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Thread: inj winny??

  1. #1

    inj winny??

    how long should inj winny be run? and has anyone seen it with a kangaroo on the bottle?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    You didnt give any info.

    Previous Cycle experience?
    What are you running it with?
    What are your goals?

    Generic answer is most people dont run win for more than 6 weeks. I've run it for 12 at 50mg ED and been fine.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Neevor View Post
    You didnt give any info.

    Previous Cycle experience? dbol 25mg/ed (4 weeks)and prop 100mg/wk(did what i wanted got a hell of a lot stronger) also this was 9 years ago... been using ph's since
    What are you running it with? was going to run test e thinking about prop cuz of detection times. also not running it til off season so i have some time to plan and get everything as right as possible.
    What are your goals? strength and speed

    Generic answer is most people dont run win for more than 6 weeks. I've run it for 12 at 50mg ED and been fine.
    sorry...also for everyone fyi i'm not a bodybuilder i'm a football player so my goals are not the same as yours (strength and speed)

    still not 100% sure of my cycle yet but thinking

    test p 200mg/wk 1-12 or test e 500mg/wk
    dbol 25-30mg/ed wk 1-4
    oral winny 50mg/ed wk 8-12 but undecided on oral or inj
    liver care throughout natural stuff

    pct nolva and clomid the norm

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Strength and speed huh? So this would be a lean mass building cycle then correct? I'm thinking your goals are to cut a few lbs of body fat and add some muscle.

    I would run the prop at 150mg EOD and the Dbol at 50mgs for the first 4 to 6 weeks. Then switch it to either oil based injectable win at 100mgs EOD or 50mgs oral every day.

    Advice on your cycle wasnt your original posting title so you might repost if you have more questions (again, giving your stats, cycle experience, and goals to help)

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