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  1. #1
    deball85 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2010

    allergy to prop ? (appreciate any help)

    hey all,

    I been on prop for the past 2 weeks on the dot. Pharm lab stuff too, plenty of people used this same kind with great gains and no sides. Anyway, about a week in, I started to get palpitations and heart fluttering more frequently (I get some here and there regularly, nothing serious, been to the doctor before). I take 300 per week.

    Anyway, it started to happen more frequently, so I went to the docs, did the EKG, he said everything was fine/healthy about the heart. The extra/faster beats were harmless he said. Said steriods can bring them on more frequently due to higher adrenaline (I done PH's with little to no problems). Anyway, they went away for awhile and came back full force. Some days I feel okay, and otherdays I feel fluttering for alot of the day. Its only week 2, so Im about to quit this stuff. Does anyone know if this is just a reaction to the prop? I understand alot of people can't handle prop...Im thinking about switching over to cyp. Thoughts? For now I cut the dose to 50 everyday to see if the smaller doses do me better (I always feel fine the day after a shot, its jus the day of or 2 days after that I feel crumby).

    Another question I have is what kind of PCT would a 2 week test only cycle entail? I may just stop it altogether. Light doses of nolva/clomid? Thanks all for the help

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    If your having a reaction like that to prop I would consider coming off it, I am not saying it is the test what is causing this reaction because it could be something else but if its worrying you then I would come off and see how you are, not need to run risks like these. You should be fine with some nolva as pct

  3. #3
    deball85 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2010
    hey thanks for the immediate help. I learned a good deal from a couple of your posts in my research too.

    The doctor said these palpitations are harmless, and are just annoying and can cause alot of anxiety. I took the last 2 days as a rest day too because they have been pretty bad. This stuff was awesome though, I was an animal in the gym up until this.

    In any event, do you think the long ester of the Cyp could make a difference? Can it be due to the short quick reactions of the DHT/androgenic properties? Cyp might be more stable ?

    As for the PCT, I assume I wouldnt need to use nolvadex like I would after a heavy cycle. Would 3-4 weeks of a light dose be fine? if even that much?

  4. #4
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    I have no idea if related to the testosterone you are using but I would follow marcus's advice.

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