Okay guys, I have not been around for a while but I am trying to prepare a cycle for the near future(in about 6-8 months).
bf:around 15%
Okay I ran 2 cycles in the past but its been about 3 years since my last cycle. I injured my rotator cuff and had to stop training for a while.
1st cycle:500mg sust/week eod shots weeks 1-12 kickstart with dbol weeks 1-5
2nd cycle test prop 450/week eodweek 1-9 tren ace 300/week1-12
of course nolva through the cycle l-dex and clomid afterwards using the half-life times to start pct
ive been training hard for about a year now since my shoulder has healed somewhat but i want to cut some body fat in the next 6-8 months and get my diet in check before i do my next cycle. I need some recommendations please....long acting tests make me very bloated even while running nolva or l-dex through the cycle. any help is appreiciated. thanks