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  1. #1
    Stak is offline New Member
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    Jul 2010

    About to start first Sustanon/Deca cycle - NEED HELP

    Hey everyone, new guy here, looking for some good feedback before I start a cycle for my first time and could really use some help from some knowledgeable people if you have the time. I've been educating myself to the fullest on AS and have lots of good friends who are very educated as well. First off, I have no other means of getting more than just 8 weeks of deca and sust so that will be it. What I get from it, I get, if not, at least I tried. Here's my info so you guys can get an idea first before you give suggestions.

    Stats: Age 32, 235lbs, 5'11

    Background: Educated heavy lifter for years with a good diet, been on a clean bulk about 250cal over a day, with some great supps, creatine, multis, mad protein etc. for some time now. Put on some solid mass in about 3 months just eating right and training hard. Used to be fat, trimmed down with running and diet to lose 60lbs years ago and now mostly muscle just not truly visible unless flexing, and the possibility of gaining fat easy is there so I keep it in check. I am also on HRT from doctor but didn't really have low T, I asked for it, he said at my size and lifestyle, a higher number fit. I believe I was 490 before starting, now in the 700-800 range. I get 1 shot of 400mg cypionate monthly.

    Goals: Get bigger, stronger and more solid with more visibly solid muscle then bust my ass naturally to keep as much as I can and stay natural from that point on... except for the doc's injections

    My questions are:

    1. What type of diet should I maintain during this cycle? Still clean bulk calorie surplus, maintenance or slight deficit?

    2. Should I consider a cut first to get more lean if I'm carrying extra body fat or deal with it after the gains from the cycle?

    3. Is my 400mg test shots monthly to act as a PCT or should I ask my doc for novla and/or arimidex ?

    4. What type of gains can I expect to achieve with only an 8 week cycle? I know this depends on the individual and with diet and training but let's just say I'm 100% dedicated and committed. I eat great, train super hard and sleep at least 8 hours a day

    5. What is most appropriate way to admin this cycle? It is the basic 250mg a week (starter cycle if you will) Should I rotate sust and dec per week or take both together? I hear different versions.

    6. I'm getting both deca and sust but hear that deca is almost old school and not really that good, should I consider sust only?

    I hope I gave enough info for some of you guys to help me out a bit, thanks in advance for your advice!

  2. #2
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stak View Post
    Stats: Age 32, 235lbs, 5'11
    What is your accurate BF%

  3. #3
    Stak is offline New Member
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    Jul 2010
    18%, sorry I left that out. Also, not sure how accurate it is because of being previously overweight and now all my fat I do have is mostly on lower belly, all other parts of body are pretty solid

  4. #4
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stak View Post
    18%, sorry I left that out. Also, not sure how accurate it is because of being previously overweight and now all my fat I do have is mostly on lower belly, all other parts of body are pretty solid
    Ok, before we get in on the steroid issues, try to get an accurate reading on your BF%, it can be very important in regards to steroids for health reasons.

  5. #5
    Stak is offline New Member
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    Well, I mean it's as accurate as calipers will allow I mean, 18%. I just meant because I'm basically solid with only most of my fat on lower belly.

  6. #6
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Ok, I see what you mean. Well, first off, we need to get your BF lower before you start a cycle. First thing I recommend is getting on a good cutting diet for a while, at least until you get your BF to 12% or lower.

    Sound like a plan?

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