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Thread: HELP! My PooPoo has me worried...

  1. #1
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    HELP! My PooPoo has me worried...

    Ok so I've been on a low dose of accutane for 3 months (20mg every day). I also just ran m-drol for 3 weeks. Probably wasn't the best idea to run a toxic methylated compound along with accutane but my dumb ass did it anyway. While on cycle the only sides I experienced were loss of appetite and nausea.

    I got my lipid profile, full metabolic panel, and liver enzyme checked out before I started the m-drol and everything came back normal (I was on accutane). I stopped my cycle a few days ago and am running toremifene citrate for pct. I have NO pain or jaundice and my appetite is back to normal. No more nausea either. However, I keep pooping white!!!! This really has me freaked out because only explanation out there seems to point to cirrhosis of the liver, bile duct issue, gallbladder issue, or pancreas issue. It's weird though because the only symptom I am experiencing is the white poop.

    Also the white poops didn't start till after I came off the m-drol and started toremifene citrate.

    Any ideas on whats happening to me? I don't want to go see a doctor just yet because there is no pain to pinpoint and they're just going to order a thousand different tests.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Pooping white is sure odd, does it taste different or the same?

    Ive ran Mdrol and it caused me stomach problems and appetite issues, i had to stop it after 3 weeks.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Pooping white is sure odd, does it taste different or the same?

    Ive ran Mdrol and it caused me stomach problems and appetite issues, i had to stop it after 3 weeks.
    If its anything like white chocolate i would gobble it up

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Pooping white is sure odd, does it taste different or the same?

    Ive ran Mdrol and it caused me stomach problems and appetite issues, i had to stop it after 3 weeks.
    While I appreciate the humor, I really am worried lol. You try pooping white and let me know how you like it! haha

  5. #5
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    Well you should probably see the doc about it honestly. I wouldn't risk it by seeing if it goes away.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAnimalUnit View Post
    While I appreciate the humor, I really am worried lol. You try pooping white and let me know how you like it! haha
    Go to the doc's with a poop sample

  7. #7
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    Pooping white isn't always related to some disease as you mentioned above. The brown color of our turds comes from the digested pigments in our blood. I have never had white turds but this was a topic of discussion in my anatomy and physiology course last year.

    Go see a doctor

  8. #8
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    Sh1tty subject..........

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt77 View Post
    Well you should probably see the doc about it honestly. I wouldn't risk it by seeing if it goes away.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAnimalUnit View Post
    While I appreciate the humor, I really am worried lol. You try pooping white and let me know how you like it! haha
    I'm not racist. I dont care what color my poop is

  11. #11
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    I would visit the doctor for sure and get my blood panels re-tested. It may not be serious, but why take the chance?

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by TheAnimalUnit View Post
    Ok so I've been on a low dose of accutane for 3 months (20mg every day). I also just ran m-drol for 3 weeks. Probably wasn't the best idea to run a toxic methylated compound along with accutane but my dumb ass did it anyway. While on cycle the only sides I experienced were loss of appetite and nausea.

    I got my lipid profile, full metabolic panel, and liver enzyme checked out before I started the m-drol and everything came back normal (I was on accutane). I stopped my cycle a few days ago and am running toremifene citrate for pct. I have NO pain or jaundice and my appetite is back to normal. No more nausea either. However, I keep pooping white!!!! This really has me freaked out because only explanation out there seems to point to cirrhosis of the liver, bile duct issue, gallbladder issue, or pancreas issue. It's weird though because the only symptom I am experiencing is the white poop.

    Also the white poops didn't start till after I came off the m-drol and started toremifene citrate.

    Any ideas on whats happening to me? I don't want to go see a doctor just yet because there is no pain to pinpoint and they're just going to order a thousand different tests.
    You should be running a liver protectant such as Synthergine for good liver health. Not a bad idea either to have some blood work done to check your liver enzymes.

  13. #13
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    its called caspercolitis commonly known as ghost poop

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAnimalUnit View Post
    While I appreciate the humor, I really am worried lol. You try pooping white and let me know how you like it! haha
    I would be on the phone with my dr.s office (maybe after say 1/2 hour of internet self research).

    Is it gonna have to come out multi colored in the shape of various farm animals before you go see a friggin doctor?

  15. #15
    This thread is useless without pics!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by asto_86 View Post
    This thread is useless without pics!
    You want White Poop images ? ..

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by 40plusnewbie View Post
    I would be on the phone with my dr.s office (maybe after say 1/2 hour of internet self research).

    Is it gonna have to come out multi colored in the shape of various farm animals before you go see a friggin doctor?
    I had no other symptoms besides white poop and feel completely normal. When I said white, pale might have been a better word. I have been experiencing pale turds but they are slowly starting to get their color back.

    My mother has battled non-alcohol related pancreatitis for a few years now and has had to get her gallbladder removed. In all situations she had to be taken to the hospital due to excruciating pain. I have experienced no such pain. Hopefully everything will be back to normal by the weekend otherwise I'm heading to the doc's on Monday.

  18. #18
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    I agree with the guy who said save a sample. But if your waiting till monday you might want to freeze it or something.

    I would be freaked by white poop. I would def google and search for possible explanations, but this I have never even heard of before, it sounds really bizarre, and I'm just wildly guessing but also sounds rare. Hopefully it is harmless and will go away. I think it's good your self monitoring for other symptoms and hope everything works out well for you.

    Have you done any research on the net yourself as to what this could be a symptom of? I know black stools can be bad because it can be an indication of a bloody stool, blood coming out your ass is bad. White coming out your ass? Hope it clears my friend.

  19. #19
    Ive been using Prop for 18 days now. Ive had GI disturbances ever since. ie Bloatign Diarrhea, bladder always feels full. Not sure if it was the Prop or not but today was my last day. Switched to test E. Im getting off the Prop with hopes that this will remedy the problem.

  20. #20
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    I get light color, not quite white, but pretty light if I inject too much milk products. Esepecially cheese cake.

  21. #21
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    I get light color, not quite white, but pretty light if I inject too much milk products. Esepecially cheese cake.

    u inject cheese cake IM or sub-q? lol

  22. #22
    Dude, you might want to invest in some milk thistle...

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