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Thread: cycle question

  1. #1

    cycle question

    whats up guys....ive been on the site for awhile just never posted.....but you guys always give good answers so i was hoping somebody could help me out with the best way to cycle what i have.....ive done about 5-7 cycles in my 28yo.....usually would do a cycle when the summer started you know.

    i havent been in the gym for awhile had a little subtance problem but i just kicked it and i need to bring sexy back.

    i have two bottles of prob, two bottles of sus and two bottles of deca

    i have done all three of those b4 but never at the same time

    i was thinking
    monday 1cc prob 1cc sus 1cc deca
    wed 1cc prob
    friday 1cc prob 1cc sus 1cc deca

    but i know i have to pyrimid it not sure the best way of doing it........any long to stay on to cycle it?

    any feedback would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Gotham City
    Quote Originally Posted by jayeye;5269***
    i havent been in the gym for awhile had a little subtance problem but i just kicked it and i need to bring sexy back.
    This right here says to me you are not ready to start AAS again anytime soon. You should only be taking AAS when you are at your peak in terms of natural gains in the gym. If you haven't been in the gym for a while and you start a cycle you are extremely prone to injury... not to mention you will lose any gains you might have come up with during cycle when you are done.

    Get back in the gym for a solid year/year and a half... read up on what others have done with your compounds on this forum... then consider cycling when you are back in tip top shape.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Midwestern U.S.
    People with substance abuse issues should not take steroids in the first place. Probably a bad idea.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Aas have no physical addiction properties, but they can be very psychologically addicting. Dude you just got off drugs why the h*** would you start different drugs. Lift and eat you will be suprised at the results. Get your body at it's natural peak, the if you are still clean maybe try again.

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