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Thread: newbie question

  1. #1

    newbie question

    ok here goes, im 26, 5'10'', 210, been training for a few years, dont know my bf%. im going to guess from what i have read that it is prob. on the higher side for running gear. here is what i want to get, i want to add some size, lean mus. here is what i have. i have a bottle of test. prop. and a bottle of test en. test p is 100mg per cc and test e is 250mg per cc. i know from research that the e has a 14 day life and the p has a 2 day life. i was advised to take the e every three and a half days. monday morning, thursday night and to take the p eod. my question is, that seems like a lot of pinning for a newbie. could i get away with doing both every three days? i understand that the p is to jump start, so my other question is should i take the whole 20cc bottle or just run for the first 4 weeks of my 10 week cycle? i plan to run a two week pct a week after i end my cycle of aromasin. what do you guys think of that? ok have at it, im sure im going to get bashed, as thats what i have seen alot of when a new person asks a question.

  2. #2
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    Were not here to bash you, only to inform and educate.

    Test P does not have a 2 day half life. Sift through my posts, I've already went over this with another board member recently. What is your "2 week" PCT going to consist of?

    My advice:
    Get your BF accurately tested.
    Research proper PCT duration.
    Research common Test only cycles (I'm assuming this is your first cycle)

    Then come back if you have any questions.

  3. #3
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    Jan 2010
    Your cycle should look something like this:

    Week 1-4 Test P 500mg/w
    Week 1-10/12 Test E 500mg/w

    Run 4 weeks pct starting 2 weeks after your last Test E injection.
    No need to run the prop any longer then 4 week kick start when you run test e, if this is your first time you dont need to over do it....

  4. #4
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    Good protocol although you have no idea of his prior cycle experience. Test E over P for a first timer IMO. Less pins and less potent compounds would suite a beginner better.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by hllbilly291 View Post
    ok here goes, im 26, 5'10'', 210, been training for a few years, dont know my bf%. im going to guess from what i have read that it is prob. on the higher side for running gear. here is what i want to get, i want to add some size, lean mus. here is what i have. i have a bottle of test. prop. and a bottle of test en. test p is 100mg per cc and test e is 250mg per cc. i know from research that the e has a 14 day life and the p has a 2 day life. i was advised to take the e every three and a half days. monday morning, thursday night and to take the p eod. my question is, that seems like a lot of pinning for a newbie. could i get away with doing both every three days? i understand that the p is to jump start, so my other question is should i take the whole 20cc bottle or just run for the first 4 weeks of my 10 week cycle? i plan to run a two week pct a week after i end my cycle of aromasin. what do you guys think of that? ok have at it, im sure im going to get bashed, as thats what i have seen alot of when a new person asks a question.
    Continue to read up on the stickies for steroid information. As for now, you need to find out your BF%. If it is high, then that is what you need to work on.

    When did you plan on starting this cycle?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Good protocol although you have no idea of his prior cycle experience. Test E over P for a first timer IMO. Less pins and less potent compounds would suite a beginner better.
    I agree, Test E alone is more then enough for a first time.....

  7. #7
    this is my first cycle. my diet is strong. i eat 5-6 meals a day 300g+ of protein, 100g carbs, and 30g fat. other than whey protein, and flax, the only other suppliments i take are n.o. explode pre workout. and in the profile section is says that test p has an "Active life: 2-3 days" this is why i was told to do eod, that would give me about 300mg per week. one of my questions was is this correct to do? and also is 4 weeks long enough to stop taking the P and just run the E solo? and with the e im taking 250mg twice a week for ten weeks. again does this sound good enough for a first cycle? i dont want to over do it, that is why i am running a test only cycle first to see how i react, and what gains i get. ill have either nolva or aromasin on hand incase i start seeing erse. one opption i wanted to run by you guys for my pct was this. after reading some more i dont think that two weeks will cut it. so ill run a 6 week pct. of nolva 20mg/ed, Aromasin 20mg/ed, and Vitamin E ed. this along with a high protein/cal diet.

  8. #8
    i was planning on starting monday.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by hllbilly291 View Post
    i was planning on starting monday.
    If you know your BF is prob too high to start a cycle, why are you still wanting to start one... on monday?

