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Thread: bleeding after injection

  1. #1

    Question bleeding after injection

    after injection i had bleeding, enough to run a line from my glute to half way down my calf.

    23g 1.5 3ml gear, aspirated and was clean, injected as soon as i puled the pin out i felt warm liquid once i looked i saw it was blood. upon applying pressure to the site blood stopped instantly, massaged the site, out no more leakage, the leakage that did occur didn't feel oily at all.

    my theory is i injected to fast instead of a nice slow i admit i did kinda rush it in my opinion, but i'd rather have a second opinion of more seasoned researchers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    You just knicked a vein going through with the needle. Its not a big deal.

    I have had blood shoot from the site before and other times i have had zero blood.

  3. #3
    thanks, was thinking that could be a possibility too, but its been a long time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    yeah man.. probably nothing to worry about..i had one in my delt, when i pulled the pin out blood literally shot about a foot or 2 in the air and left my garage looking like a murder scene.. it scared the hell out of me but turned out just fine

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