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  1. #1
    chakachaka1 is offline New Member
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    1st timer-Sustanon 250-Don't want to get huge

    Hi, I just wanted to get an idea of what I could expect with the following plan. I'm 30 years old, never tried steroids before, I'm about 6'1 and my weight wavers between 170-175. I have a decent shape, but I want to get cut without putting on drastic size (20 lbs. would be about as much as I'd want to put on). I'm about to spend a month in Cozumel, and obviously I don't want to try to bring anything on the plane with me. I had intended doing a half amp a week for a couple of months, but how would it work out if I took a full amp before the trip and wasn't able to take anymore for a month? My workout for the month is basically going to be swimming every diet will probably not change too much, I eat healthy, I would probably be around 2000 calories a day. Should I wait until I get back to start? Or will the 1 amp of Sustanon be enough for the month, then I can start my half amp a week when I get back, and do lifting as my primary excercise? I just want to have a nice, natural look by the time I get back, like a swimmer's body. Any tips? Thanks a lot.

  2. #2
    Mar-Vell is offline Junior Member
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    If you dont wanna get huge why use steroids man? Just take some creatine and you will acomplish your goals
    And you wont get huge with 1 cycle of 500mg test per week, otherwise would have a lot of freeks in the streets

  3. #3
    playamade is offline Junior Member
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    do some research.
    if you want to do sustanon 250 your gonna need an ai.
    i hope you would know what that is.
    do not hit the sustanon before your plane.

    when you get back make sure you have everything you need for the cycle.
    i would hit 250 mg of sustanon e5d
    with exemestane 12.5 mg a day
    then nolva/clomid pct.

    do your research.
    i basically just laid it out for you.

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    to do what you want to acomplish can be done naturally

    125mg of sust is pretty much a trt dose. You are going to shut your body down to replace it at the same level with injections. There is no point of it

  5. #5
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by playamade View Post
    do some research.
    if you want to do sustanon 250 your gonna need an ai.
    i hope you would know what that is.
    do not hit the sustanon before your plane.

    when you get back make sure you have everything you need for the cycle.
    i would hit 250 mg of sustanon e5d
    with exemestane 12.5 mg a day
    then nolva/clomid pct.

    do your research.
    i basically just laid it out for you.
    please dont listen to this

  6. #6
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Just wait until you get back from your trip before you start your cycle. You don't want to be start/stop/start a cycle. At 6'1" and 170lbs you're pretty thin. My son's 6'2" and 165lbs. I call him my Ethiopian Poster Child. If you're eating poorly now you won't be able to hang on to very much of your gains. Your body will go back to what it's most comfortable with. You have to adjust your eating habits BEFORE you cycle. If you can change your eating habits and gain 10lbs then you'll probably hang on to some of your gains. Gaining 20lbs on sustanon alone is doable. I wouldn't recommend sustanon on your first cycle. It's got too many Test esters. Stick with a single ester like Test E, 500mg/wk for 12 weeks, PCT with Clomid and Nolva. You don't want to stack compounds on your first cycle just incase something goes wrong. It's difficult to diagnose a problem with multiple compounds. Remember, eat and grow is better than inject and grow.

  7. #7
    poppz's Avatar
    poppz is offline Senior Member
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    calm down,from what i heard sus is right there in cozumel, probably **** an amp.any pharmacy has it.orgonon,and i had an experience with creatine yrs ago that gave me an infection. just my experience.

  8. #8
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    no one has asked for bf% is this not important anymore? lol

  9. #9
    chakachaka1 is offline New Member
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    I'm not sure what my bf% is, I'm guessing by looking at other pics that I'm around 15-18%

  10. #10
    an@b0l1x is offline Banned
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    One cycle of sust 250 won't make you huge.. even if you wanted it

  11. #11
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by an@b0l1x View Post
    One cycle of sust 250 won't make you huge.. even if you wanted it
    stop giving advice please

  12. #12
    an@b0l1x is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    stop giving advice please
    huh did I say something wrong?

  13. #13
    suttie is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by playamade View Post
    do some research.
    if you want to do sustanon 250 your gonna need an ai.
    i hope you would know what that is.
    do not hit the sustanon before your plane.

    when you get back make sure you have everything you need for the cycle.
    i would hit 250 mg of sustanon e5d
    with exemestane 12.5 mg a day
    then nolva/clomid pct.

    do your research.
    i basically just laid it out for you.
    if he wants to use sust he has to run an ai

    your talking total shit there buddy.

  14. #14
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    At 2000 calories a day you will gain nothing with or without steroids .

    You need to start with the very basics. That means learning how to train to gain size and eat properly to build muscle. You obviously know nothing about either. Taking AAS will only shut down your natural test production right now giving you a net loss in the long run.

    Research thoroughly, learn how to train and diet. Your goals are modest and can be reached without using AAs.

    Why do people think steroids are like magic beans??????

