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Thread: Anavar Scare - Anyone Else?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Anavar Scare - Anyone Else?

    So on Day 17 I am finally starting to feel a bit of a huge "pump". However, just doing some research I saw where there were warning sings of Anavar such as Jaundice, X, Y Z, and then it said excessive tiredness. Is that a warning sign? and If so for what exactly? I have notice im tired but i have always had crappy sleeping habits but I dont know if its anavar induced or just something that happens regularly to others.

    FYI- for those of you who care, I have put on 12lbs in 17 days. I am not saying this is all attributed to Var, I have been more conscience about my diet and I did drink a good bit this past weekend (not smart I know). But regardless, for those of those haters out there that think var alone doesnt work are probably monsters to begin with. I was at 178 and now 190. Very Lean, vascular, and feeling very strong - 80/day -

    -If anyone had experience with this tiredness thing or think its something to worry about let me know please. Thanks! Best

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    dont kno
    anavar is prescribed to put slow clean gains for people who suffer from diseases that kills or effects their body weight. 12 pounds in 17 days good on u and post up some pics of before and now. as for being tired while on it thats not common with every user.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Yeah it probably is my sleeping habits. But warning signs like, tumors on liver, liver damage, jaundice, etc... is not very encouraging lol. But I figure its like everything else where people just put worse case scenarios for purposes of disclaimer. I have read many forums of people being alright with it, so im not too concerned.

    I dont know if I particularly want to post pictures, but I can assure those who say you HAVE to have test and ORALS SUCK etc... are def 100% WRONG. Granted I have good genes, but I have put on 12 lbs since then so Im pleased. I will do a full gains report at the end bc people have been so kind in helping me so ill return favor. Thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I did a crappy "oral only" cycle with anadrol and anavar. Real good gains. And yes. I was feeling sluggish. Not sure if attributable to the adrol or the var. maybe both. btw... won't be doing THAT combo again!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Excessive tiredness is not a warning sign it is a side effect from the Anavar. If you get Jaundice usually you can see yellowing of the whites of your eyes. That too will cause tiredness.

    But if you have bad sleep habits and drink regularly then who to say it can't be from that.

    I am not sure why you would even care! Given the way your sleeping and eating!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    losing the plot,remember?
    12lbs in 17 days from anavar...... strange! not usual. i doubt that is oxandrolone.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I agree with ya Shev, I am just giving my update. I have no reason to lie or anything. I have been really good about shoving my face with food and I take weigh gainer protein shakes twice a day. Pre-Workout is Superpump or Jac3ed which makes me look and feel like the hulk lol. Anyway, Im going to post the end results when Im done in 4-5 more weeks.

    Acutally quick question if anyone knows. If one were to add 120mgs test prop a week coupled with the 80 mgs of var. Can I do it for 5 weeks or would that be a waste? When does prop kick in? Just thinking about it, doubtful, i am already getting crazy results but worried / thinking I will be shut down

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2009
    And for the record, my buddy just does .3 (90 week) and loves it. He did .5 and he started getting acne so just went down to .3 and it did/doing great. I cant imagine this whole 500/week nonsense. You guys must be blowing up like a baloon. I cant imagine doing that much if I put on 12lbs with just Var...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    dont kno
    body weight?
    body fat?
    training experience?

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by fergie123 View Post
    So on Day 17 I am finally starting to feel a bit of a huge "pump". However, just doing some research I saw where there were warning sings of Anavar such as Jaundice, X, Y Z, and then it said excessive tiredness. Is that a warning sign? and If so for what exactly? I have notice im tired but i have always had crappy sleeping habits but I dont know if its anavar induced or just something that happens regularly to others.

    FYI- for those of you who care, I have put on 12lbs in 17 days. I am not saying this is all attributed to Var, I have been more conscience about my diet and I did drink a good bit this past weekend (not smart I know). But regardless, for those of those haters out there that think var alone doesnt work are probably monsters to begin with. I was at 178 and now 190. Very Lean, vascular, and feeling very strong - 80/day -

    -If anyone had experience with this tiredness thing or think its something to worry about let me know please. Thanks! Best
    ANAVAR is a very mild AAS even in larher dosages. You may want to cut your dosages down and use a liver protectant like Synthergine.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    ANAVAR is a very mild AAS even in larher dosages. You may want to cut your dosages down and use a liver protectant like Synthergine.
    Agree, was just going to post something in the lines of using UCDA for liver support. Also make sure you drink LOTS of water.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by fergie123 View Post
    And for the record, my buddy just does .3 (90 week) and loves it. He did .5 and he started getting acne so just went down to .3 and it did/doing great. I cant imagine this whole 500/week nonsense. You guys must be blowing up like a baloon. I cant imagine doing that much if I put on 12lbs with just Var...
    Well this statement is ridiculous and your buddy isnt very smart. Im assuming your buddy is taking test prop at 90 mg/week. With calculating in the weight of the ester he is only doing a few mgs over his bodies natural production. If anything he is shutting himself down for no real gains.

    In this case he is doing more harm than good for his body. Not to mention with the prop ester it needs to be shot eod at least and i prefer ed. I dot see how he could possibly get an accurate dosing if he is shooting .3 ml a week in 3.5 injections.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I hear ya noles. I mean I told him it seemed dumb cause I read the hell out of all these threads to get info one what I wanted to do and why/how etc... I finally started feeling the var and I already went from 178 to 193 in 24 days so I def dont want anything else. Suprisingly though, I am not near as vascular as I thought I would be. I was already lean and vascular and havent changed much, im kindda surprised and disappointed but strength has already gone up so thats good. I used to get 225 12 x got it 15x yesterday. We will see how things go. Thanks

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