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  1. #1
    sixxer is offline Associate Member
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    Post Cycle Questions

    So I've just finished my 4th week of PCT.

    My cycle was Test (500-800mg) & Deca (250-375mg) for 16 weeks. PCT was Nolva 40/40/20/20 & Clomid 100/70/50/35.

    I think I will continue PCT for at least one more week at 20mg Nolva, 35mg Clomid.

    In the last week I have got my strength back to what it was at the peak of my cycle, even stronger in a couple lifts. This is great, I actually didn't even lose strength during PCT, I maintained the same weight on the bar but lost a couple reps here and there. I'm now back to the same weight and reps, even better in some lifts, as I peaked at on cycle. This I am stoked about.

    However, I've noticed in the last week that my physique has deteriorated and I have also gained more body fat during PCT. I don't have the same definition and vascularity as I did at my peak on cycle. Body weight is about the same though, give or take a few hundred grams.

    This confuses me as I have actually maintained strength, even gained strength in some lifts. I would have thought that if strength is equal to or better than it was on cycle, surely LBM would be the same.

    Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?


  2. #2
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    You will not have the same look "off" cycle as you did "on". You will not have the hardness or vascularity. That's a tough thing to accept and one of the things that make taking AAS somewhat addictive. Most likely, your gains will start to diminish as well with a little more time.
    Last edited by Bossman; 07-05-2010 at 10:21 AM.

  3. #3
    sixxer is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2010
    Damn. That's not what I wanted to hear!

    I thought that I would have suffered the majority of strength loss by now? As surely my testosterone levels would have already been at their lowest since on cycle and would only be returning to my natural levels now/soon. Is this not the correct assumption?

    I attributed the fat gain post cycle to low test levels, decreased protein synthesis and all the other things gained from AAS now gone.

  4. #4
    TheCamel is offline Banned - RETARD
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    Quote Originally Posted by sixxer View Post
    Damn. That's not what I wanted to hear!

    I thought that I would have suffered the majority of strength loss by now? As surely my testosterone levels would have already been at their lowest since on cycle and would only be returning to my natural levels now/soon. Is this not the correct assumption?

    I attributed the fat gain post cycle to low test levels, decreased protein synthesis and all the other things gained from AAS now gone.
    Welcome to the reality of the things...

  5. #5
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Quote Originally Posted by sixxer View Post
    Damn. That's not what I wanted to hear!

    I thought that I would have suffered the majority of strength loss by now? As surely my testosterone levels would have already been at their lowest since on cycle and would only be returning to my natural levels now/soon. Is this not the correct assumption?

    I attributed the fat gain post cycle to low test levels, decreased protein synthesis and all the other things gained from AAS now gone.
    Your test levels will slowly return to normal and your look will too. I generally look softer when not on cycle. A good PCT is going to help you maintain the mass you built. But you won't have that "on" look without being on.

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