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  1. #1
    BigIce is offline Associate Member
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    Does using an AI on cycle ease recovery

    According to a reply I got on one of my posts here the suppressive nature of dbol is actually from the methyl estrodiol it converts to.

    If that is also the case with other aas that aromatize would one that is worried about a hard recovery benefit from using an AI during cycle.

    I am aware that the extra test in the system is going to cause the testis to stop producing, but at least they won´t be hit with as much suppressing estrodiol.

    If Im getting this wrong please feel free to correct me, just trying to get my head around some of the things we need to understand to get things right

  2. #2
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    What's your cycle, dbol only?

  3. #3
    BigIce is offline Associate Member
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    hehe no no Im not on a cycle now, sorry for not mentioning that.

    Im just trying to understand this all a bit better, as with most of my posts here.

    My question is:
    Does lowering/eliminating estrogen/diol on cycle make for a quicker recovery and/or easier pct?

  4. #4
    BigIce is offline Associate Member
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    And no I won´t ever be doing a dbol only cycle

    Its Test Prop next time around, with nolva, clomid pct (other compounds on hand just in case)

    Last edited by BigIce; 07-16-2010 at 12:45 PM. Reason: Smilies :)

  5. #5
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    You need estrogen to grow, so elimination of all of would be detrimental to your cycle. There are so many different factors involved here I could go on for hours.......Research: estrogen and gains

    Quote Originally Posted by BigIce View Post
    My question is:
    Does lowering/eliminating estrogen/diol on cycle make for a quicker recovery and/or easier pct?

  6. #6
    BigIce is offline Associate Member
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    Ok thank you, I´ll have a look at that.

    So how about lowering it, it may perhaps lessen gains but would it also lessen the recovery time ?

    Im just thinking here, some of us are not trying to get huge or competing at any level, just getting some muscle in less time really, and the quicker we recover the easier it will be to keep those gains right ?

    What I have got from reading this forum is that avoiding aas such as 19Nors, running short cycles, a proper pct and post cycle training is what gets us going again the fastest.

    Also that some actually make gains during pct, I would assume that those gains are estrogen related since there are alot lower test/androgen levels post cycle, or am I way off here ?

    Damn it is hard to put down my thoughts in english, imagine that you all had to write here in russian or some other language hehe.

    I really do appreciate all your replies and I do alot of reading here, and will be for some time Im sure

  7. #7
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    How old are you?

  8. #8
    BigIce is offline Associate Member
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    32 years old.

    If I come a cross as young it is probably just because Im foreign and sometimes I am missing certain words and terms, its hard to take so much in at once.
    There are some terms and words here and I know what they stand for but could not pronounce.

    The dictionary is right here next to me but I get most of my translations and explanations online.

    Not having a proper grasp on the language makes this that much harder to get right, but I have gotten the best info and answers from this forum out of all the places I have been at to educate myself on the matter.

    So sorry if I ask stupid questions

  9. #9
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Sounds like you're on the right track.

    Shutting your system down in general will take a toll.

    Using longer esters such as Test E and Deca Durabolin will means the drugs will stay in your system for a longer period of time, as apposed to using Test Prop or NPP.

    For example. After using Test E you're ready to begin PCT roughly 2 weeks after cessation of use.

    Using Test Prop or NPP, you're good to go for PCT roughly 3-4 days after cessation.

    So, when you shut yourself down, it really doesn't matter how you do it, you've done it.

    The difficulty level of restarting your system will be based on PCT drugs and how well you've kept yourself "up/on" while cycling, such as the use of HCG for your leydig cells, AI to keep estro in check, etc.

    I would recommend using HCG and an AI while on cycle to prevent complete shut-down of the testies (HCG mimics LH), and to keep your estrogen in check.

    Here's why. Last time I cycled Test Prop for 6-7 weeks my Test levels came back around 4000 in a 250-1100 scale range. What do you think my estradiol levels would have been if I hadn't been on an AI such as arimidex ? Way too high.

    It's all about harmony. Keeping your estro low, but not too low. Get me?

    For this combo, you need to experiment with different dosages. However, there's a basic guideline which you can adhere to. Usually it's 0.5mg/EOD or 0.25mg/ED of A-dex to keep estro in check. Then in PCT you drop the AI and begin with SERMS. If you're estro never got elevated in the first place you'd never have to lower it, just prevent it from converting to places in the body like your tits.

    Get me?

