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Thread: new and maybe a silly question!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    new and maybe a silly question!!

    hey guys, im new here but been reading some posts for a while. ill try and get some pics up soon just a few sats from me quick
    sex - male
    height - 5'7
    weight - 160lbs
    bodyfat - i just measured 6.2 % but i thinks its more like 10%
    age - 23
    been lifting for about 8 months on and off, starting strict diets and lifting programme now.
    i was just reading about dianabol which i think is an oral steroid, i was just curious as to what would happen if you were to just take this and no other steroids. please keep in mind i know NOTHING about steroids.
    thanks for any info and ill have some pics up soon!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Gotham City
    search for "dbol only cycle"... and you will be saved from the harshness that is about to come in terms of responses.

    not a good idea

    also read the stickies

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Lifting on and off.... For only 8 months. I think you should dedicate a little more time into natural growth before using any steroids.

    Dbol only is poor.

    Your diet as well i am sure is poor too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    23 is too young for aas, mate.
    right now, you need diet and exercise. And really? 8 months just barely gets you started. You don't even know what your body is capable of.
    Here's how it works:
    You build your "foundation" of pure diet and exercise for a few years. You will be lucky to grow 8 to 10 lbs of lbm each year. And that might be pushing it. Then, after a few years, when everything is dialed in, if you still want to give aas a try, then you will probably be ready.
    Here's the rub. Strength training and body building is a real slow process. Takes years to do it right. Some of us old timers look at a pup that thinks he's ready after only eight months and just laugh. You need to do a lot of reading and educate yourself.
    here is the basic formula:
    Right Diet + Right Exercise + Right Rest + Time = Results.

    go to the diet section and learn about diet. once you think you got it down, then post your diet and we will take a look. Same with exercise. Post your routine so we can take a look.

    You haven't paid your dues mate. Taking a short cut now will more than likely fuk you up later.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Staring into glory!!
    Are you afraid of needles?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaGenetics View Post
    Are you afraid of needles?
    bro'. don't get him started. he's still a pup.... not ready yet!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Hi guys, sorry just to make it clear I'm not even thinking about using for at least 2 years absolute min. As for my diet
    Its clean around 170g protein and 3200 cals per day. I've gained at least 1kilo in the 8months.
    I was asking the question cos I had just read that atheles back in the 80s n 90s used this only beacuse its out of the system
    Pretty quick. I was just wondering the benefits of using it alone. And once again I'm not even thinking of using for a long while!
    Thanks for all the replys.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Acne, Bloat, Erectile dsyfuntion, Lipid desimation, to name a few, oh you said benefits, none.

    Quote Originally Posted by gonnagetmebigger View Post
    I was just wondering the benefits of using it alone.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    never ever ever run it alone.

    the FOUNDATION of *ANY* cycle is testosterone. THEN add ontop of that.

    and in all honesty, with only 8 months under your belt, you possibly may not have found training that TRULY works for you.

    any drug will give you more gains sure..but when you go clean, if your diet and training isnt right for your body, you will lose alot, if not all.... if you cant grow and dont know yourself without the drugs, they will only do so much to help you...

    keep at it. learn what works for YOU - there's a TONNE of smart people here that will be MORE than happy to help you out. check out the diet and training sections, hit the gym hard, keep kicking ass.... watch yourself explode

    best of luck!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    never ever ever run it alone.

    the FOUNDATION of *ANY* cycle is testosterone. THEN add ontop of that.

    and in all honesty, with only 8 months under your belt, you possibly may not have found training that TRULY works for you.

    any drug will give you more gains sure..but when you go clean, if your diet and training isnt right for your body, you will lose alot, if not all.... if you cant grow and dont know yourself without the drugs, they will only do so much to help you...

    keep at it. learn what works for YOU - there's a TONNE of smart people here that will be MORE than happy to help you out. check out the diet and training sections, hit the gym hard, keep kicking ass.... watch yourself explode

    best of luck!

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