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  1. #1
    stlk12 is offline New Member
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    Canada Controlled Delivery?

    I was wondering I ordered quite a bit of an amount of juice..if it were seized does Canada perform controlled deliveries or would I most likely get a phone call or letter?

    If it's a controlled delivery what happens then? What can I look for if it's a controlled delivery to my house?

    Look at this log it was being processed by Canada Post for 2 days but honestly I think that it was sent a slower method of delivery that's why.

    2010/07/16 04:32 EDMONTON Item processed at postal facility

    2010/07/14 06:44 MONTREAL Item was released by Customs and is now with
    Canada Post for processing

    2010/07/14 06:26 VILLE ST-LAURENT International item arrived in Canada and will be reviewed by Customs

    2010/07/12 11:41 International item has left the origin country and is en route to Canada

    2010/07/12 09:50 International item processed in origin country

    Thanks for the help!

  2. #2
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by stlk12 View Post
    I was wondering I ordered quite a bit of an amount of juice..if it were seized does Canada perform controlled deliveries or would I most likely get a phone call or letter?

    If it's a controlled delivery what happens then? What can I look for if it's a controlled delivery to my house?

    Look at this log it was being processed by Canada Post for 2 days but honestly I think that it was sent a slower method of delivery that's why.

    2010/07/16 04:32 EDMONTON Item processed at postal facility

    2010/07/14 06:44 MONTREAL Item was released by Customs and is now with
    Canada Post for processing

    2010/07/14 06:26 VILLE ST-LAURENT International item arrived in Canada and will be reviewed by Customs

    2010/07/12 11:41 International item has left the origin country and is en route to Canada

    2010/07/12 09:50 International item processed in origin country

    Thanks for the help!
    Looks like you'll have your item in a couple of days.

    It's already passed customs.

    It's on route to your house..


  3. #3
    stlk12 is offline New Member
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    So how do I know that Customs did not just take out my gear, repackage it and is performing a controlled delivery?

  4. #4
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stlk12 View Post
    So how do I know that Customs did not just take out my gear, repackage it and is performing a controlled delivery?
    Because they don't waste their time with little shit..... unless you order $10 000 worth of gear, you're fine. I live in the same city as you and I have had gear popped by customs and all that happens is, you don't get it. It's that simple. No one is coming to arrest you. Relax..... and if you are that nervous, I will give you my address and you just have the delivery moved to my place and we'll split the gear

  5. #5
    stlk12 is offline New Member
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    Haha what side of town do you live? I'm on the West end near the mall.

  6. #6
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stlk12 View Post
    Haha what side of town do you live? I'm on the West end near the mall.
    That's not important.... Do you have to go and sign and pick up the package because it looks like you had some mega turbo express post on that shit.... made it to you in 4 days..... thats like some sort of record.

  7. #7
    stlk12 is offline New Member
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    No there delivering it and it requires a signature, it's out for delivery so I will keep posted!

  8. #8
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stlk12 View Post
    No there delivering it and it requires a signature, it's out for delivery so I will keep posted!
    You'll get the stuff.... don't worry, let us know though.

  9. #9
    stlk12 is offline New Member
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    Okay so now it says this, don't you think this is a little suspicious?
    Now they want me to pick it up at the Post Office personally I'm not that paranoid it's just why would they randomly want it at the post office now.

    2010/07/16 12:45 EDMONTON Item being prepared for transfer to Post Office BELMEAD

    09:10 EDMONTON Item out for delivery

  10. #10
    ottomaddox's Avatar
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    I live in the U.S. and I go to my local Post office to pick up international deliveries all the time. Never any hassles.

  11. #11
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stlk12 View Post
    Okay so now it says this, don't you think this is a little suspicious?
    Now they want me to pick it up at the Post Office personally I'm not that paranoid it's just why would they randomly want it at the post office now.

    2010/07/16 12:45 EDMONTON Item being prepared for transfer to Post Office BELMEAD

    09:10 EDMONTON Item out for delivery
    This means they tried to deliver it and were unable to get you to sign for many reason.

    1. You weren't home

    2. you live in an apartment and they could not get into the building for you to sign

    3. the postman is a lazy fuk and didn't want to go to your door for you to sign, so he just brought it to the post office.

    Just go pick it up... I assure you, you have nothing to worry about. I have gone to my post office to sign many times for research chems and other stuff.

