I have worked out for 25 years. Im 5'11-170lbs at 7% bf. Im an avid Triathele and rock climbers. Hitting 40 was like throwing out an anchor, it has been become hard to get motivated to work out. I have spent the better part of a year thinking about doing my first cycle. My diet is spot on, I have been sleeping about 7 hours a night. I have adjusted a few things so I can get about 8.5 a night. My goals are to put on and retain 5-8 lbs and remain lean.(Remaining lean is very important)

Here is an outline of my first cycle. I would apprieate any feedback to make it better.

10 Week Cycle

105mg of Test Cypionate Once a week
110mg of Nandrolone Deconate Once a week
.75 mg of Anastrozole Twice a week
10mg of Tamoxifen Twice a week

Starting at week 5-add 50 mgs of Oxandrolone daily


Clomid and HCG for 4 weeks.

Any thoughts, refinements, ideas would be welcome.