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Thread: dianabol dosage?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    dianabol dosage?

    hello everyone, i have been talking to a friend who is interested in steroids, in face he has already started his cycle, it consists of dianabol for the first 4 weeks at 20 mg a day, and sust 250 at 500 mg a week for 10 weeks. He is 24 years old, 6 foot 2, around 200 pounds, but he believes than an otc pct is sufficient, which is a problem, and although i try to give him proper advice he doesnt seem to listen (He knows more than I do i guess lol) but the only question he wants the answer too is 20 mg ED of dianabol enough to see good results, I told him to up it to 30, but he wants a second opinion so i told him i would ask the experts, so experts, will 20 mg ED yield good results?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Have him sign up here, and we'll talk some sense into him for his PCT needs.

    20mg/ED of dbol is on the low side, though he could still see some results from it. 30-40mg/ED, split evenly throughout the day, is a bit better.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    i have literally told him about this site atleast 20 times, he believes what his dealer tells him, that t3 and novadex from gaspari work just as well as clomid and nolvadex. he is so hard headed, it sounds bad but i am so frustrated a part of me cant wait to see him lose his gains and have him admit he shouldve , but then i dont want him to hurt hiself. thanks for the help, i will tell him your advice, and again tell him to register to this site

  4. #4
    20 mg is OK for the first week, but kick it up to 30 mg after that at a minimum.

  5. #5
    Ive seen a difference between 40 mg and 50 mg, but no difference between 50 and 70 mg, apart from more acne.

    30-50 mg is best dosed but it goes with your personal experience.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    A to the Z
    i've used 20mg before and it was alright. then on my next cycle i bumped it up to 40mg and it made a world of difference.. and i'm only 5'8" 180. him being as big as he is, 20mg might not do a whole lot, he might be wasting the stuff. it's still good for him to get a feel for it i guess. but yeah, get him some pct... otc is no good..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Exilus View Post
    Ive seen a difference between 40 mg and 50 mg, but no difference between 50 and 70 mg, apart from more acne.

    30-50 mg is best dosed but it goes with your personal experience.
    I TOTALY AGREE TO THIS. U have ****ers who use 100-150mg dbol a day. Because them think them is cool. **** that shit and not bother. I think everything abow 40 is to much. I am used to do them old 5mg from russia. And when i did sust,deca and dbol. I only stacked 30mg in there. And that give me sick strenght and gaines. If u up the dose and think u going to get something special. lol !!! Then u only ending up with alot acne and u get bloted. **** that and i realy mean that.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I told him to check this site out again.. and he said he would, like he always does. but maybe this time is different, I told him 20 is no godd and that 30-40 is much better, he is gonna do 30 mg the first week, then 40 mg the next three weeks, sound alright with everyone here?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R.I.P T-MOS
    Quote Originally Posted by newb23 View Post
    I told him to check this site out again.. and he said he would, like he always does. but maybe this time is different, I told him 20 is no godd and that 30-40 is much better, he is gonna do 30 mg the first week, then 40 mg the next three weeks, sound alright with everyone here?
    He may as well run 40mg for the 4 weeks but he can run it as you said no problem

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