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  1. #1
    tazmaniac1's Avatar
    tazmaniac1 is offline Associate Member
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    how to determine if clen is needed

    I am about 12 weeks into my first cycle and I am thinking of using clen for about 4-5 weeks there might be some dumb questions but what the hell>>I started with TRT but have added my own protocal

    current stats
    age 48
    245(started 257)
    bf 17% STARTED at 19%

    test cyp 600mg
    deca 350mg for the last 4 weeks(200mg first 8 weeks)
    hcg 250iu eod
    anastro .5 eod

    how do i determine when and if I know my bf is up alittle and have alittle gyno but my diet is good cant eat enough protein anyway I was thinking of clen to help burn some addition BF and i am going on a trip for about 2 weeks and gym is going to be very limited and diet is going to be a struggle but will do my best so is this a good time i was thinking 30-40 of clen


  2. #2
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    if your getting gyno you need to do something and that isnt clen .

    And this is why we recommend for a first cycle test only. Now how do you figure out if the gyno is from estrogen or progesterone. You need to get blood work done

    Also how much gh are you taking?

    What are your actual goals of this cycle. Seems like you are trying to cut but looks more like a bulker

  3. #3
    tazmaniac1's Avatar
    tazmaniac1 is offline Associate Member
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    actually have very little gyno left alittle fat around the waist and very little in the chest compared to where i started

    yes I have been scolded on the wrong first cycle got the wrong advice at the wrong time but dealing with it

    gh?? none i think

    my goals was to try and bulk some but for some reason I lost 15 lbs definately got stronger size and definition changed diet was great but could not consume enough protein to bulk so ended up losing I am working out very hard 5 day 1.5 hours... so i thought the clen would help on the BF and help me bulk alittle


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