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Thread: Test p & Tren E cycle questions

  1. #1

    Question Test p & Tren E cycle questions

    HI iam looking for some input on these cycles.
    Option A
    Week 1-12 Test Prop 100mgs Three days a week
    Week 1-12 Tren Enanthate 300mgs a week

    Option B
    week 1-12 Test Enanthate 400 mgs /wk
    Week 1-12 Tren acetate 50mgs EOD

    What is a better lean mass gain/cut cycle in your opinion,feel free to tell me both cycles are bullshit. my whole goal this time is wanting to use tren for the first time.

    Also using AI throughout arimedex
    Also using HCG throughout 2x a week at any recommendations on IU amount would be appreciatted.

    STATS: Age 23
    Height 5'8"
    Cycles 2 previous
    Weight current 177lbs
    BF% on 4 point caliper 11%

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    In ^ thread you were seeking out a PCT recommendations, which shows you haven't done enough research and aren't steroid ready IMO.

    Stats look a little off too. 2 cycles and you haven't aren't even above 180lbs, which shows a lack in diet, training, poor cycling or otherwise.

    What were your previous cycles? (in detail)
    Years training consistently?

  3. #3
    First cycle
    1-10 400mgs/wk Test Cyp only.
    21 day clomid pct... 300 for one day150 for ten days then 100 for 10 days

    Second cycle
    1-4 test prop 75mgs EOD
    1-12 test Enan 450mgs/wk
    8-12 winstrol 50mg three x a week

    Your correct my dieting was shit until recently I have taken upon myself to learn correct dieting habits
    Last edited by Regulator; 07-07-2010 at 10:17 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    And what was your weight before you started those?

    Those cycle should have blown you up assuming your diet and training were in check. Unless the gear was bunk.

    At your height and weight, you can do some damage to the scale without drugs ESPECIALLY Tren. I can see your lack of knowledge in these substances and I'm only being harsh because you have room to grow and your playing with fire here.

    Just looking out for you dude.

  5. #5
    Starting out from when i was in high school i was around 190lbs fat with man titties .Once i found out what pus^sy was ,I ran ,biked ,did ellipticall like crazy and basically starved myself.I know not the right way. So after 8 months of this i was down to around 155lbs,then I trained lifting weights for two years natural got up to 175 .For my first cycle i did not diet correctly and just ate as much as i wanted and shot upto 190lbs. Second cycle leaned out to 170lbs around 7-8% bf. Then i hurt my back Doing deads,took 5 weeks off no lifting dieting etc. went to mild deppression ,so this explains my 11% 177lbs stats.

    Thanks for looking out bro but regardless im going to do another cycle ,So any advice on these two cyles would be helpful.E 'olu 'olu 'oe
    Last edited by Regulator; 07-07-2010 at 10:38 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Land of OZ
    Why not keep like esters with like esters? If you're gonna stick yourself EOD, why not just use both compounds that require EOD injection? One of my favorite cycles was Test Propionate and Tren Acetate. I'd do ED injections to maintain the most stable blood levels for 10-12 week cycles. I loved it.

    If you're scared of needles, then just do Test Enanthate/Cypionate and Tren Enanthate. If you're too impatient to wait for those compounds to kick in, you can jumpstart your cycle with D-bol or Anavar for the first 4 weeks of your cycle...

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Learn how to diet correctly...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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