little Maybe even half amount. No nolvadex or other waste needed.

  36. #36
    an@bol1x is offline Banned
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    I was too lazy to read all the posts because I just got back from the gym but things are as following: if you run an anadrol -only cycle you will get great gains for the first few weeks which will then start to subside (and you will probably bloat) and you will almost for sure lose the weight you gained even faster once you stop taking it. Anadrol is usually used to kick-start a cycle for the first 3-4 weeks. About side effects everyone reacts differently, but you should know that you may get bad nausea and feel like crap so you wouldnt want to play too much with the dosage.. On top of this, anadrol is not for beginners, this is not a box of tic-tac

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