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Don't lawyer up, like Bertuzzi stated, if you do so the police will automatically assume that you have something to hide that is bad enough to get a lawyer and they will dig and dig and make your life hell. Of course never tell them you did anything illegal but as stated you are allowed a certain amount of ephedrine under the statue, so tell them you ordered it legally for legal use. Take your gear to a friends and if they show up and ask to search, check their badge, for an agent it is usually 2 cards stack on top of eachother in a flip open case, I know because my mother is a Deputy U.S Marshall. If you have nothing in the house let them check but follow them around to make sure they aren't taking shit. If you have nothing to worry about in the house don't be like "you got a warrant?" then shut the door because that will make them think your hiding something and they will get that warrant I guarantee it and it takes only an hour or less to get one if the judge isn't busy. Be polite and cooperative, they are only checking because meth is an epidemic and kids are dying in the streets off that garbage, people can say whatever they want about police but imagine what could happen to your family without them. There is reasons why cops are hard on people, because it saves innocent peoples lives. If they find something illegal and arrest you, then lawyer up.