Hi all,

I used to workout for 6 yrs 2 yrs ago wihtout any steroid usage, Now I'm working out again for 4 months. and I'm thinking of taking my first cycle after two months from now.

I Don't remember my stats back then but now my stats are:

Age: 28
Height: 173 cm/ 5'8
Weight: 75 kg/ 165 lbs
BF%: 18%

My Goals are not very high I just want a good cut body with a sex pack, But before I start Cutting i thought i should gain some muscle first.

I'm Thinking of:

Test Cypionate 400 mg/week For 8 weeks

And I'm Thinking of taking Proviron during the cycle to avoid estrogen convertion and due to it's good reputation when used with Test

My PCT will start on week 10, clomid 30 mg/day for two weeks

My Questions Are:

1. Is 8 weeks cycle enough or not ? Note that I've reduced the duration to minimize the side effects.

2. What is the recommended dosage of proviron

3. Is clomid enough for PCT or i should use Nolvadex with ? I thought since i'm using Proviron there is no need for Nolvadex.

4. should I expect better results in direct injection ? (For example for better triceps I'll inject into the Triceps muscle)

5. Since in this phase my goal is bulking, Can I do high intense cardio 3 times a week or should I Stick to waking only to save calories

6. Should I Reduce my body fat before the cycle ?