Hey whats up guys..so I cut down to about 10% just at the start of summer and I was planned a Tren Ace/Test prop cycle for 8 weeks which I was gonna end with winny. I realized my tren ace and prop were both fake.. about 10 days in so the hell with that cycle...and I've also added maybe %2 BF since I've been eating like a horse. Anyways...this is gonna be my 3rd (REAL) cycle..still havn't got anything as I'm having a hard time trusting any of the sources out there due to the bs I had to go through in this one. I'm looking to bulk up, but I wanna stay away from all orals, so no Adrol or D-bol for me. Here is what my cycle history looks like:
1st - 500mg Test E EW 10 Weeks+ 50MG D-bol 5 Weeks (Gained about 27lbs)
Second - 170mg Test Prop EOD 8 weeks + 300mg Deca EW 8 weeks (Gained about 16lbs, but much leaner gains)
Anyways..I wanna hit up a 3 month cycle..and I dont really want a test like Cyp or Enth since I'm not gonna really use a kick start, so this is what I've got in mind.
Week 1-12 200mg Sustanon EOD
Week 1-12 400mg Deca EW
Week 1-12 600m EQ EW (I've heard a lot of people say there is no point in running Deca and EQ in the same cycle, but I've never used EQ and I'm curious to see how vascular it'll make me, as I'm sure it increases red blood cells + blood volume significantly)
Week 1-12 0.5 Arimidex E3D
I'd like to front load my Deca and Sustanon. I've read the sticky in regards in how to do this, but I'm pinning Sust EOD 2 take full advantage of the Prop, so basically on only the first day I inject 400mg? or do I need to inject 400mg EOD for the whole first week (this sounds kinda crazy). I don't think there is any complications with Deca.. just gonna hit 800mg on first day, gonna split the shot tho...not gonna hit 4CC anywhere lol