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Thread: advice please

  1. #1
    parker_1 is offline New Member
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    advice please

    Hey I'm currently running my second cycle and its doing decent. I just want to say that Its my choice to Cycle at my age. And yes I will be on trt or hrt later In life. But I am extremely motivated and love what I'm doing so if all you want to say is oh your to young or oh you need to wait, please don't waste my time. I just want legit advice from more experienced aas users please. My stats: 19 y/o, 5'8(my growth plates were closed before I first cycled), 170-175lbs. 2 years serious lifting experience, started at 97lb(not a typo). Cycle experience isn't much and I did have a dumb first cycle because of ignorance but what's done is done, live and learn.1st cycle: 4 weeks dbol 20mgs/day for first two weeks 30 for last two. Gained 16lbs and kept 11. 3 weeks into my second cycle which is safer. Masteron 2cc a week for 5weeks and 3cc the remaining 5. Also any feedback on current cycle is appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.

  2. #2
    parker_1 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2010
    And I meant to ask for advice on my next cycle. Thanks

  3. #3
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by parker_1 View Post
    Hey I'm currently running my second cycle and its doing decent. I just want to say that Its my choice to Cycle at my age. And yes I will be on trt or hrt later In life. But I am extremely motivated and love what I'm doing so if all you want to say is oh your to young or oh you need to wait, please don't waste my time. I just want legit advice from more experienced aas users please. My stats: 19 y/o, 5'8(my growth plates were closed before I first cycled), 170-175lbs. 2 years serious lifting experience, started at 97lb(not a typo). Cycle experience isn't much and I did have a dumb first cycle because of ignorance but what's done is done, live and learn.1st cycle: 4 weeks dbol 20mgs/day for first two weeks 30 for last two. Gained 16lbs and kept 11. 3 weeks into my second cycle which is safer. Masteron 2cc a week for 5weeks and 3cc the remaining 5. Also any feedback on current cycle is appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.
    Its because of all of this, you will not get much help. We dont condone anyone your age doing steroids . If you want the answers, do some searches on this site, but for the majority of us, we wont fuel your fire.

    You are being careless and reckless with your body. Please stop.

  4. #4
    parker_1 is offline New Member
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    I understand that. and I appreciate that. But I've researched and researched, and I just want some help. I plan on doing my first show this year and if I do well keep going on to bigger things. Either way I will succeed, but it would be nice to have someone pitch in instead of giving me that "stop or just figure it out on your own" stuff, instead of educating so I do what I can to Tue best of my ability. And btw Im not trying to disrespect your statement man, but this is what I love like most people on here so this is what I choose to do.

  5. #5
    Mar-Vell is offline Junior Member
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    Masteron only is crap man, you should know that, do more research youre shutting yourself down for almost nothing in return, for your weight is the worst drug you could choose

  6. #6
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by parker_1 View Post
    I understand that. and I appreciate that. But I've researched and researched, and I just want some help. I plan on doing my first show this year and if I do well keep going on to bigger things. Either way I will succeed, but it would be nice to have someone pitch in instead of giving me that "stop or just figure it out on your own" stuff, instead of educating so I do what I can to Tue best of my ability. And btw Im not trying to disrespect your statement man, but this is what I love like most people on here so this is what I choose to do.
    I understand what you are saying, believe me. I hear the same statement about 13 times a day (but I am only on here at night, so I hear it less than most guys here).

    The thing is, you are asking us to help you do something dangerous, in the safest possible way. I would be willing to bet you are nowhere near your max natural size and ability right now. I bet if you were to change your diet, work on your training, you would be amazed at the results.

    You want help and advice, here it is..... stop using steroids , and get yourself dedicated to diet and training, if you really love it.

  7. #7
    parker_1 is offline New Member
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    I was going to run test with it but I knew I would get shut down either way. What would you suggest

    And g4r thanks, but my meals are spot on, good rest days and I even saved money and quit my job to eat more frequently, cleaner, and so i can rest more, and I train with national competing guys. I'm doing everything I can. But thank you for your concern.

  8. #8
    parker_1 is offline New Member
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    Last edited by parker_1; 07-12-2010 at 10:05 PM.

  9. #9
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by parker_1 View Post
    I was going to run test with it but I knew I would get shut down either way. What would you suggest

    And g4r thanks, but my meals are spot on, good rest days and I even saved money and quit my job to eat more frequently, cleaner, and so i can rest more, and I train with national competing guys. I'm doing everything I can. But thank you for your concern.
    ^^^ Then why arent they helping you?

    I know you are not going to listen to me

    Good luck and BE CAREFUL

  10. #10
    parker_1 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2010
    They do, a bunch, but I just want to hear others experiences also. Thank you.

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