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  1. #1
    Wayacrucis is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Hard knot/lump in the glutes only..what causes this?

    Hey guys..I'm currently mid cycle and I have a hard knot in both my glutes...I pin ED so I rotate between quads/glutes/delts..the shots in my delts and quads are usually painful but I don't get any knots or lumps...but I do in my glutes only. One of has been here for 4 days..and 2 days for the infection, not hotness or redness...just a lump and it hurts when I sit. Is the oil from the gear still being absorbed from the glute shots? whats going on =x

  2. #2
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    are you injecting with a 1 1/2 or less? because you might not be going far enough in the glute and it's making it harder to absorb because it's not directly in your muscles.

  3. #3
    DocBman is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    The hard knot is normal for the first few days after injection. When you push liquid into the tissue intramuscularly you damage it slightly. Once the liquid is in the tissue, white blood cells rush to the scene and do their business (cause of the swelling). Try massaging the knot (it will hurt) and see if that helps.

    ***If your skin is red and warm to the touch AND/OR you have a fever go see a doc

    Hope this helps

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