  12. #12
    stlk12 is offline New Member
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    I'll go pick it up, it's obviously #3 I was on lookout for 2 hours saw him zoom around the corner then I went around the corner and he dissapeared...

  13. #13
    johnsiegal is offline Junior Member
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    What about the States...are they as "Lax" as they are in Canada about juice?

    (I hear horror stories on this forum from time-to-time).


  14. #14
    stlk12 is offline New Member
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    What do you mean Johnsiegal?

  15. #15
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnsiegal View Post
    What about the States...are they as "Lax" as they are in Canada about juice?

    (I hear horror stories on this forum from time-to-time).

    Canadian customs is one of the hardest to get past, right next to Australia. A lot of sources will not ship or re ship to Canada and Aus because of that. So from my understanding it is much easier to get gear into the US then Canada.

  16. #16
    johnsiegal is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks Bert...

    (My hearts been pounding over this BS)

    As you know, i ordered some b12 from Canada and its being delievered to the states.

    I'm nervous about getting it simple vitamin (sigh).

    I ordered was racing
    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    Canadian customs is one of the hardest to get past, right next to Australia. A lot of sources will not ship or re ship to Canada and Aus because of that. So from my understanding it is much easier to get gear into the US then Canada.

  17. #17
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnsiegal View Post
    Thanks Bert...

    (My hearts been pounding over this BS)

    As you know, i ordered some b12 from Canada and its being delievered to the states.

    I'm nervous about getting it simple vitamin (sigh).

    I ordered was racing
    Why did you order it out of Canada and not from the board sponsor in the top right corner of the page??

  18. #18
    johnsiegal is offline Junior Member
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    Didn't know they sold it here?

    Its going to the USA...Does it matter if the order comes from another country?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    Why did you order it out of Canada and not from the board sponsor in the top right corner of the page??

  19. #19
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnsiegal View Post
    Didn't know they sold it here?

    Its going to the USA...Does it matter if the order comes from another country?
    Yes, it matters because it has to go through customs. In the future, stick with the board sponsor. They are very good to deal with.

    No customs with the board sponsor

  20. #20
    johnsiegal is offline Junior Member
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    54 i'm worried again (lol).

    I'm thinkin to not even pick it up now...or just refuse it when it comes to my door.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    Yes, it matters because it has to go through customs. In the future, stick with the board sponsor. They are very good to deal with.

    No customs with the board sponsor

  21. #21
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnsiegal View Post i'm worried again (lol).

    I'm thinkin to not even pick it up now...or just refuse it when it comes to my door.
    No.... don't worry about that. Worst thing that is gonna happen is it won't arrive. If it makes it to you its G2G. Trust me, they are not setting up a sting for some B12 thats for damn sure!

  22. #22
    johnsiegal is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks Bert...

    If i was local to you...i'd buy you a Cafe Late...Large!


    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    No.... don't worry about that. Worst thing that is gonna happen is it won't arrive. If it makes it to you its G2G. Trust me, they are not setting up a sting for some B12 thats for damn sure!

  23. #23
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Dude, you're fine.

    Only people who are ordering like $10-20k worth of gear get on the "suspicious" list and sometimes can get busted by either customs or the DEA/FBI whatever.

    If this was the case, they'd be staking out your place, and wait for you to open your mailbox or sign for the "controlled delivery". If they have proof you receive a signed for package then they have proof you ordered it. However, this being said you are totally not going to be busted for anything. Guaranteed.

  24. #24
    johnsiegal is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    Dude, you're fine.

    Only people who are ordering like $10-20k worth of gear get on the "suspicious" list and sometimes can get busted by either customs or the DEA/FBI whatever.

    If this was the case, they'd be staking out your place, and wait for you to open your mailbox or sign for the "controlled delivery". If they have proof you receive a signed for package then they have proof you ordered it. However, this being said you are totally not going to be busted for anything. Guaranteed.
    Signed for?

    LOL...I ain't signing Chit!

    Hope they just leave it at the door step...otherwise, its going back to Canada!

    BTW...what is "controlled delivery?"


  25. #25
    jojomcgo's Avatar
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    listen i was in the same boat as you, i waited and waited and after a month i contacted the web site that i bought it from and they gave me a tracking number it said it had made it to my post office 13 days before so i called and asked why it had not been delivered yet? they said they had tried but no one was home so they just left it there till i called and they sent it out the next day, trust me man like every one said unless your pushing like ten g's of juice your good.

