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Thread: Whats the difference between HGH and Test?

  1. #1

    Whats the difference between HGH and Test?

    I keep hearing how much better HGH is for gains but whats the difference? I'm not looking to get up to 300lbs or anything.. I'm currently at 155lbs lean muscle and want to reach 200lbs of lean muscle. Been training for just over a year. Lost a lot of fat and put on a decent amount of muscle naturally. Went from 105lbs bench to rep-ing 225lbs at a point. Went to about 600lbs on leg press.

    So whats my best option? I'm also new to this forum.
    Last edited by ColossalTitan; 07-13-2010 at 03:04 PM.

  2. #2
    check out the steroid profiles sub-forum we have....theres a huge difference

  3. #3
    there is a massive difference between the both ,you have heard hgh is better for gains ? well thats a statement if i have ever heard one ,alot of people who use hgh are expecting something different and are often disapointed when they use hgh ,its best for fat loss (for most people) on the other hand test is a great mass bulider and alot cheaper .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    If you are asking this question you are nowhere near ready for AAS.

    Start of with some stats.
    Training Experience?
    Cycle Experience?

  5. #5
    Probably under 10%
    1 year
    I've taken Tren before. Seemed to work pretty good.

  6. #6
    you need to do more reserch buddy ,at 155lbs and 5,10 it shows that your diet is way off ,at your hight you can easy build a solid base and hit 180-200lbs natty ,its all about diet if you dint learn to eat right you wont gain right ,ok you may gain 20lbs on a cycle but because you dont kow how to eat right you will lose the lot after you finish ,see what am saying,also useing tren on its own is a very bad idea ,wha di you weigh before you sarted tren? do you know what a pct is?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    From your stats i see many problems.

    First you are too young

    Second you are very small for your height, obviously you have some diet issues

    Third your tren only cycle shows a serious lack of research.

    Right now stop taking AAS. Get your diet fixed because you could easily gain 30 pounds naturally from a better diet and training.

  8. #8
    I was on a pct and took liver support. omega 3 etc etc... all that good stuff ;p.. Took Tribulus as part of the pct.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by ColossalTitan View Post
    I was on a pct and took liver support. omega 3 etc etc... all that good stuff ;p.. Took Tribulus as part of the pct.

    Please llsten to what people tell you, you're to young and nowhere near ready for AAS or HGH.

    jing jai

  10. #10
    ok lol... guess just need to fix my diet. I do hit the gym almost every day. Try switching muscle groups every day so I don't keep breaking down the same one.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by ColossalTitan View Post
    I was on a pct and took liver support. omega 3 etc etc... all that good stuff ;p.. Took Tribulus as part of the pct.
    thats not a pct buddy.

  12. #12
    how many calories should I intake every day to reach 200lbs? how many carbs pro and fat? should I take a weight gainer?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by ColossalTitan View Post
    how many calories should I intake every day to reach 200lbs? how many carbs pro and fat? should I take a weight gainer?
    You need to check out the diet forum, ask the guys in there they will help you out.

    jing jai

  14. #14
    ok thanks for the help.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ColossalTitan View Post
    ok lol... guess just need to fix my diet. I do hit the gym almost every day. Try switching muscle groups every day so I don't keep breaking down the same one.
    What do you mean you try switching muscle groups everyday. Does that means sometimes you are doing the same muscles everyday?

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