  15. #15
    chakachaka1 is offline New Member
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    You're right, I don't know much about steroids , and maybe I have the wrong impression. I've done a little research, but really, a friend of mine (same height, weight, build) did an amp of sust every 2 weeks for 2 months, said it improved every bit of his workout (he didn't follow any special diet or program, no supplements, etc.). Went from being able to do 15 pull-ups to about 100. Said he felt better all around, more strength and energy, quicker recovery from injuries (and not getting hurt from lifting), etc. I'm not a workout nut, I just basically do a few sets of push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups in my house every day, I lift here and there. He's not a nut either, but he definitely got more cut by the end of his cycle. I'm looking for a shortcut to a nicer body...I've seen a lot of people here say that roids are for people that have reached their genetic max, and can't go any further without them, but come on...there's plenty of people that use them for a shortcut, whether it's right or wrong. I don't have time to spend hours in the gym every day, I'm a 30 year old single father of 4. If this helps me get to where I want to be within the next 2 months, with an hour a day or so, then great. If it won't, then I guess there's no point, like some of you have said. I just wanna know if realistically an amp of sust every 2 weeks on a 2000-2500 calorie diet would be worth it, it seems like it would be. I could always go an amp a week if that would be better.
    Last edited by chakachaka1; 07-04-2010 at 04:21 PM.

  16. #16
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    you dont need to spend hours in the gym a day, but a few sets of push ups isnt enough.

    second the dose you are purposing is basically trt. Thats replacing what your body makes normally. So you are going to shut your body naturals production of test down to replace it with injections. Unless normally you have a hormonal problem you arent going to see an increase. And you are running the risk of not being able to recover for a while after you stop. And end up alot worse then when you started.

  17. #17
    ga_boy is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    At 2000 calories a day you will gain nothing with or without steroids .

    You need to start with the very basics. That means learning how to train to gain size and eat properly to build muscle. You obviously know nothing about either. Taking AAS will only shut down your natural test production right now giving you a net loss in the long run.

    Research thoroughly, learn how to train and diet. Your goals are modest and can be reached without using AAs.

    Why do people think steroids are like magic beans??????
    About 4 years ago I did 8 weeks of sus 300 @ 1cc a week, with about a 2500-3k cal intake and gained 17lbs and held 12. Obviously I didnt know what the hell I was doing as far as the correct way to diet or what type of steroid I should be taking or whats good to stack with what or anything really. My point is you never know whats going to happen until you try it. I amp a week of 250 is pretty damn safe if you ask me. When I was on the sus, my appetite when through the roof so I went from taking in 2500 to about 4k around the 3rd week. I do agree with who ever said he shoud take a test e or something like that on his first cycle instead of the sus. and it sounds like he really doesnt even have enough gear to have a strong 10-12 week cycle but it is his first cycle and he just sounds courious to me, kinda like I was before I started doing tons of research and finding out what I needed to take to achive my personal goals. Keep in mind, not everybody is out to be freakishly huge or be in competitions.

  18. #18
    ga_boy is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    you dont need to spend hours in the gym a day, but a few sets of push ups isnt enough.

    second the dose you are purposing is basically trt. Thats replacing what your body makes normally. So you are going to shut your body naturals production of test down to replace it with injections. Unless normally you have a hormonal problem you arent going to see an increase. And you are running the risk of not being able to recover for a while after you stop. And end up alot worse then when you started.
    I disagree, you will see results off of one amp of 250 a week on a 2500 cal diet. Atleast I did, and I recovered fine without any side affects. but I do agree that push ups and sit ups isnt enough. You gotta get to the gym and bust your damn ass to gain it.

  19. #19
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ga_boy View Post
    About 4 years ago I did 8 weeks of sus 300 @ 1cc a week, with about a 2500-3k cal intake and gained 17lbs and held 12. Obviously I didnt know what the hell I was doing as far as the correct way to diet or what type of steroid I should be taking or whats good to stack with what or anything really. My point is you never know whats going to happen until you try it. I amp a week of 250 is pretty damn safe if you ask me. When I was on the sus, my appetite when through the roof so I went from taking in 2500 to about 4k around the 3rd week. I do agree with who ever said he shoud take a test e or something like that on his first cycle instead of the sus. and it sounds like he really doesnt even have enough gear to have a strong 10-12 week cycle but it is his first cycle and he just sounds courious to me, kinda like I was before I started doing tons of research and finding out what I needed to take to achive my personal goals. Keep in mind, not everybody is out to be freakishly huge or be in competitions.
    ever think you gained the weight cause you started eating 4k a day. You could have gained 12lbs naturally with out using steroids . And have no side effect or any chance of problems.

    Thats why you shouldnt be recommending things to people. And why some of us tell people not to do it.

    Your telling a guy who isnt eating enough and doing some push up and sit up around the house its a good idea to do that cycle.

  20. #20
    ga_boy is offline New Member
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    sounds to me like your trying to cut weight instead of bulk up. If thats the case you need to ditch the sus and get some stanozolol

  21. #21
    breakbones's Avatar
    breakbones is offline Senior Member
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    Just use proper diet!

  22. #22
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by ga_boy View Post
    sounds to me like your trying to cut weight instead of bulk up. If thats the case you need to ditch the sus and get some stanozolol
    seriously please stop advising people when you dont know what your talking about.

    Hang around and learn more

  23. #23
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ga_boy View Post
    sounds to me like your trying to cut weight instead of bulk up. If thats the case you need to ditch the sus and get some stanozolol
    everyone please ignore this^

  24. #24
    poppz's Avatar
    poppz is offline Senior Member
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    chackahacka1,your new to this,from what i see,just read up on whats best for you and take it at your own pace at what you diff forums from diff sites,make your own discision.

  25. #25
    poppz's Avatar
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    oh ,sorry about the price i added earlier.slipup

  26. #26
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    OP, you dont need steroids, just a better diet.

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