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  1. #1
    TheRepartitioner is offline Junior Member
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    Switching from Tren E to Tren Ace to extend cycle

    I'm 28, 15% or so bf, 6'0 220. This is my third cycle, first was epi, second was SD, epi with the tren ph run throughout.

    I am on TRT 200 mg cypionate weekly. I also have some leftover androgels I apply daily to my balls for the added DHT conversion as an anti-gyno measure.

    My current cycle: 400 mg Tren E weekly
    60 mg Tbol weeks 1-5
    30-40 Phera weeks 1-5

    My original plan was to do 150 mg E3D, which I did for the first 5 injections, but I was handling the sides well and also decided that because of the long ester and the fact I was getting less tren than if i was running a short ester I would bump to 200 mg twice a week, which I am currently doing. I am on day 23 of my cycle and so far I am only seeing the orals, haven't really noticed much from the tren yet, other than the typical sides - for me, night sweats, moody/aggression, lethargy, no appetite, mild insomnia.

    Here is my problem. I only have 2 vials of tren E 200 mg/ml, and on day 26 I will be done with my first vial. Assuming I get 9 injects out of my second vial, that will extend my cycle another 4 1/2 weeks or so to like 8 1/2 total. That is too short for a long ester imo.... Now I have 4 vials of Tren Ace 100 mg/ml (didn't have at beginning of cycle - wish I had run from the beginning now). I want to run tren a good 12 weeks my first cycle...

    My question is, can I transition somehow at week 8 1/2 from the enth to the ace, keeping blood levels relatively stable (at least as much as possible)?? If so, what protocol do you guys recommend I follow?

    Btw my goals for this cycle are to recomp. What I've been doing the last 6 months... build lean muscle, drop body fat. I do plenty of cardio low intensity, training and diet are dialed in.

  2. #2
    TheRepartitioner is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    well, Im going to leave all your other info alone cause some of it has me completely perplexed. Switching to tren A is easy, just keep the same weekly dose but make sure you shoot every other day at minimum and adjust dosage accordingly.

  4. #4
    TheRepartitioner is offline Junior Member
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    should i do that the last two weeks before i run out of enth, or wait til i'm completely out of enth to start doing the ace ED
    Last edited by TheRepartitioner; 07-05-2010 at 09:07 PM.

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    well, Im going to leave all your other info alone cause some of it has me completely perplexed. Switching to tren A is easy, just keep the same weekly dose but make sure you shoot every other day at minimum and adjust dosage accordingly.
    Im with you there brother although I would like to know more details or how he figures using the Androgel on the balls will help with DHT conversion as an anti-gyno measure????

    Yes use the Tren E until it's gone and then start the Tren A.

  6. #6
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    im coming to the end of 6.5wks on tren a, no way ould i do 12wks of this stuff, im a moody aggressive b@stard these past few weeks, i seem to get worse as it goes on

  7. #7
    TheRepartitioner is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Im with you there brother although I would like to know more details or how he figures using the Androgel on the balls will help with DHT conversion as an anti-gyno measure????

    Yes use the Tren E until it's gone and then start the Tren A.
    I've read that applying it to the balls results in increased conversion to DHT because the skin there is thinner so more is absorbed and also higher concentrations of 5A Reductase are located there so there is a higher conversion. I'll link you to the article where I read that.

    Btw, before i switched to injections I was putting one gel on my balls and rubbing the other one in every day, and when the doc took my T levels they were at 1500, which is higher than theyve been on the injections, so I know it works.

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    TheRepartitioner is offline Junior Member
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  9. #9
    TheRepartitioner is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    im coming to the end of 6.5wks on tren a, no way ould i do 12wks of this stuff, im a moody aggressive b@stard these past few weeks, i seem to get worse as it goes on
    You like ace otherwise though?? Is this your first time with tren ?? I'm still waitin for this enth to kick in man... I'm gettin impatient. Day 24 and nothing in the mirror so far. Just sides. Guess those enanthate esters take a while to kick in?

  10. #10
    TheRepartitioner is offline Junior Member
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    One area which can be advantageous to use for topical application is the scrotal skin. This area is extremely thin and easily penetrated by topical ingredients for systemic delivery. In fact, its absorption rate is about 4-5x more than anywhere else on the body. (1,2) This makes it the perfect spot for the delivery of topical ingredients, giving you more bank for the buck.

    One thing to be aware of with scrotal applications is the higher conversion rate to DHT when applying testosterone to this area. There is heavier conversion to DHT because the scrotal skin carries a high concentration of the 5a-reductase enzyme. When the testosterone travels through the scrotal skin it interacts with the 5a-reductase enzyme and converts to DHT. This gives you a significant spike in DHT when you apply testosterone cream to your scrotum, which may or may not be a good thing. (see below for alternatives to testosterone and how to avoid the DHT)

    thats frrom the article

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRepartitioner View Post
    You like ace otherwise though?? Is this your first time with tren?? I'm still waitin for this enth to kick in man... I'm gettin impatient. Day 24 and nothing in the mirror so far. Just sides. Guess those enanthate esters take a while to kick in?
    yeah 1st time and i enjoyed it alright, was sweating like a pig while training and everyday exertion on chores and as i mentioned, i was progressively getting more and more irritated, pissed the g/f off a few times. seems more of a personality switch than so called 'roid rage ', i def would not do it for long periods

  12. #12
    TheRepartitioner is offline Junior Member
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    You get some nice strength gains or what? body recomp? did it live up to its reputation?

  13. #13
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    Interesting article and I guess if you arent worried about going bald it may not be a bad thing but.... I wonder how credible it is. Remember, most anyone can create a website or post a message. So far after doing some searching I have read more messages that say DONT do this than who say do it.

  14. #14
    TheRepartitioner is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Interesting article and I guess if you arent worried about going bald it may not be a bad thing but.... I wonder how credible it is. Remember, most anyone can create a website or post a message. So far after doing some searching I have read more messages that say DONT do this than who say do it.
    Yeah I am hyper-vigilant of this... However, like I mentioned before, when I was only rubbing the gels on (1 on balls, 1 on shoulders) my T levels were 1500, so SOMETHING was working... and yeah I am sure there are plenty of messages saying not to do it, because most people want to avoid DHT.

    My purposes in doing it now are basically as a kind of proviron /anti-gyno measure.

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