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Thread: Help help!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Exclamation Help help!!!!!!

    SOMEONE HELP!!!! Im a 28 year old and have been working out now for the last year. and the other week my mate asked me if i wanted to take steroids with him and Im pretty sure Im gonna take them because i have been in the gym for the last year, eating right, and im still not putting on what i want to and my arms are still not getting any bigger but im not sure what I should take. I i dont want hard steds just somethink that will put a bit of muscle on my arms and top end with out giving me a 33gg bra size. and I went from about 10st to12st Over the last year I've almost lost all motivation to lift partly because I just dont see any inprovment and just seems like it will take me till i am an old man. I know that if i start takin steroids there will be side affects and i will but my body at risk but i will take that risk any way but just wanted to find some good advice b4 i do it. I would like to get bigger but i dont want to get fat and as i say end up with BITCH TITS My mate suggested for me to take winstrol stacked with test prob. I looked up both of them and it seems like thats a good thing to take. Does anyone have any suggestions on what steroids i should take or suggestions on any legal supplements that i should take with steroids? thanks[/B][/B]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    You've only been into weight lifting for a year. You have much more room to grow without steroids. You haven't been growing because you need to start researching how to eat to grow and how to train to grow. Those first gains come easy. But after a while, you need to work harder and eat differently to add muscle mass. You need to learn that long before you ever consider steroids. Taking steroids now is like putting the cart before the horse.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    You've only been into weight lifting for a year. You have much more room to grow without steroids. You haven't been growing because you need to start researching how to eat to grow and how to train to grow. Those first gains come easy. But after a while, you need to work harder and eat differently to add muscle mass. You need to learn that long before you ever consider steroids. Taking steroids now is like putting the cart before the horse.
    double down on that!

    aas is the last thing to add to your program.

    also, i agree, a year in and of itself is not that long.

    your foundation should be three fold....
    knowledge (about the next two)
    diet, and

    you have come to the right place. go to the diet and the exercise sections and spend a few hours browsing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I'm scared for this guy....this sounds like a train wreck waiting to happen. When will people learn that they have to know what they are doing before they commit to sticking something foreign into their bodies?

    Train like your committed

    Eat like your committed

    Study like your committed

    The rest will fall into place, but when you just wing it for a year and then stomp your feet cause your not a power house then jump into sticking a chemical into your body....your an idiot.

    Sorry if that's too harsh for you, but at 28 you should be a bit smarter then your post sounds.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    there right and def no winstrol

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