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Thread: Need Help Prepping for Military

  1. #1

    Need Help Prepping for Military

    I got my hands on parabolan 100mg/ml 10ml and testosterona c 200mg/ml 10ml -

    Read our rules before you post again.

    Will Parabolan build me up if I inject eod and work out every day, how much more in say muscle growth can i expect percetage to see while taking apposed to not taking it, and fjrst time user, used winstriol for a few week, notced small duiff. JUs Wiunstral better?
    Last edited by Big; 07-10-2010 at 08:39 PM. Reason: breaking multiple rules

  2. #2
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    1. There is absolutely no advertising by steroid sources or dealers. THIS INCLUDES ADDRESSES IN YOUR SIGNATURE LINE OR ANYWHERE IN ANY POST YOU MAKE.

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  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    body fat%?
    years training?
    planned pct?

  4. #4
    If you think juice will help you through basic your dead ****ing wrong...... Your setting yourself up for failure. Basic and AIT (all the branches call it different names) is a mental game with raising your physical fitness level from gamer/couch potato to a servicemember. Yes Basic is less abusive than previously but honestly our society produces softer ppl than previously.

    All the gear in the world will prepare you for a total change in life as you know it. Your better off learning to meditate.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    ^^^x2. You really won't be helping anything by using gear in this situation. If not for the reasons mentioned above, youre simply just going to lose everything you gained from the cycle. Not worth the time or effort. Concentrate on other things, like running.

  6. #6
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    don't be stupid man

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    ^^^x2. You really won't be helping anything by using gear in this situation. If not for the reasons mentioned above, youre simply just going to lose everything you gained from the cycle. Not worth the time or effort. Concentrate on other things, like running.

    basic training is 90 percent mental, your body just follows your mind the rest of the 10%. If you wanna build yourself up, then tell your drill sergent your name is Seymore Butts, and I guarantee your ass comes out of there strong.

  8. #8
    I have a year or more BEFORE Basic Train

    age 24
    height 6'
    weight 185
    body fat% Not sure, around 13%
    years training On and Off, Athlete and Gym my whole life with extensive martial arts training
    planned pct : Im not sure what PCT is

    I just like to know What the effective way to use this is, and is it a strong muscle building agent, will i experience build up of energy, as well as alleged muscle
    Last edited by bigchar; 07-11-2010 at 06:41 AM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigchar View Post
    I have a year or more BEFORE Basic Train

    age 24
    height 6'
    weight 185
    body fat% Not sure, around 13%
    years training On and Off, Athlete and Gym my whole life with extensive martial arts training
    planned pct : Im not sure what PCT is

    I just like to know What the effective way to use this is, and is it a strong muscle building agent, will i experience build up of energy, as well as alleged muscle
    Well first of all you have no idea what your doing and you probably won't make it to basic. You are jumping into something that is no joke. The steroids you have will get you no where other than worse than when you started. I would suggest reading some of the stickies at the top of this forum if you wish to use steroids one day and be in the military.

    Remember you will have medical evauls in the military and you wont pass them thinking like this. Look into to PCT its a must not just suggested. If you take what you have and do nothing (PCT) your blood work will be so messed up you won't pass your next trip to MEPS.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Oh, at your current stats and timeline you have way more than enough time to get in good enough shape for basic. So get to it! Food and lots of cardio is your friend!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Again...steroids will not help you as far as getting into the military is concerned.

  12. #12
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    do your self a favor and figure out a away to get your money back for the product that you already bought.

  13. #13
    was manic depressive and Ive had no reason to get outta bed because the only thing that does is something else addicting, Im trying to quit that and focus on being Fit. Thereee. Want to impress Girls as well, im 24, I want to be strong and beat up Joe Blow who hits on MY fiancee everyday. I Lied about the Military. - So i learned by a buddy once 3 days, 1cc.

