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  1. #1
    slimshady01's Avatar
    slimshady01 is offline Senior Member
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    Finasteride... A few Questions

    Getting ready to run my first cycle sometime in the next 6 months "prolly Jan 1" I just want to have my homework done 100% before i bother.

    Here are my questions. "Based off a TEST E 12 week cycle at 500mg"

    1.Who has taken Finasteride while on cycle?

    2. Did it help slow or hault hairloss while on gear or is the amount of test on cycle just to much.

    3. Did Finasteride effect your gains while on TEST?

    4. Did it kill your libido or slow it down vs not being on it.

    Here is why I am asking.

    I am 34 and ran finasteride for about 8 years. It did wonders for my hair but not so much for my hormones. I quit about a year and a half ago.

    I had bloods about 4 times while on it and my E2 was always through the roof. Was 270 with the normal range max of 70.

    Seeing how my body spikes the estrogen while blocking DHT in extreme amounts how much Anastrozole would i take if i was to take Finasteride while on gear? I see people not even on finasteride taking .25 EOD, would i take more then this seeing how i know my body is going to be making a crap ton of e2?

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Im taking finasteride right now but im not sure if its real or not to be honest...I feel like I have lost a bit of hair but perhaps its all in my head? I got mine from china so who knows.

    Im taking 5mg of fasteride and 1mg of a-dex eod and I am up 13lbs 95% no I dont think it has hurt my gains at all. (Im almost 5 weeks into my first cycle)

  3. #3
    slimshady01's Avatar
    slimshady01 is offline Senior Member
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    wow 1mg EOD... Thats going to cost me a ton if i run it that high lol.

    You on TEST cycle?
    Last edited by slimshady01; 07-14-2010 at 08:07 AM.

  4. #4
    n00bs's Avatar
    n00bs is offline Member
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    Dont touch that shit seriously..

    I see 1 billion forum threads " help took finasteride low testosterone help"

  5. #5
    slimshady01's Avatar
    slimshady01 is offline Senior Member
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    That's already happened to me lol. I was on it for 8 years.

  6. #6
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    I dont think it will hurt at a low dose while on will help balance out your dht levels. I wouldnt take the full amount perhaps take it 2-3 times a week just to rid any dht side effect you might get.

  7. #7
    slimshady01's Avatar
    slimshady01 is offline Senior Member
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    I'll plan for .5mg a day with minoxidil and nizoral2% shampoo during cycle. Not sure the dose on adex. I think I should take more then the normal .25 eod since I'm prone to high estrogen while blocking DHT.

  8. #8
    slimshady01's Avatar
    slimshady01 is offline Senior Member
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    Bump for others who have ran finasteride on cycle

  9. #9
    n00bs's Avatar
    n00bs is offline Member
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    Go to google and search and look at the horror stories come back...

  10. #10
    thetruthc32 is offline Associate Member
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    yea its not worth it

  11. #11
    Walnutz's Avatar
    Walnutz is offline Member
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    I take spironolactone.

  12. #12
    slimshady01's Avatar
    slimshady01 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by n00bs View Post
    Go to google and search and look at the horror stories come back...
    I've read many and remember it's nothing knew I was on it for 8 years. I'm looking just to go on it during cycles.

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