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Thread: help with cycle

  1. #1
    bigxx44 is offline Junior Member
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    help with cycle

    i need a little help with a cycle. my life kinda depends on it. so i have an oppertunity with a modeling agency in new york. i have to basically rip out my stumach in less then 2 months. my plan test e and arr-s clen i just dont no the dosage considering i dont want to gain much weight i just want to get more muscle and a six pack.

    im 23 with about 12% bf. 6 foot recently cut down to 180. everything is fine i just need to work on my six pack. i have been dieting and training for ever.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigxx44 View Post
    i need a little help with a cycle. my life kinda depends on it. so i have an oppertunity with a modeling agency in new york. i have to basically rip out my stumach in less then 2 months. my plan test e and arr-s clen i just dont no the dosage considering i dont want to gain much weight i just want to get more muscle and a six pack.

    im 23 with about 12% bf. 6 foot recently cut down to 180. everything is fine i just need to work on my six pack. i have been dieting and training for ever.
    Quote Originally Posted by bigxx44 View Post

    Age: 28
    Height: 6"
    Weight: 186
    BF%: 12%
    Cycle Exp:
    PCT Knowledge:
    Training Exp: alot
    Diet: yes
    Quote Originally Posted by bigxx44 View Post
    Age: 28
    Height: 6'
    Weight: 186
    BF%: 12%
    Cycle Exp:
    PCT Knowledge:
    Training Exp: alot
    Diet: yes

    is it pretty much the luck of the draw kind of thing with test e and hairloss. is it more common then not? i just want to get a feel, hairloss does not run in the family, we however do get recieding hairlines, but dont bald at the top.

    seen this yet?
    Please read and bump
    or this?

  3. #3
    bigxx44 is offline Junior Member
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    yes this was already pointed out in my last post and i apoligized for the error im 23 didnt mean to put 28 honestly it was a mistake.

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    you posted 28 in 2 different threads

  5. #5
    bigxx44 is offline Junior Member
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    man i must of been pretty hammered but ok. im 23 not 28 donno why i posted twice i must of copied and pasted.

  6. #6
    Matt's Avatar
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    You see what we are talking about, the problem is who's to say your not really 16??

    You've lied once you could be lying again...

    However on this occasion i will help you out... To easily reach your goals try 45mins of cardio every day with and very strict diet and you should be fine...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  7. #7
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    if your 12% and need a 6 pack in 2 months you can do that easily with out taking steriods

  8. #8
    bigxx44 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for helping and i understand. ill try to post up pics of my body. also i have been dieting and working my ass off in the gym but just cant get the cuts i need. no one in my family has a six pack and im starting to think its just a genetic thing

  9. #9
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigxx44 View Post
    thanks for helping and i understand. ill try to post up pics of my body. also i have been dieting and working my ass off in the gym but just cant get the cuts i need. no one in my family has a six pack and im starting to think its just a genetic thing
    i doubt your diet is very good if your getting wasted enough to forget your age. apparently modeling is not that important to you.

  10. #10
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    here is my philosophy on this if you need to run cycles to get in shape then you need to go an alternative route then modeling because you are going to do so much more harm to yourself then good.

    and every time you need to get "ripped" your going to hop on cycle? it would serve you better to change professions or learn about nutrition/cardio/dieting.

  11. #11
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    for starters you might want to start a thread in the diet section and see if there is room for improvement there, likewise with training

  12. #12
    bigxx44 is offline Junior Member
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    gixxerboy i was drinking at a party where there was full of models and agents. and models drink alot they party every weekend. well i get the point you guys are not gona help me with my cycle so im just gonna have to research because im already set on doing a cycle

  13. #13
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigxx44 View Post
    gixxerboy i was drinking at a party where there was full of models and agents. and models drink alot they party every weekend. well i get the point you guys are not gona help me with my cycle so im just gonna have to research because im already set on doing a cycle
    trust me i know plenty about models. Alot more then you know about steroids .

    Some people can drink and be lean apparently you cant.

    Also test he will probably put water weight on you. so thats not going to help you. Test e takes 4-6 weeks to start working. How is that going to help you get a 6 pick in 2 months?

    You dont want to add muscle but get a lean up. That is diet.

    I honestly want to hear why you think they will give you abs but not make you bigger?

  14. #14
    bigxx44 is offline Junior Member
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    i have no problem staying thin at 6 foot 180. i just have a problem getting my abs to rip like a models abs should, you can see them sort of but i just want to get ripped, and i wouldnt mind putting on 5 to to ten pounds of muscle with test e.

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