  10. #10
    because ive already dropped a bunch of weight, but the past month it seems ive hit a wall. that was the plan, to cut as much as i can before i start this cycle. i think i have. ive always had a weight problem. i gain really easy.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by hllbilly291 View Post
    because ive already dropped a bunch of weight, but the past month it seems ive hit a wall. that was the plan, to cut as much as i can before i start this cycle. i think i have. ive always had a weight problem. i gain really easy.
    Then it would appear you have a diet issue you need to address. What does your diet look like (in detail, include macros).

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    Then it would appear you have a diet issue you need to address. What does your diet look like (in detail, include macros).
    Second that!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    Then it would appear you have a diet issue you need to address. What does your diet look like (in detail, include macros).
    Going4ripped as got this all cover, please listen to him

  14. #14
    meal 1: whey protein shake, 4 egg whites, two pc wheat toast, flax seed oil
    meal 2: canned tuna, low fat cottage cheese
    meal 3: chicken breast, brown rice, veggies, flax
    work out
    meal 4: two scoops whey protein
    meal 5: steak or chicken, brown rice or whole wheat pasta, veggies
    meal 6: whey shake, natural p-nut butter

    ive lost weight and added def. to my stomach back and arms while on this diet. i work out 6 days a week.

    mon- light cardio, chest
    tues- cardio, back
    wed- light cardio, shoulders
    thurs- cardio, legs
    fri- light cardio, arms
    sat- cardio
    sun- rest.

    another reason i feel rushed to start this cycle is i am curently laid off, and my call back date is sometime mid to end sept. this gives me the time i need to focus on my diet and training. not to mention the people at work not seeing my increase in size so fast. so any help would be great.

  15. #15
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    What are your portions you are eating on all of that? Round up them macros too please.

  16. #16
    i dont really understand what macros are??? the portions are: tuna 5oz can, rice and pasta are measured out before cooking 1 1/2 cups. the chicken and steaks would be about 8oz pieces, ive never weighed them. the veggies are about a cup, the whey is 24g per scoop. p-nut butter is 1-1/12 tbsp

  17. #17
    and the flaxseed is 1000g per softgel

  18. #18
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    Macros = fat xxg, carbs xxg, protein xxg, cals xxg

    Need the macros for all your food items (steak, veggies, etc)

    Then I need the daily totals macros. Also, post up exactly when you eat your meals.

    Do you take any supps too?

    What is the time length to intensity ratio on your cardio?

  19. #19
    ill try to add that stuff up later when i have time, i have no idea how to find out whats in the steak and chicken breasts. everything else has lables. as far as supps, i take a multi vit. once a day, the flaxseed oil twice a day, and a pre workout (which i wouldnt call a supp.) called NO explode. so i would say no suppliments. on light days i do 10 min on the eliptical (sp) at level 10, on random setting. usually about 1.75 miles, and burns about 200 cal. on reg. cardio days i do 20 min. on eliptical, again level 10, random setting, get almost 4 miles, and about 400+ cal. then i get on tredmill and walk at 3.5 on incline setting 13 for 15-20 min. and then on sat. i do the same but try to go 30 on eliptical and at least 20 on tredmill, no weights on sat, and nothing but rest on sunday. we also play in a sand volleyball league twice a week, an hour each night. its pretty competitive and we run our asses off. so i get a little bit more cardio there as well.

  20. #20
    ok, not counting the eggs the chicken or the steak total protein is 153g, fat 28g, and carbs 127g. i heard somewhere that for every 6oz of meat its 25g of protein. dont know if thats true if it is i would add another 60g protein to that for the meat. then whatever the egg whites are. i see what you are getting at. my diet isnt as tight as i thought it was. i could cut some carbs and add some protein. i think the fat is about where it should be tho. now that ive answered all your math problems can someone please answer some of my original questions???

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by hllbilly291 View Post
    ok, not counting the eggs the chicken or the steak total protein is 153g, fat 28g, and carbs 127g. i heard somewhere that for every 6oz of meat its 25g of protein. dont know if thats true if it is i would add another 60g protein to that for the meat. then whatever the egg whites are. i see what you are getting at. my diet isnt as tight as i thought it was. i could cut some carbs and add some protein. i think the fat is about where it should be tho. now that ive answered all your math problems can someone please answer some of my original questions???
    Look, same response as earlier. You need to drop the BF first. High BF combined with steroids can lead to some serious health risks. You would be putting your heart into some potential problems, not to mention the better chance you will have at developing gyno.

    You have to be patient. You cant rush into this and expect the best. I am trying to help you reach your goals.

