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  1. #1
    Madness is offline New Member
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    My cycle (first ever)

    So I am goin on hgh, tren and anavar for my first cycle. I am 20, turning 21 soon so I am going for non aromatizing roids in case i've got a bit of growth left in me. I had a blood test and my test and hgh levels were lower than normal, my doctor gave me testosterone cream and told me i wont need to to pay for hgh as i was probably done growing..... Anyways heres my cycle;

    HGH @ 4iu ed (5 days a week for 6 months)
    Anavar @ 50mg ed (10 weeks)
    Trenbolone enanthate @ 200mg pw (10 weeks)
    and cabaser alongside test cream for tren sides (18 weeks)

    whats everyones opinion?

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    my opinion is that's horrible on more levels than I care to list.

    body fat%?

  3. #3
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    That may be the worst first cycle i have ever seen. Please stop now. You are way too young and to run all of those compounds is crazy

  4. #4
    MaNiCC's Avatar
    MaNiCC is offline AR's Think Tank - Retired
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    My opinion would be that you need to hold off on the aas and educate yourself on the subject


  5. #5
    Madness is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    my opinion is that's horrible on more levels than I care to list.

    body fat%?

    Please do elaborate, everyone's opinion matters to me.

  6. #6
    Madness is offline New Member
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    So do you guys think I should drop tren out of the equation and yes I am a noob but i've done quite a bit of research and know all the sides of the things i will be taking. Nothing good ever came without a price.

  7. #7
    Blue Monkey's Avatar
    Blue Monkey is offline Junior Member
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    No offense, but there's all sorts of wrong in this cycle, that I don't know where to start.

    You're 20. First off, that's kinda young to start, but for some reason I doubt you'll listen (as many others don't). You've got plenty of natural test and potential at your age. I started lifting @ 19, and I put on roughly 40 lbs in my first 18 months of lifting without ANY supplementation whatsoever.

    Secondly, you never posted any stats or lifting experience. Asking for help without giving that information is like someone asking a stock broker for investment advice without giving him/her your personal financial information.

    You don't need HGH at your age, ESPECIALLY if this is your first cycle. That's a waste of money on your part, as well as an unnecessary health risk. DO NOT USE HGH @ 20 years old and for your first cycle.

    Your cycle needs a lot of work, and it leads me to believe that you haven't read the educational threads thoroughly enough to understand what you're trying to dive head-first into. Do some more research, re-evaluate your diet and training regimen, and consider your first cycle in another 2-3 years.

    I know it's not what you want to hear, but I'm only dispensing this advice to you with your best interest and health in mind. Good luck.

  8. #8
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I think you should drop everything but what the doctor is prescribing. You can do permanent damage to yourself at that age

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    I think you should drop everything but what the doctor is prescribing. You can do permanent damage to yourself at that age
    agreed, follow the docs treatment

  10. #10
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    That may be the worst first cycle i have ever seen. Please stop now. You are way too young and to run all of those compounds is crazy
    x2,what is your training history? Also you did alot of research as stated by you but you came up with this cycle? IMO you are to young,my advice would be to train,eat,sleep for the next 4-5 years,then see where you are at.
    Last edited by j4ever41; 07-12-2010 at 06:29 PM.

  11. #11
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Monkey View Post
    No offense, but there's all sorts of wrong in this cycle, that I don't know where to start.

    You're 20. First off, that's kinda young to start, but for some reason I doubt you'll listen (as many others don't). You've got plenty of natural test and potential at your age. I started lifting @ 19, and I put on roughly 40 lbs in my first 18 months of lifting without ANY supplementation whatsoever.

    Secondly, you never posted any stats or lifting experience. Asking for help without giving that information is like someone asking a stock broker for investment advice without giving him/her your personal financial information.

    You don't need HGH at your age, ESPECIALLY if this is your first cycle. That's a waste of money on your part, as well as an unnecessary health risk. DO NOT USE HGH @ 20 years old and for your first cycle.

    Your cycle needs a lot of work, and it leads me to believe that you haven't read the educational threads thoroughly enough to understand what you're trying to dive head-first into. Do some more research, re-evaluate your diet and training regimen, and consider your first cycle in another 2-3 years.

    I know it's not what you want to hear, but I'm only dispensing this advice to you with your best interest and health in mind. Good luck.
    Good to see a new member giving good advice

  12. #12
    Blue Monkey's Avatar
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    Also, you said your HGH levels were low. Unless you take a specific, specialized test, your HGH levels will always show up low. The REAL figure you need to look for in your bloodwork is your IGF-1 levels. Trust me, I was born with a HGH deficiency and required HGH injections until my growth plates fused @ age 17. I was concerned that my HGH levels might still be low because my body never produced any as a child. Turns out, over a decade later, I'm producing normal levels of IGF-1. My doc explained that I must have stimulated my pituitary gland into secreting HGH with years of rigorous exercise.

    I'm rambling, but essentially, your doc likely doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. My primary care physician thought I was low too, then I was sent to an endocrinologist, and she explained it all out to me. IGF-1 is what you want to look for in terms of proper HGH secretion...

  13. #13
    Madness is offline New Member
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    Ok then I am gona listen to you guys and wait a couple years till I juice and btw i lied i am only 18, sorry for the bullshit but i thought i would get flamed if i reveled my real age hear me out though. I am not very fat (all the fat i have is in my stomach and waist area) but I have some badass gyno problem, I also have erectile dysfunction the test cream did help a bit but no way near as much as i thought it would, these are topics i am too shy to consult my doctor about can you guys at least give me advice on that?

  14. #14
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madness View Post
    Ok then I am gona listen to you guys and wait a couple years till I juice and btw i lied i am only 18, sorry for the bullshit but i thought i would get flamed if i reveled my real age hear me out though. I am not very fat (all the fat i have is in my stomach and waist area) but I have some badass gyno problem, I also have erectile dysfunction the test cream did help a bit but no way near as much as i thought it would, these are topics i am too shy to consult my doctor about can you guys at least give me advice on that?
    how do we know you aren't still lying?
    talk to your doc about them, not some guys over the internet. man up.

  15. #15
    Madness is offline New Member
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    lol i am not lying i really do have gyno and ed why would someone lie about those(?) I think u guys are more intellectual than my doctor, seriously the guy is a nutjob plus i'd rather talk to some guys over the internet than him, he will be my last clause

    again i apologise for misleading you all about my age

    edit: you are all steroid users or very enlightened about them u must know how to deal with ed and especially gyno so please help a brother out
    Last edited by Madness; 07-12-2010 at 07:59 PM.

  16. #16
    Big's Avatar
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    consult a different doctor, you need medical advice based on an examination and tests that we can't provide.

  17. #17
    Mar-Vell is offline Junior Member
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    You lie too much man
    I think youre lying about been adviced at a doctor, maybe youre lying even at been a human, you can be a croc or something

  18. #18
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mar-Vell View Post
    You lie too much man
    I think youre lying about been adviced at a doctor, maybe youre lying even at been a human, you can be a croc or something
    ok, that made me laugh out loud^
    I actually pictured a croc sitting at the pc with a smirk on his face

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