    Does this Parabolan work,

    will it give me energy enough to want to get up and go to gym or do i have to drag myself
    since no anadrol was available I settled for this, is this a big muscle builder?
    How long to notice big change

    Thank you, i'm asking you guys because I'm doing it anyways.

    Also, what should be my diet. he

  14. #14
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    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by bigchar View Post
    was manic depressive and Ive had no reason to get outta bed because the only thing that does is something else addicting, Im trying to quit that and focus on being Fit. Thereee. Want to impress Girls as well, im 24, I want to be strong and beat up Joe Blow who hits on MY fiancee everyday. I Lied about the Military. - So i learned by a buddy once 3 days, 1cc.

    Does this Parabolan work,

    will it give me energy enough to want to get up and go to gym or do i have to drag myself
    since no anadrol was available I settled for this, is this a big muscle builder?
    How long to notice big change

    Thank you, i'm asking you guys because I'm doing it anyways.

    Also, what should be my diet. he
    seems like you got everything figured out, and I guess you don't need our advice

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigchar View Post
    was manic depressive and Ive had no reason to get outta bed because the only thing that does is something else addicting, Im trying to quit that and focus on being Fit. Thereee. Want to impress Girls as well, im 24, I want to be strong and beat up Joe Blow who hits on MY fiancee everyday. I Lied about the Military. - So i learned by a buddy once 3 days, 1cc.

    Does this Parabolan work,

    will it give me energy enough to want to get up and go to gym or do i have to drag myself
    since no anadrol was available I settled for this, is this a big muscle builder?
    How long to notice big change

    Thank you, i'm asking you guys because I'm doing it anyways.

    Also, what should be my diet. he
    Bro. If you're being serious, AAS is the last thing you need. If you cannot get the energy/motivation to workout naturally then AAS isn't going to change that either. I've suffered from mild depression in the past, watched a close friend suffer from severe depression after both his mother and father passed in a car wreck that was his fault, therefore I can understand how you feel in regards to depression. However, AAS will not be the answer you are looking for. I can guarantee you that. Good luck bro but seriously, stay away from the steroids.

  16. #16
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    Force yourself to do cardio as a means to improving your mood, you can do this at home with a stationary bike, a bicycle, jumping rope... With improved mood your chances of getting to the gym will improve.

    You have to force yourself, you will never feel like it, but by forcing yourself your mood will improve and it will get less hard and you may even start looking forward to it. You may experience up's and downs, periods of having 'force yourself' work then periods where you don't follow through. Don't give up.

    I used to be a 41 year old 295lb fat guy who was hopeless re: my weight. Now I'm fit, 43 yrs old, 230lbs with a 35" waist (was a 46 at 295lbs) and do cardio and go to the gym regularly. I also have depression so know first hand about the force yourself bit. Get your ass out of bed and jog in place for 5 minutes right now damn it!

  17. #17
    Thank you all so much, I LOVE to run a mile every day, and work out 3-4 days a week. I Want to know if what I CANNOt get my money back for is going to work.

    This is what this forum is about, I need your Help?

    Please tell me how to take safely, what to expect, and and other information you can give me.

    I Will stop after 4 Weeks, and do a PCT and contnue working out without gear..

    But Please, Can I get help with the Subject, so I DONT kill myself. I TRIED to get my money back but I couldn't.

    I WANT to get in the gym with or Without the GEAR and run a mile every day again,. But I have 350 worth and I cannot return it, I want to use it. My Body NEVER got big when nI worked my ass off for a year hard in gym and eating right and running, my Genes are bad - My Body Doesn't Build Show able Muscles, There long, and for some reason my bisceps wont grow larger then 14" and even if I do Negative reps after I've exhausted my 3 Set's of 16 Reps on 3 different areas of the muscle Im working with FULL weights, I even trick my body by doing different muscle groups off schedule. My Body isnt built to make big muscles, I need this to build some confidence for awhile.

    Please help me.. I Need this, So Please tell me what I can expect if I go to the gym 4 days a week, with gear.

