Originally Posted by
Blue Monkey
No offense, but there's all sorts of wrong in this cycle, that I don't know where to start.
You're 20. First off, that's kinda young to start, but for some reason I doubt you'll listen (as many others don't). You've got plenty of natural test and potential at your age. I started lifting @ 19, and I put on roughly 40 lbs in my first 18 months of lifting without ANY supplementation whatsoever.
Secondly, you never posted any stats or lifting experience. Asking for help without giving that information is like someone asking a stock broker for investment advice without giving him/her your personal financial information.
You don't need HGH at your age, ESPECIALLY if this is your first cycle. That's a waste of money on your part, as well as an unnecessary health risk. DO NOT USE HGH @ 20 years old and for your first cycle.
Your cycle needs a lot of work, and it leads me to believe that you haven't read the educational threads thoroughly enough to understand what you're trying to dive head-first into. Do some more research, re-evaluate your diet and training regimen, and consider your first cycle in another 2-3 years.
I know it's not what you want to hear, but I'm only dispensing this advice to you with your best interest and health in mind. Good luck.