    You go at this half @$$, you take the risk in the long run of looking like a full @$$.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by hllbilly291 View Post
    this is my first cycle. my diet is strong. i eat 5-6 meals a day 300g+ of protein, 100g carbs, and 30g fat. other than whey protein, and flax, the only other suppliments i take are n.o. explode pre workout. and in the profile section is says that test p has an "Active life: 2-3 days" this is why i was told to do eod, that would give me about 300mg per week. one of my questions was is this correct to do? and also is 4 weeks long enough to stop taking the P and just run the E solo? and with the e im taking 250mg twice a week for ten weeks. again does this sound good enough for a first cycle? i dont want to over do it, that is why i am running a test only cycle first to see how i react, and what gains i get. ill have either nolva or aromasin on hand incase i start seeing erse. one opption i wanted to run by you guys for my pct was this. after reading some more i dont think that two weeks will cut it. so ill run a 6 week pct. of nolva 20mg/ed, Aromasin 20mg/ed, and Vitamin E ed. this along with a high protein/cal diet.
    if your plan was to put on weight, a diet like that is pretty terrible, even for a natural trainer, go do your research in the diet section first

  23. #23
    whats so terrible about it? and i have read the diet section, i also watched all of the videos from milos sarcev, and from what he says in those, the levels i have stated are correct.

    and going4ripped. i understand that you guys are trying to help, and i really appreciate your help. but what i dont understand is that no one on this site will answer the question at hand. everyone has to start somewhere. and i find it hard to believe that all the guys on this site waited until they reached their bodies natural abilities before getting gear. or waited until they had less than 10% bf also. everytime i open a thread from someone new everyone wants to ask them a million questions. the guy puts up his stats and then asks a question. whether or not you agree with what he is doing is besides the point, if you are willing to answer the question then do so, if not why waste your time typing, and his time reading. im willing to bet that over half the people on here shouldnt be using for one reason or another. from not being ready, to health reasons, or the fact that they are wasting money when it could be used for something more constructive. there is alot of valuable information on this site, and alot of guys that are good sorces of info. but getting that info from some guys is like milking a bull. pointless and a waist of time.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by hllbilly291 View Post
    whats so terrible about it? and i have read the diet section, i also watched all of the videos from milos sarcev, and from what he says in those, the levels i have stated are correct.

    and going4ripped. i understand that you guys are trying to help, and i really appreciate your help. but what i dont understand is that no one on this site will answer the question at hand. everyone has to start somewhere. and i find it hard to believe that all the guys on this site waited until they reached their bodies natural abilities before getting gear. or waited until they had less than 10% bf also. everytime i open a thread from someone new everyone wants to ask them a million questions. the guy puts up his stats and then asks a question. whether or not you agree with what he is doing is besides the point, if you are willing to answer the question then do so, if not why waste your time typing, and his time reading. im willing to bet that over half the people on here shouldnt be using for one reason or another. from not being ready, to health reasons, or the fact that they are wasting money when it could be used for something more constructive. there is alot of valuable information on this site, and alot of guys that are good sorces of info. but getting that info from some guys is like milking a bull. pointless and a waist of time.
    I understand that. But also look at all the threads about people asking for help with the side affects they developed. I am not claiming everyone on here started using when they were physically ready to, all I am saying is this, if I can stop one person out of a hundred who are not ready to use steroids, that is a good thing. I dont want to see anyone do harm to themselves.

    Too many people think they are ready, and want to jump into this backwards with their eyes closed. They all say "just give me the answers to my question", and if I were to do so, that would be foolish of me. I cant stop anyone from doing them, but I will not take part in it. Steroids should be a last resort, not just something to try.

    I can see that you do not want the info I am giving to you, so all I will say is this, most (if not all) of the answers you want are in the educational stickies at the top of the page.

    Good luck and BE CAREFUL

  25. #25
    i knew the kind of answers i would get when i posted. i know im not quite there yet, but like i stated above, now is the best time for me, no telling when ill have a chance like this again. the reason i have been reading everything i can find, and asking so many questions is i want to have all my bases covered before i jump in. trust me i want to come out of this with the least amount of sides as i can. and i understand that you dont want to give advise to people that shouldnt do it, but they are going to do it anyway. even if they dont get all their bases covered, so i would think that warning them, then guiding them would be better then just saying. no dont do it. IMO. but i thank you for what you have said, and the help you have given.

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