    I once had a bad experience with an AI whilst not on a cycle. I used it to get rid of some oily skin because I had a feeling my estrogen had been raised from some pain killers I had been taking. No blood work to confirm results but I used it for like 7 days and my oily skin went away, then a few days later it rebounded back sooo bad.

    This is my only experience with estro rebound and has no scientific data to back it up but this is why most people suggest using the AI during your cycle, to keep it lowered, then wait until after and have it possibly rebound when you cease using it.

  10. #10
    BigIce is offline Associate Member
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    "Rebound" that is the word I was looking for

    Thank you, and yeah Im getting you
    Great answer there mate

    I have HCG , Arimidex , Letrozole , Clomid and Nolvadex on hand so I thing I had gotten the basic idea on how to do PCT, it was just that one post reply that got my thinking that perhaps lowering estro during cycle is not just against the "on-cycle sides" but as well to ease recovery.

    The problem is that the only AI I can really get around here is Letro and it scares my to be honest. Not sure I want to use it during cycle and the tabs are tiny and high mg.
    The only Arimidex I have found is in paper form and I have no idea if it is any good.
    Nolva is always around and I have plenty.
    HCG is really hard to come by and prized out of this world but I have 15000 iu so I think Im good there.
    Only have about 20 tabs of Clomid but then again I really don´t like the sides from it, they are more then emotional, borderline personality changing in my case.

    My next cycle is going to be 50 mg prop ed
    Not sure if I add dbol and or winny.

    Thanks again
    Last edited by BigIce; 07-16-2010 at 03:27 PM. Reason: cycle info

  11. #11
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Try finding some legit Arimidex - that'd be my goal.

    Some guys cycle with Nolva at 10mg/ed. It won't lower your serum E2 levels but it will keep gyno at bay.

    You may want to save your Nolva for PCT and find a solid AI though. Letro is a very potent compound so be careful. Usually used for gyno reversal.

    You could dose the Letro really low and use it in place of the Arimidex throughout your cycle. That may be your best bet. Just do some research on the dosage because I've never used that personally so I couldn't give a suggestion.

  12. #12
    BigIce is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post

    Letro is a very potent compound so be careful.

    You could dose the Letro really low and use it in place of the Arimidex throughout your cycle. That may be your best bet. Just do some research on the dosage because I've never used that personally so I couldn't give a suggestion.

    That is my concern, the tabs are small and highly dosed so cutting them up to get a an even split dose is going to be tough.

    Legit Arimidex as nowhere to be found but it does pop up now and again so I´ll just have to keep looking, and no I am not interested in buying online or from you guys trying to sell stuff through this forum, you don´t need to send my any more PMs.

    Perhaps someone can suggest a dosage just in case I choose to take that route. Doubt I will though.

    Thank you for your input, I have something to go on now.
    Search button and Google it is

  13. #13
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    If you find some A-dex dose it at 0.25mg/day or 0.5mg/EOD to begin with, you shouldn't need much more of it. 1mg/EOD or ED is too much for most people and kills estrogen almost completely, and you need some of it!
    Last edited by oscarjones; 07-16-2010 at 09:41 PM.

  14. #14
    n00bs's Avatar
    n00bs is offline Member
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    Wow 1g adex daily? That is insane..

    Hello sand paper wrists and limp dick !

  15. #15
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Meant mg.

  16. #16
    workoutfreak078's Avatar
    workoutfreak078 is offline Junior Member
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    You should take an AI on cycle when taking compounds that aromatize. Even if you look fine on the inside, your body is going through hell on the inside. Despite what some people say, AI's do not hinder gains. This idea came about when people were not getting water bloat due to taking an AI and thought it was hindering their gains. Yes, you do need estrogen to grow, but not an excess of it. As long as your estrogen remains within the normal ranges, you are fine. You do not want it getting too low or too high. I highly believe in running an AI throughout your cycle and PCT. It will definitely help aid in your recovery.

    I prefer Aromasin at 12.5mg ED starting from week 3 of your cycle. This should keep your estrogen levels very stable without suppressing it too much.

    If you want to use Arimidex , that is fine as well, but if you are running Nolva for PCT do not use them together. Aromasin is the only AI that will work with Nolva without causing problems and decreasing its effects. Aromasin is also the only AI that is good on the lipids (others such as Arimidex destroy them), decreases SHBG (definitely what you want) and it is said to even increase IGF-1.

  17. #17
    BigIce is offline Associate Member
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    Thank you.

    That is good to know, because I did not know they worked is such a different way, was under the impression they all did much the same.

    I will look out for Aromasin in the future.

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