Hey guys looking for info on first cycle..
Current lifts
squat 1rm 185kg / 407.855 lb
Deadlift 1rm 220kg / 485 lb , 5rm 200kg / 440.924 lb
Bench 120kg / 264 lb
Clean and press 100 kg / 220.462 lb
All lifts performed with a multitude of hormonal **** ups..
Looking for info on a first cycle. No pct is needed as im on trt.
I currently have very low IGF-1... And have adrenal fatique..
Because of low gh and igf01 im not repairing and the fat wont budge so i need something to help me recover gain some mass and just help me along.
HGH replacement is expensive here its abount $1500 a month for 100iu's. So that isnt something i want do although i may need it i would rather get onto some grp6.
Just curious for some test/deca reccomendations.. As i have heard test alone you dont keep much gains? Maybe rumour looking for experience as thats all that counts, results//