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  1. #1
    Zedik is offline Junior Member
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    who cycles through injuries and chronic pain

    Just trying to get a feel for those out there that still stay on cycles even though their bodies are jacked up.

    I just came off a c3c4 fusion and have a slight tear in my rotator that keeps me from doing any heavy shoulders. Right now my body fat isnt right so I am dieting down. But I want to get back on, just not sure if I should go for it or hope that some of these injuries will heal.

    Anyone going through something similar?

  2. #2
    glover's Avatar
    glover is offline Associate Member
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    Well I have contemplated that very thing. I always wanted to be injury free for cycles but at my age I don't think it possible anymore. I just started a cycle of NPP/Prop. I have a shoulder injury that prevents me from training chest like I would normally train it. It also hinders my back and shoulder training. I can't even squat from injuries. However on the bright side my shoulder seems to feel better. I am only doing a cycle because I do not think my injuries are going to go away and I will have to train around them from here on out.

  3. #3
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    Make sure you check with your DR that it's ok to train. If he gives you the go ahead, I see no reason not to train.

    It seems like Im always training with some kind of pain, but not straight out chronic. I might have a shoulder or elbow that bothers me for a few weeks while I nurse it with ice and NSAIDS. One of my knees bothers me every leg workout and for a couple days after. But, you get by. At 47 Im not doing too bad.

    But, if I had chronic or severe pain, I would see a DR before I continued as usual. I have to say, the addition of deca in a cycle makes a lot of those pains much better or they go away completely.

  4. #4
    Zedik is offline Junior Member
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    Im not sure what I can do about the shoulder except train smartly and rehab it on my own.

    As far as my neck, it seems the pain just wont go away even after the surgery. I have another appointment with my ortho doc on the 7th. He told me it is safe to train as long as I can tolerate it.

    I have yet to lift too heavy until I see the doc again.

    I figured everyone must go through aches and pains. Im gonna be 35 in a couple days so I imagine its gonna get harder to recover from injuries.

  5. #5
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    working through pain is one thing... training through injuries is another and not well-advised. Please be careful. The only thing worse than being injured, is having to take more time off from re-injury or a worse injury.

  6. #6
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    My dr is always advising me to use lighter weights and higher reps as i get fairly regular strains and tendinitis, I usually try to do workouts avoiding the injury site for a week or so and use some stuff they use on horses in Brasil to treat muscle/tendon injuries in the meantime. Sometimes I tape up the injury and push thru a workout and rotate it out of the game for a week or 2 if really bad.

    When I had a serious lower back injury I followed Physical Therapy and only pushed myself a little bit, and I did not use any steroids at all during this period. Fortunately stretching takes care of the lower back pain now.

    I'm about to start my first cycle after a year of PT. At 43, with my physique goals and current body, I'm not gonna follow my dr's 'strength train' advice, just take it into consideration.

  7. #7
    BigMyke's Avatar
    BigMyke is offline Junior Member
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    I dont know anyone who dosent train with some kind of pain,I have the knee pain also in bth knees from football injuries and 4 ops with another needed after summer. But i do agree that pain is diff than an inj and def should take doc advice.

  8. #8
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Everyday for the last 3 years. Torn rotator cuff 2004 and more recently 2009, Herniated/ruptured disk L3, L4 2005 and L5 2007.

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