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  1. #1
    setian's Avatar
    setian is offline Associate Member
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    How can you be strong with low test levels?

    How can guys with low testosterone levels be quite a bit stronger than guys with normal levels or even some cases roided up lifters? Take myself for example . I have always seemed stronger than the average guy for most my life. I have a best raw bench press of 510 lbs. @ 225 body weight. Squat 600+, deadlift 650. I have never used any hormones (yet). I am over 30 years old and am a soon to be on TRT as my natty levels have been low for a while. I have the fatigue, tired, etc symptoms for a while. But I seem to be able to increase my strength just fine. Even seems better than when I was a teen for some reason. But how when my test levels are so low? I have also seen some pretty strong dudes with low levels also. But I am not sure if they used roids in the past and have messed their systems up.

    Is it mainly because maybe strength as in powerlifting is mostly CNS training?

  2. #2
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    depends on what type of your training you do and what you train for, strength etc
    and gentics... just my thoughts

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Low test levels does not mean you are not able to build muscle or that you have no libido. I had low test levels but my libido was still very good.

    I think it's a general rule of thumb that if you have low test you will have no/low libido and you wont build muscle as well as someone who had a normal/high test level but it's not always the case obviously. There are exceptions to every rule.

    Also your training/exercise has a lot to do with it. Most people who have low test dont bother to work out but then again MOST people dont bother to work out or exercise.

    By getting on HRT/TRT you may soon see you had more potential than you originally thought.

  4. #4
    carbo's Avatar
    carbo is offline Associate Member
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    extensive physical exercise is a known factor that can lower endo testosterone levels . so it might as well be, that your test production is normal but due to your activity the resulting levels come on the lower side.

  5. #5
    Pac Man's Avatar
    Pac Man is offline Senior Member
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    Same here bro, but i have more body strength than raw lifting power if that makes sense. Its probably the way i train but on trt i noticed i could push past plateus that normally i couldnt.

  6. #6
    Matt's Avatar
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    After taking a twelve month break from training, (was locked up) and having a very poor diet for 8 months (approx 1500cals a day) my bodyweight and strength dropped dramatically as you can imagine..

    Im 5'10 and ive now been back training and eating like a beast for just over 2 months. My strength has increased immensely, ive packed on almost 20lbs of body weight and slightly reduced my bf%..

    By the way, im not far off 40 and start trt on Monday, just goes to show what can be done without the use of aas and low test levels...
    Last edited by Matt; 07-04-2010 at 10:45 AM.
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  7. #7
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Low test levels does not mean you are not able to build muscle or that you have no libido. I had low test levels but my libido was still very good.

    I think it's a general rule of thumb that if you have low test you will have no/low libido and you wont build muscle as well as someone who had a normal/high test level but it's not always the case obviously. There are exceptions to every rule.

    Also your training/exercise has a lot to do with it. Most people who have low test dont bother to work out but then again MOST people dont bother to work out or exercise.

    By getting on HRT/TRT you may soon see you had more potential than you originally thought.
    X2 Agreed

  8. #8
    HenryHill is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    After taking a twelve month break from training, (was locked up) and having a very poor diet for 8 months (approx 1500cals a day) my bodyweight and strength dropped dramatically as you can imagine..

    Im 5'10 and ive now been back training and eating like a beast for just over 2 months. My strength has increased immensely, ive packed on almost 20lbs of body weight and slightly reduced my bf%..

    By the way, im not far off 40 and start trt on Monday, just goes to show what can be done without the use of aas and low test levels...
    Offtopic, but what did you get locked up for? and Was it sudden to did you know about it ( i.e going to court and knowing you'd lose )

  9. #9
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HenryHill View Post
    Offtopic, but what did you get locked up for? and Was it sudden to did you know about it ( i.e going to court and knowing you'd lose )
    I am not allowed to discuss what i did to get locked up as it breaks the board rules however i did know i was going to jail long before i went...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  10. #10
    TheCamel is offline Banned - RETARD
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Low test levels does not mean you are not able to build muscle or that you have no libido. I had low test levels but my libido was still very good.

    I think it's a general rule of thumb that if you have low test you will have no/low libido and you wont build muscle as well as someone who had a normal/high test level but it's not always the case obviously. There are exceptions to every rule.

    Also your training/exercise has a lot to do with it. Most people who have low test dont bother to work out but then again MOST people dont bother to work out or exercise.

    By getting on HRT/TRT you may soon see you had more potential than you originally thought.

    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    After taking a twelve month break from training, (was locked up) and having a very poor diet for 8 months (approx 1500cals a day) my bodyweight and strength dropped dramatically as you can imagine..

    Im 5'10 and ive now been back training and eating like a beast for just over 2 months. My strength has increased immensely, ive packed on almost 20lbs of body weight and slightly reduced my bf%..

    By the way, im not far off 40 and start trt on Monday, just goes to show what can be done without the use of aas and low test levels...
    ...x2 and good luck

  11. #11
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    There are lots of other hormones that can affect your anabolism. You could have high GH/IGF-1 levels, less myostatin than most people, your muscle fiber density that your genetics have given you, the length of the muscle belly, short or long tendon structure. So many factors go into play when it comes to building muscle and the amount of strength you gain.

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