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  1. #1
    chrisg3110 is offline New Member
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    Smile First time. Dbol + Clen

    Im 5'5, 150lb, I have been training for around 2 years and in this time I have increased from 34" chest to 40" and Arms 11.5" to 14". I have a good diet and have on average 1 shake a day.

    I am now finding that I am not increasing in mass and have stuck at the same weight and size for around 3months. I am looking for around another inch on my arms and maybe 5 inch on chest. I am wanting to tone and want to be sure to keep definition.

    I have recently finished a course of clen and am impressed with the results, I am now more defined and starting to rip . I dont want to lose the tone ie.gaining bitch tits, gut. If clen is taken alongside the dbol would that work? Would I be right in saying if clen is taken with Dbol I will be able to add some size whilst keeping the shape.

    I am wanting tablets as dont want to inject.

    If there are any other alternate idea's and i would appreciate any advice.


  2. #2
    matt77's Avatar
    matt77 is offline Member
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    Your ideas won't get you anywhere. Read this.........

    AAS: Things to consider before starting a first cycle (Great Read)

    How old are you? oral only cycles will not help you and mixing clen with d-bol will be pretty hard on the body with little if any results. You mentioned nothing of PCT, read up on it.

  3. #3
    rbg is offline Junior Member
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    PCT is more important than the cycle of gear itself. you don't want to do all that hard work, only to find you're not producing enough Test anymore and Estrogen becomes the 'dominant' hormone.

    Look up Winstrol or Primobolan for maintaining a lean look whilst developing modest gains.

    You can still get lean on Test. the fact is many people don't because they use it mainly for bulking, so they overcompensate on calories, leading to loss of definition. I have always managed to lose fat of test. It comes down to what you eat, and how you train.

    Personally, I choose to bulk up muscle on Test Cyp, then add a Primobolan, and Clenbuterol for leaning out, but I always have a testosterone base.

    Do yourself a favour, look up the stickies, nerd up on the side effects and risks. Fully understand the importance of PCT (if you don't already).....

    Look up something called ASIH...Anabolic Steroid Induced Hypogonadism. Understand the risks of what can happen when you stop taking gear.

    Good luck

  4. #4
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Quote Originally Posted by rbg View Post

    Look up Winstrol or Primobolan for maintaining a lean look whilst developing modest gains.
    Without knowing all of the OPs stats, you should not advise using any AAS. Winny only, is not a cycle.

    To the OP; How old are you?

  5. #5
    flexandex is offline Associate Member
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    height: 5'5
    weight: 150
    training exp: 2 years
    prev cyc: zero
    age: ???

    Once you let the vets know your age, theyll be able to help you.

  6. #6
    chrisg3110 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2010
    Im 23... thanks for advice so far

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your answer is within your diet IMHO, you should do alot more research and you will find that dbo, and clen are not the best stack to achieve your goals, also you have a huge problem if you never want to inject to be honest steroids are not for you if thats the only route you intend going down. Trust me head over to the diet section post your diet and we will re-design it to help you achieve your goals, also post your training program i am guessing that needs work aswel, best of luck

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