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Thread: Running and Cycling ?

  1. #1

    Running and Cycling ?

    Hi ive joined the army and im waiting for a date for my intake (going to be after xmas) Im currently running 1.5 miles in 9:36 and 30 miles on the racer in about a hour 30 mins (group of 4 - 5) I want to make my times faster and be able to endure more. Ive searched the forums but havent seen any threads on supps or steroids that will make me be able to run faster and pedal harder. can anyone reccomend something ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Land of OZ
    I'd like to offer help, but the general rule here is for beginners to do their own research. My advice to you would be to start reading these profiles:

    Feel free to come back with a cycle in mind and ask for it to be critiqued. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Monkey View Post
    I'd like to offer help, but the general rule here is for beginners to do their own research. My advice to you would be to start reading these profiles:

    Feel free to come back with a cycle in mind and ask for it to be critiqued. Good luck.
    all what ive read tho is to do more with body building than endurance and speed, a clue would be nice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    steroids will not improve your endurance dramatically, what you are looking for is something like erythropoietin

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Land of OZ
    Quote Originally Posted by t0mmy View Post
    all what ive read tho is to do more with body building than endurance and speed, a clue would be nice.
    Clue: look into compounds that promote erythropoiesis (increases your red blood cell count). Of course, this applies to being "on". Whether something like that will "permanently" increase your endurance I've yet to see (doesn't mean it isn't possible).

  6. #6
    ive heard of EPO before isnt it hard to obtain in the uk ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    EPO is no harder for me to get than test is, not sure about the UK

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Vullfromsc View Post
    EPO is no harder for me to get than test is, not sure about the UK
    Ah i see, you got any ideas on the dosage and how to monitor your red blood cell levels ? As there were alot of tour riders dying from blood as thick as mud.

    also are there any other ways to increase my red blood cell count ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    What are your stats

    Years training
    Pct knowledge??????
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  10. #10
    Age 19
    Height 6ft 2
    Weight 180lbs
    Bf% ? dont know will find out
    Years training 2
    Pct knowledge none ?

    reason im wanting to take something is because i seem to have hit a brick wall on getting any faster. i went to the doctors a while back for a blood test (factor 5 laden runs in family i dont have it)and he said i wasnt anemic but my hemoglobin levels were low so i improved my diet and cut out drinking since it gave me a gut(legal age for drinking in uk is 18 so dont think im some kid trying to look solid on the internet ) but still now when i go out i dont seem to be getting any faster.

    heres how i train.

    mon:bike 30 - 40 miles
    tue:run at running club 40 mins usually HIIT type of training
    wed:bike 30 - 40 miles
    thu:run at running club 40 mins usually HIIT type of training
    fri:bike 50 - 60 miles
    sat: maby a swim but normally rest
    sun: either sunday run with running club (around 10k) or bike between 30 - 60 miles depending on whos around.
    on mon wed fri i do 3 sets of pullups and on tue thur sat i do situps. my pressups are fine im only doing the pullups and situps since ive been told to do them by the army as i only managed 70 situps (armes crossed on chest 45 degree angle on legs) in 2 mins and 8 pullups.

    i eat bran for breakfast and normally a scrambled egg or tuna sandwitch at lunch then about 5 i have a meal with meat or fish with either potatoes or rice (rice usualy once a week when we have curry) then a few hours later i have something like beans. in the day i sometimes have a apple or orange if im feeling hungry and i drink plenty of water.

    lol just noticed your from the uk xD

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by t0mmy View Post
    Hi ive joined the army and im waiting for a date for my intake (going to be after xmas) Im currently running 1.5 miles in 9:36 and 30 miles on the racer in about a hour 30 mins (group of 4 - 5) I want to make my times faster and be able to endure more. Ive searched the forums but havent seen any threads on supps or steroids that will make me be able to run faster and pedal harder. can anyone reccomend something ?
    You are going in the army and too young... therefore NO on the AAS for both reasons. Now, to answer your question. I ran competitively in the army for a few years. If you really want to improve your time, your best bet is to lose weight. There is a term I kick around called a lung to weight ratio. The larger this ratio is, the easier it is to run. Next comes training. 1.5 miles in 9:36 is ok, i guess. that's an average of a 6 minute mile. If you were running a 10k, then I'd say that was respectable. But that's all in at only a mile and a half, so I'd say two things... 1) you have a high BF% for a runner, and 2) you don't have much experience running. So yes, you have some work to do. I'm not sure what your target for running is....? 2 miles? 5 miles? 10 miles? Each target requires a different training approach. The last thing you want to do if you were trying to ready a 10 mile run is to say, "OK, I'll just run 10 miles every day for a month and I'll be ready". You have to 1) basically be in shape, and 2) cycle your way up to the 10 mile event so that you are peaking at the time of the race. The next thing you have to remember is diet. You are basically on the wrong BB for this topic, as weight lifters and runners are two different breeds of animals. Distance runners utilize a "slow twitch" muscle and weight lifters utilize the other, a "fast twitch" muscle. So for now, to lose weight, I'd recommend a low carb diet similar to the atkins, or a strict low carb South Beach. About 2 to 4 weeks before, you switch gears and incorporate highly complex carbs into your diet. Sweet potatoes, rolled oats, and such. You can also introduce some creatine into your diet at this point as well. You want your bf% as low as possible. You also need to learn to breathe. Sounds silly until you understand that running and breathing can almost be like a zen thing, your whole body working in unison, and the breathing is like a form of meditation. I'm not going to ask about your smoking or your drinking. And don't forget about good running shoes. Go to your library and check out the book called "The Complete Book of Running" by James Fixx. It's a great book. And by the way, I ran a 4:18 mile in Korea, timed and legit, during a spring competition, 1980. I was 6 foot, and weighed maybe 155. It's all about lungs bro'.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    Forget steroids, steroids at your age can cause serious problems for the future...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Forget steroids, steroids at your age can cause serious problems for the future...
    are suppliments still ok then ?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by t0mmy View Post
    are suppliments still ok then ?

    Yes, creatine is very good,,,
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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