    Either way Im going to the gym, with gear or without - but I have it.

    Can I please get some answers on what i have, what to expect and what to do. Thank You for your understanding
    Last edited by bigchar; 07-12-2010 at 11:13 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigchar View Post
    was manic depressive and Ive had no reason to get outta bed because the only thing that does is something else addicting, Im trying to quit that and focus on being Fit. Thereee. Want to impress Girls as well, im 24, I want to be strong and beat up Joe Blow who hits on MY fiancee everyday. I Lied about the Military. - So i learned by a buddy once 3 days, 1cc.

    Does this Parabolan work,

    will it give me energy enough to want to get up and go to gym or do i have to drag myself
    since no anadrol was available I settled for this, is this a big muscle builder?
    How long to notice big change

    Thank you, i'm asking you guys because I'm doing it anyways.

    Also, what should be my diet. he
    manic depressive,you want to beat up on peeps that hit on your girl and you lied in the beginning about the military,if you get on aas i think you going to be on a ride you dont want,your mentality is all wrong,you might not have Mr.O genetics but you can make progress,look at your diet,go to the diet forum,take a look at your training ( less is often more ).

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Suffer depression?

    Steroids will put you on a YOYO its bullshit that people say test doesnt effect your mood..

    You dont need steroid you need this book and a new goal for life..

  20. #20
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    Listen to everybody! Steroids won't help your athleticism or strength. Shit's all mental.


  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by n00bs View Post
    Suffer depression?

    Steroids will put you on a YOYO its bullshit that people say test doesnt effect your mood..

    You dont need steroid you need this book and a new goal for life..

    Interesting... I've always had strong opinions about that subject. I think I'll give it a read.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndriodLee View Post
    Interesting... I've always had strong opinions about that subject. I think I'll give it a read.
    About steroids? Or mental health being a symtpom of something wrong in the body not a disorder itself?

    I am very much interested in orthomoleuclar and funtctional medicine..

  23. #23
    Last edited by Odpierdol_sie!; 11-20-2013 at 08:01 AM.

  24. #24
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    You want to be ready.Run when you get tired of that run some more.Up hills run in sand.Run with your boots on.Do sit ups and pull ups.Good luck bro.Leave aas alone nothin but trouble for you.

  25. #25
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    8 year military vet. The most physical strenght required to pass any basic training is a few pullups for the marinesand push ups and sit ups by the others. This will be well accomplished by your drill instructors who have years and years of expierience making even the weakest men strong. And if I'm not mistaken the blood work for enlistment checks for out of line T levels. Just do the hard work and at the end you'll feel a lot better about your accomplishments

  26. #26
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    as a 20 year vet I'll tell you aas wont do jack for you in basic and a 400lb bench or 600 lb squat wont get you very far in the military. when i was an instructor i could make the biggest baddest mofo just about cry, it's all mental. if you want to unload the test though pm me, i'll help you out amigo

  27. #27
    Ok, Tell me the Saftey PTC I therapy I need after a month of Parabolan cycle so I can atleast be healthy

  28. #28
    I'll leave it in this forums hands, to when I cannot produce testosterone for a month till my next cycle, and I get severely depressed ill chalk it up to this forum, who is clearly contradictorily answering some peoples questions and not others.

    I Gained 15 Pounds, I'm guessing 9-12 is Muscle since I Starrted, this is helping me, I need strength right now, TRAINING for the MMA in my best friends 100,000 new gym full with Octogon full gym and training area.

    Can SomeBody Please Tell Me What I Need to Take after my first month of Parabalon. - 100mg per 1mL - Inject 1 1/2 mL per 3rd day.

    Finishing cycle in week and half. What do I need to take to keep myself Anabolic AND keep my body HEALTHY so I can continue going to gym, and working, functioning.