  26. #26
    johnsiegal is offline Junior Member
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    thanks bro....

    its not even juice (LoL).

    Quote Originally Posted by jojomcgo;526***2
    listen i was in the same boat as you, i waited and waited and after a month i contacted the web site that i bought it from and they gave me a tracking number it said it had made it to my post office 13 days before so i called and asked why it had not been delivered yet? they said they had tried but no one was home so they just left it there till i called and they sent it out the next day, trust me man like every one said unless your pushing like ten g's of juice your good.

  27. #27
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    dude, injectible b12 from canada to usa is nothing. even if they open it they will still send it to you. i ordered b12 and b6 inj from canada all the time. i have also ordered other meds from canada and they actually came from india, through canada and had a special customs stamp on the pack to let it through (like I was ordering meds for cheap from canada). b12 is not even a controlled substance. RELAX

    re: canada dude, i have no idea.

  28. #28
    jojomcgo's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=johnsiegal;5267583]Thanks Bert...

    (My hearts been pounding over this BS)

    As you know, i ordered some b12 from Canada and its being delievered to the states.

    I'm nervous about getting it simple vitamin (sigh)

    wow you for real your scared about some b12 ??? ok then

  29. #29
    Hillary Clinton is offline New Member
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    ^^bah ahah ah.... "HoJo!"

    You got all these guys talking tough here...but when they get busted,...believe me...they're first one's to start sniveling at their Lawyers office complaining about the felony charge that will stick with them for the rest of theirs looser life's.

    If its legal, then walk into your local pharmacist and ask for a couple of bottles. If s/he gives it to are good to go. My guess won't be able to get it.

    Many dudes who post on this forum are juice heads who have no future nor do they care about anyone Else's. If you get busted for some BS such as b12, you will never forgive yourself.

    Drop it..and don't pick it up....not worth it. Once you sign for that chit...they got you cold and there's no getting out of it (not to mention that purchase will be recorded and available for officials to see anytime they want to put a hard court press on you).

    Just go to your Dr. and tell um to give you a script for it.
    Last edited by Hillary Clinton; 07-18-2010 at 11:22 AM.

  30. #30
    jojomcgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillary Clinton View Post
    ^^bah ahah ah.... "HoJo!"

    You got all these guys talking tough here...but when they get busted,...believe me...they're first one's to start sniveling at their Lawyers office complaining about the felony charge that will stick with them for the rest of theirs looser life's.

    If its legal, then walk into your local pharmacist and ask for a couple of bottles. If s/he gives it to are good to go. My guess won't be able to get it.

    Many dudes who post on this forum are juice heads who have no future nor do they care about anyone Else's. If you get busted for some BS such as b12, you will never forgive yourself.

    Drop it..and don't pick it up....not worth it. Once you sign for that chit...they got you cold and there's no getting out of it (not to mention that purchase will be recorded and available for officials to see anytime they want to put a hard court press on you).
    hard court press on you WTF ok bobo what ever you say if your willing to play better be willing to play, and my friend if you aint got the heart or the balls, and your plain just fu*king stupid to put your self in a position such as the one you have just told every one about ..then in my (personal opinion) you should drop every thing and not do any thing thats just my opinion though (im not a jucie head or a loser bye the way) thats just my advice,.. and all though i have made my fair share of mistakes, and yes i have been in trouble with the law though i say that not to brag just to state a point to the person who wrote the above (QUOTE) people who talk and act like this person are the first to get it when they hit the block and that my friend is a fact! Take your time friend,when you do any thing specialy when breaking the law be smart dont pick any thing up stay away.In the end it's nothing that is worth your freedom.
    I hope that helps.

  31. #31
    Jimmy.Boy is offline Junior Member
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    Just reading through this thread.
    I have a package at customs that has been there for over a week now. I have no idea what is taking so f'n long.

    I ordered 25 g of enth powder/
    I doubt that its even labelled or anything.

    Any one know the average wait times of a package entering ontario?

  32. #32
    Atomini's Avatar
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    To the original poster: i'm confused, did you order something and have it delivered to you, do you live IN Canada? Or do you live in the US and order something FROM Canada?

    If you're IN Canada, you don't have to worry - anabolic steroid use and personal posession is legal here. If they do open your package and seize it, nothing will happen, you'll just get a letter that says they took your shit. SO just order more.

    Sometimes stuff can get held up at customs. Most of the time they dont even open your package.

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