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Thread: Clen cycle/dosaging

  1. #1

    Clen cycle/dosaging

    I ordered my clen and should be getting it soon. i just got a couple of questions.

    Is it better to take the one dosage in the morning or split it up in the day

    like when on my first dosage 40mcg in the morning or 20mcg in the morning and 20mcg at 2pm (because of clens half life)

    and bump it up 20mcg every day till i reach 100 or 120mcg

    also since the liquid clen is going to be clear, a small drop of blue food coloring wouldnt hurt anything right? i want to do that so its easier to measure.

  2. #2
    Clens half life is 36hrs or so. I never split my doses of clen. I take all at once upon wakening so it doesn't mess with my sleep too much.

    No, food coloring won't hurt it.

  3. #3

    in the clen thread it says that half life is 7-9 1/2 hours or so then again at 36 hours....

    In general i just want to be able to go to bed peacefully and get awesome results

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Hey, I split mine up once in the morning for about 60-70mcg and then again around 12 or 1pm for another 60-70mcg. Never ****ed with my sleep. I tried the everything in the morning idea and was getting severe headaches and migranes so **** that!!! Gives you energy throughout the day and the results have bee amazing but now im into my third week almost fourth and the effect is wearing off obvisouly it all comes in the first little bit. Im on benadryl for the week then off it.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Minion0812 View Post
    Hey, I split mine up once in the morning for about 60-70mcg and then again around 12 or 1pm for another 60-70mcg. Never ****ed with my sleep. I tried the everything in the morning idea and was getting severe headaches and migranes so **** that!!! Gives you energy throughout the day and the results have bee amazing but now im into my third week almost fourth and the effect is wearing off obvisouly it all comes in the first little bit. Im on benadryl for the week then off it.
    Awesome to here. So i got a couple more questions.

    How are your results coming?

    Also i do cardio first thing when i wake up. so should i take it after or i can before and again around 2?

    People talk up and down saying it helps or it hurts their cadio....i guess it depends on the individual

    Yea i was gonna do
    Day 1-2 40mcg
    day 3-4 60mcg
    day 4-6 80mcg
    day 7-21 100mcg

    split those dosages between 8am and 2 pm

    then after that i will start to add in 3 benedryls (75mg of the antihistamine)

    and continue for 2 more weeks and then on my sixth week gradually decrease till im off. Then im gonna see where i need to go from there. if its necessary to even start another phase of clen. im like 12% bf so i wanna get don to 7-8%

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