    Can somebody PLEASE list all the medication I could get from a standard pharmacy that's close enough to the real thing to keep my body Safe and Healthy
    And Also what steriod I need to keep my body Anabolic as well so all my hard work doesn't dissappear

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Regular guy View Post
    If you think juice will help you through basic your dead ****ing wrong...... Your setting yourself up for failure. Basic and AIT (all the branches call it different names) is a mental game with raising your physical fitness level from gamer/couch potato to a servicemember. Yes Basic is less abusive than previously but honestly our society produces softer ppl than previously.

    All the gear in the world will prepare you for a total change in life as you know it. Your better off learning to meditate.

    Wow this is so true. Basic even easier now then when I went through.

  30. #30
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    BCT (basic combat training) in the US military is not about being big. Most guys that go in lose a lot of weight. In basic. Most thin guys gain muscle. You get 3 squares a day and that's it. No snacks, not protein supps and no gym. Your going to do push ups, sit ups, pull ups and run. Gonna run all day till the runnin's done. Once you're done with basic and your specialty training you'll be good though. Military doesn't test for juice.

  31. #31
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    Military doesn't test for Juice, UNLESS they have cause to. And its still enough to send you home with an other than honorable discharge.

  32. #32
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    I disagree with the less than honorable discharge. They would send you to a program first. It ultimately would be up to your company commander

  33. #33
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    Not saying everycase will be punished by OTH discharge. But according to the uniform code of military justice (UCMJ) its punishible by up to that.

  34. #34
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    Agreed bro. No doubt its a violation of the UCMJ. I did my OBC at Fort Lost in th Woods, Missouri.

  35. #35
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigchar View Post
    I'll leave it in this forums hands, to when I cannot produce testosterone for a month till my next cycle, and I get severely depressed ill chalk it up to this forum, who is clearly contradictorily answering some peoples questions and not others.

    I Gained 15 Pounds, I'm guessing 9-12 is Muscle since I Starrted, this is helping me, I need strength right now, TRAINING for the MMA in my best friends 100,000 new gym full with Octogon full gym and training area.

    Can SomeBody Please Tell Me What I Need to Take after my first month of Parabalon. - 100mg per 1mL - Inject 1 1/2 mL per 3rd day.

    Finishing cycle in week and half. What do I need to take to keep myself Anabolic AND keep my body HEALTHY so I can continue going to gym, and working, functioning.

    Can somebody PLEASE list all the medication I could get from a standard pharmacy that's close enough to the real thing to keep my body Safe and Healthy
    And Also what steriod I need to keep my body Anabolic as well so all my hard work doesn't dissappear
    so because THIS forum told you not to do it, you told us you're going to go against our advice and do it anyway, you're going to blame THIS forum when you fvck yourself up? there is something seriously wrong with you.
    PCT is laid out in detail at the top of the PCT section, quit expecting us to spoon feed you and educate yourself for once.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigchar View Post
    I got my hands on parabolan 100mg/ml 10ml and testosterona c 200mg/ml 10ml -

    Read our rules before you post again.

    Will Parabolan build me up if I inject eod and work out every day, how much more in say muscle growth can i expect percetage to see while taking apposed to not taking it, and fjrst time user, used winstriol for a few week, notced small duiff. JUs Wiunstral better?
    How are steroids goining to prepare your for the army ? ile tell what you need to join the army, a pair of balls, a brain and some ****ing comfy running shoes !!!

    the miriad of drug tests, blood tests and mental exams i had during my infantry training was immense, they would find out in the first week that your juicing and throw you away like a piece of shit, if you think steroids are gonna help you in building up the gritty mental robust attitude it takes to pass out of grueling army training and get ready for WAR yes WAR, your wrong mate, it takes a strong mental mind set and controlled aggresive attitude to get anywhere in the army as any squad will tell you, the answer doest simply lie in the bottom of a vial...

    my advice is, GO RUNNING...ALOT...THEN GO SOME MORE....they will love you if your fit

  37. #37
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    In my apartment.
    for everyone that keeps posting in here, THIS KID IS NOT JOINING THE MILITARY, HE WAS LYING

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