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Ok so I've been on a low dose of accutane for 3 months (20mg every day). I also just ran m-drol for 3 weeks. Probably wasn't the best idea to run a toxic methylated compound along with accutane but my dumb ass did it anyway. While on cycle the only sides I experienced were loss of appetite and nausea.
I got my lipid profile, full metabolic panel, and liver enzyme checked out before I started the m-drol and everything came back normal (I was on accutane). I stopped my cycle a few days ago and am running toremifene citrate for pct. I have NO pain or jaundice and my appetite is back to normal. No more nausea either. However, I keep pooping white!!!! This really has me freaked out because only explanation out there seems to point to cirrhosis of the liver, bile duct issue, gallbladder issue, or pancreas issue. It's weird though because the only symptom I am experiencing is the white poop.
Also the white poops didn't start till after I came off the m-drol and started toremifene citrate.
Any ideas on whats happening to me? I don't want to go see a doctor just yet because there is no pain to pinpoint and they're just going to order a thousand different tests.