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  1. #1
    nwjt's Avatar
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    "undo" bloating?

    Been on test cyp 200 mg per week for about 6 weeks. Have had several bad days of eating like crap, over eating, eating too much sugar, too much sodium.

    I've gained about 15 lbs in 6 weeks, but I can tell there is some water bloating. I know its probably from my diet.
    I plan to start and ECA stack tomorrow and get my diet back in check. Will the bloating go away or will I have to get off the test for awhile and start over?

    BTW, my bloodwork indicates E2 is in the 30s so not too high at all. I don't think it is E2 related, just crappy diet and I am prone to bloat anyways.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Is this your HRT dose or is it a cycle?

  3. #3
    nwjt's Avatar
    nwjt is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Is this your HRT dose or is it a cycle?
    This is my TRT dose.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Sounds like your diet is causing the bloating, reduce your sugar and sodium and sort your diet out, why eat crap?

  5. #5
    nwjt's Avatar
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    But if it were a cycle the same question would still stand. Does the bloating go away if you clean things up a bit or once it sets in do you have to do some PCT then start over doing it right.

    It is a trt dose but it is having a massive effect on me, similar to a cycle, not that I can compare to that.

  6. #6
    nwjt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Sounds like your diet is causing the bloating, reduce your sugar and sodium and sort your diet out, why eat crap?
    Exactly. I don't have an excuse, just craving it. I did good for a couple weeks but then parties etc just put me in a bad situation. I ate clean for 6 months before starting trt so I know how to do it, just relapsed a little.

    An ECA stack will help kick start me too. I just use 1/2 of a dose in the morning, it just helps control cravings.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    But if it were a cycle the same question would still stand. Does the bloating go away if you clean things up a bit or once it sets in do you have to do some PCT then start over doing it right.

    It is a trt dose but it is having a massive effect on me, similar to a cycle, not that I can compare to that.
    200mgs per week isnt a cycle, its replacing your natural testosterone and IMHO wont build muscle tissue of any great size.

    HRT is for life, if you are prescribe this you wont becoming off it so you wont require any pct.

    By your admission your diet is crap, so thats were the bloating is coming from IMHO

  8. #8
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    But if it were a cycle the same question would still stand. Does the bloating go away if you clean things up a bit or once it sets in do you have to do some PCT then start over doing it right.

    It is a trt dose but it is having a massive effect on me, similar to a cycle, not that I can compare to that.
    Usually, on a cycle, higher doses of testosterone are being used. The higher the dosage, the greater the chances of high estrogen levels. Estrogen can then cause bloating. So, the bloating is then treated by attacking the estrogen, unless it is obvious that the diet is the culprit.

    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    200mgs per week isnt a cycle, its replacing your natural testosterone and IMHO wont build muscle tissue of any great size.

    HRT is for life, if you are prescribe this you wont becoming off it so you wont require any pct.

    By your admission your diet is crap, so thats were the bloating is coming from IMHO
    Since your TRT is low, odds are your estrogen levels are not raising that high, so they would prob not be causing bloat. As Marcus said, your diet is the cause of your bloat.

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
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    I think it's also important to note the different uses of the term bloating. typically when referring to steroid usage, bloating refers to water retention, and this often happens without any significant increase in body fat. guys may bloat on cycle, finish the cycle, then be much leaner when the water weight drops. it sounds from your description of your recent diet, you aren't bloating, you're getting fatter. being that you already recognize your diet has slacked and know how to alter it so as to cut back down, you just have to get back to the grind and make it happen.

  10. #10
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I use to have a trouble with eating right and trying to eat healthy until I figured out what helped for me. I never get hungry and keep myself surrounded with good food. At home I have bowls of grapes, fruit, banana. My fridge is full of chicken, tuna and other good food.

    I dont crave bad food because I am constantly eating good food.

  11. #11
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    plus do not buy any bad food, people hate being at my place girls included becuase i have literally no snack foods. i got a big box of costco mac and cheese for the ladies ha.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    plus do not buy any bad food, people hate being at my place girls included becuase i have literally no snack foods. i got a big box of costco mac and cheese for the ladies ha.
    Good point, I forgot about that. It makes a BIG difference if you dont have it around you wont eat it. Also you will loose the craving soon enough. I work in an office environment where people are always bringing in cookies, donuts etc and 99.9% of the time I see them but dont even think 2x about having one anymore.

  13. #13
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    I have 3 kids lol. So not having it around is not really an option, I just have to incrase my will power. I did it before, just have to get back on the wagon.

  14. #14
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    I bloat up easy! when you want to loose 5-10lbs of water quick try doing cardio in a sweater, and drink tones of water! also keep your sodium could try some a-dex as well but at 200mg I dout you will need it...

  15. #15
    nwjt's Avatar
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    I'll make another thread to show my results, but 200 mg per week IS a cycle for ME. While I won't cycle off it, 200 mg per week is enough to take me way past my natural strength levels in a short time.

    For example, my max bench was 260 at one time years ago. After 6 weeks recently I went from a max of 230 to over 280 without really trying too hard. While that may be small weights keep in mine I am a small framed guy, only weighing 190 with over 25% BF.

    I tried so hard to get over 230 8 years ago, despite consistent lifting, good diet, supplements etc.

    You can't tell me somehow after a few years of slacking that somehow I learned something new? On 200 mg of test per week I wouldn't doubt I break 300 on bench in the next few months. Go ahead and laugh. I'll post up some results after I drop some water weight this week.

    I've made a couple threads confused why I am making such good gains on 200 mg per week. Its been crazy.
    Last edited by nwjt; 07-06-2010 at 11:17 PM.

  16. #16
    nwjt's Avatar
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    I posted up another thread in the picture section related to this:

  17. #17
    songdog's Avatar
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    long way off

    a 400 lb bench is a long way off.You work for something like that.Good luck bro.Keep workin hard.

  18. #18
    nwjt's Avatar
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    Oops I actually mean 300, not 400 lol.

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