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  1. #1
    knifehead is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    appointment with endo: what to get tested for??

    so i guess i originally posted this in the wrong forum so here it goes again. i have an appointment with the endo on thursday to get bloodwork before first cycle. is there a list of things i should be getting tested for???? i plan on going back and getting re tested after pct to make sure im close to baseline... any thoughts before thursday??

  2. #2
    TheCamel is offline Banned - RETARD
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    Jun 2010
    Indiana Insane Asylum
    If I recall correctly the name is bj and this guy posted a list with all of his blood work.
    If I find it again I'll write it down for you.

  3. #3
    knifehead is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    thanks bro

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