ello everyone,
I enter the site with respect. Im 35 male 5ft 9 174 lbs. Ive done steroids twice in my life and both times were about 10 years ago. I did deca alone and then some dbol tabs alone. I had good gains off both and I think the deca was even just a 10 ml bottle.
I currently decided to do a last cycle and trusted a girlfriend of mines close friend. When I asked what I need he said 1 bottle of deca and two bottles of sus 250. All under ground stuff. I didnt ask for an exact plan for everything because I was just gonna follow his guide lines as i went because hes a professional body builder. Well Im on my 5th week now and Im out of everything and obviously have to buy more... kind of feel tricked.....but my concern is.......Im on my 5th week and I have been through 20 mils of sus 250 and 10 mils of deca and about 6 mills of eq which i started later due to losing my appetite.
When I eat like a slob I weigh 175. Ive went from 172 to 176 to 174 in 5 weeks. Ive basically gained no weight water weight or anything. My body looks better but I cant tell if its muscle memory or subtle gains. My friends are telling me that being on so much stuff so heavy I should def be seeing weight gain and water weight by now. Whats confusing me is I clearly had what seem to be sus flu the first week........couldn't walk for 1.5 weeks... fever of 100 for a week couldn't get our of bed.......my nuts are small as hell now, im horny as shit and I seem to have more energy....Ive got some acne going on.....I'm sweating like hell at night especially since the eq has been 2 times a week.
Is it normal that i would see NO results this deep in... Monday coming is 7 weeks.
My other friend can get me stuff from a doctor and is saying this stuff is bunk and to get on these 50 dbol pills and a 10 mil bottle of cyp.
Whats this looking like to you guys.
I'm discouraged as hell and really appreciate anyone that has taken the time to read this.
my shots went like this
I shoot Mon and Thursday
week 1 mon 1cc sus 1 cc deca thurs 1 cc sus
week 2 mon 1cc sus 1 cc deca thurs 1 cc sus
week 3 mon 1.5 cc sus 1 cc deca thurs 1.5 cc sus 1 cc deca 1 cc eq
week 4 mon 1.5 cc sus 1 cc deca thurs 1.5 cc sus 1 cc deca 1 cc eq
week 5 mon 1.5 cc sus 1 cc deca 1 cc eq thurs 1.5 cc sus 1 cc deca 1 cc eq
week 6 mon 1.5 cc sus 1 cc deca 1 cc eq thurs 1.5 cc sus 1 cc deca 1 cc eq
Im eating everything I can get my hands on.
I saw results in 4 weeks on 1 10 mil bottle of deca eating like I am now 10 years ago.
Whats the deal?