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  1. #1
    0331FTW is offline Associate Member
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    Winni straight into Test Cyp cycle?

    I am going with a 10 week oral Winni cycle 100mg/day, then I was thinking about going straight into a 10 week cycle of Test Cyp 500mg/day. Does this sound okay or should I PCT off the winni first then hit the Cyp later? I have 30 days Clom and Nolva on hand. Cycle experience is once before... 10 weeks Test E and Decca both 250mg/week with a 6 week Dbol kickstart 50mg/day. I put on 25lbs (190 to 215)all my lifts skyrocketed and I retained 20lbs of that cycle after I finished with the PCT which was 40/20/20/20 Nolva. Thanks for any advice!

    Current Stats:
    Training in sports for over 13 years currently in crossfit/powerlifting and BJJ

  2. #2
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    What are your goals?
    Why Winny only? And then why go straight from a 10 week winny only cycle to a 10 week test c cycle?

  3. #3
    TheRepartitioner is offline Junior Member
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    You do realize oral winny is very liver toxic??

  4. #4
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    There are so many problems with this.

    Winny for 10 weeks is horrible and you will be shutdown the whole time. Then wanting to go straight to test for 10 more means you are shutdown for 20 weeks straight. That is rough and not smart

  5. #5
    0331FTW is offline Associate Member
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    Well at first the plan was to take the Winni alongside the Cyp to keep water retention to a minimal but I was reading that its almost pointless with that type of Test and that it works a lot better with the Prop. I already have the Cyp on hand and I want to use it to bulk up in the fall but I feel like I still haven't got rid of a lot of water weight I put on from my last cycle and I know the Winni alone would help that. Should I just hold off on the Winni then? Or maybe just cut the dosage in half for 6 weeks then PCT. And couple months later hit the Cyp for the size again? Thanks for the help and yes I know how toxic Winni is I plan on taking milk thistle alongside it if I still go through with it.

  6. #6
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0331FTW View Post
    Well at first the plan was to take the Winni alongside the Cyp to keep water retention to a minimal but I was reading that its almost pointless with that type of Test and that it works a lot better with the Prop. I already have the Cyp on hand and I want to use it to bulk up in the fall but I feel like I still haven't got rid of a lot of water weight I put on from my last cycle and I know the Winni alone would help that. Should I just hold off on the Winni then? Or maybe just cut the dosage in half for 6 weeks then PCT. And couple months later hit the Cyp for the size again? Thanks for the help and yes I know how toxic Winni is I plan on taking milk thistle alongside it if I still go through with it.
    Half the dose will still shut you down. For water weight on cyp you are better off using an AI. I would hold off on the winny until you are running your cyp.

    The weight you are holding from your last cycle is probably fat not water by the way

  7. #7
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    You are still on the young age for steroids . I understand you already ran one cycle, but you should still wait.

    Speaking of the first cycle, you said for your PCT you ran Nolva.... is that it? No Clomid with it?

  8. #8
    0331FTW is offline Associate Member
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    Haha yeah your probably right. I've been struggling to lose the eating habits I acquired of eating as much as I could when I was still on cycle trying to bulk up. I will just hold off on the Winni then and put more time into my cardio routines. Yes all I went with was the Nolva...

  9. #9
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0331FTW View Post
    Haha yeah your probably right. I've been struggling to lose the eating habits I acquired of eating as much as I could when I was still on cycle trying to bulk up. I will just hold off on the Winni then and put more time into my cardio routines. Yes all I went with was the Nolva...
    Yeah, please wait and get your diet, training and cardio down before starting again. While you wait, please research some more, and check out proper PCT.

  10. #10
    0331FTW is offline Associate Member
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    Most definately will... btw when I read about Masteron I only see good things when stacked with Test, but it seems like no one recommends that over the Winni, but now I'm wondering would that be a safer alternative to the Winni as far as stacking with the Cyp? Thanks for all the input guys.

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