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  1. #1
    johny be good is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010

    Cyp-deca-drol cycle

    6'2 210lb about 12%bf. I coming to the end of my current cycle, 12 week suspension now tappering off and going to run winnie 60 to 80mg ed and clen for 5 weeks for end of summer. this just background info.

    my real question is my next cycle im preparing for in the winter. I havnt tryed deca before so im looking to stack it 400mg week with a test cyp of 700 to 1000mg weekly. also iv never tryed anodrol before only dbol so i think ill add it for the first 4 or so weeks. i have experience with test e and suspention along with test cyp, winnie, and dbol. In terms of gaining mass would the deca drol and test stack be the best option or are there some things i dont know about. this will be my 4th cycle and in the past i have got to 1000mg test weeklly so my body can handle it. is the 700 test and 400 deca enough?

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    At 21 you should be doing this the natural way....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    johny be good is offline New Member
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    Apr 2010
    that doesn answer my question and where did u get 21 from. i said im 210 lbs. i just turned 23 and iv been training for 6 years the last almost 2 years iv been on off cycles. can i just get an answer from someone father son talk

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Quote Originally Posted by johny be good View Post
    that doesn answer my question and where did u get 21 from. i said im 210 lbs. i just turned 23 and iv been training for 6 years the last almost 2 years iv been on off cycles. can i just get an answer from someone father son talk
    Are you sure about that??

    Quote Originally Posted by johny be good View Post
    im 21
    iv been bodybuilding and powerlifting for oproxx 3 years and normal lifting befor that. iv had friends that have done it even every other day and they said it works.
    Have you read this???

    Quote Originally Posted by *Admin* View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by *Admin* View Post
    Due to the large number of newbies recently on this site giving false information regarding their stats we need to announce this health and safety notice. Staff members on this site aim to give information on various aspects of bodybuilding on an individual basis this is why we need the correct stats from the person asking the questions. It is a huge health and safety issue if we are given the wrong stats, our aim at AR is to make sure the health of our members comes first. In the future if members are caught giving false information regarding their stats we will suspend their access to the site.

    Do not ask me for a source check.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    johny be good, more like johny be bad!


    jing jai

  6. #6
    johny be good is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    lol thats kinda funny though. no thats my typo. not like i have reason to lie i dont care what people think about me personally im just trying to to find out sone info here. can i get some please

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