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Thread: Why "test only" for newbies?

  1. #1

    Why "test only" for newbies?

    Hi there-

    I'm considering starting a cycle for the first time. I'm 40 yo, about 175lbs, pretty lean, but WAY past peak performance. I'm looking for a boost, and I'm open to trying different compounds.

    I see that most of the veterans here recommend starting with testosterone only. Why is that? Looking at the performance charts, there appear to be several other compounds with higher effectiveness and lower risk of side effects.


  2. #2
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    The reason most recommend test only is to minimize any side effects you may have as you dont know how your body will respond, if your using multiple compounds and start experiencing sides how will you know what caused it?Test only is a very productive cycle for a first timer.

  3. #3
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    While your there what is your height and bf%

  4. #4
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    You always need test in a cycle, the other compounds you speak of shut down your natural test production, as does test.

    You want to know how you react to test first, if you get sides you wont know from what compound it is.

  5. #5

    re: signman roid

    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    While your there what is your height and bf%
    Height is 5'10". I'm honestly not sure on BF%. I would think I'm about "average" to "slightly worse than average" in that area for my height/weight.

    I started taking an anti-depressant about 6 years ago, and that's when the weight/bodyfat problems began. I went from being pretty athletic, with a low BF% to 30 pounds overweight with elevated cholesterol, blood sugar levels, etc. in just over a year.

  6. #6

    What about Anvar

    Quote Originally Posted by BigIce View Post
    You always need test in a cycle, the other compounds you speak of shut down your natural test production, as does test.

    You want to know how you react to test first, if you get sides you wont know from what compound it is.
    According to the reviews on this site (and what I've read elsewhere), it has lower incidence of side effects than test.

    I should clarify: I'm not looking to add massive bulk or strength. Maybe 5-10 pounds of muscle at best. I'm principally interested in the psychological/wellbeing aspects of these compounds (i.e., youthfulness, higher libido, improved work performance, etc.).

    I also don't necessarily want to be on anything permanently.

    Do you still think Test is the best option?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by megatoxic View Post
    Height is 5'10". I'm honestly not sure on BF%. I would think I'm about "average" to "slightly worse than average" in that area for my height/weight.

    I started taking an anti-depressant about 6 years ago, and that's when the weight/bodyfat problems began. I went from being pretty athletic, with a low BF% to 30 pounds overweight with elevated cholesterol, blood sugar levels, etc. in just over a year.
    I have a friend who was exactly the same when he started taking Anti d's he piled on alot of un-wanted body fat unfortunately thats a common side with them,What i would say is to get your diet in check and body fat down to around the 15% mark before starting any cycle again the higher body fat you have the more chance of getting unwanted sides effects such as high Bp/gyno.

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    Quote Originally Posted by megatoxic View Post
    According to the reviews on this site (and what I've read elsewhere), it has lower incidence of side effects than test.

    I should clarify: I'm not looking to add massive bulk or strength. Maybe 5-10 pounds of muscle at best. I'm principally interested in the psychological/wellbeing aspects of these compounds (i.e., youthfulness, higher libido, improved work performance, etc.).

    I also don't necessarily want to be on anything permanently.

    Do you still think Test is the best option?
    For what your looking for there i would definitly suggest test only.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by megatoxic View Post
    I'm principally interested in the psychological/wellbeing aspects of these compounds (i.e., youthfulness, higher libido, improved work performance, etc.)
    You will pretty much only get that feeling from test.

    Not only is it the best first cycle option, but its what you seem to be looking for!

  10. #10

    re: sigman roid

    I started that process at the beginning of this year, and have lost 30 lbs and gotten my body fat % way down. Probably not at 15% yet, but I will get it checked asap.

    Anti-depressants suck. One of my main motivations for learning about some of these compounds is my suspicion that they would deliver all (or most) of the benefits of an SSRI without the side effects.

  11. #11
    Thanks everyone--this is a great site!

    Appreciate the helpful advice and tolerance of newbie cluelessness!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by megatoxic View Post
    I started that process at the beginning of this year, and have lost 30 lbs and gotten my body fat % way down. Probably not at 15% yet, but I will get it checked asap.

    Anti-depressants suck. One of my main motivations for learning about some of these compounds is my suspicion that they would deliver all (or most) of the benefits of an SSRI without the side effects.
    Just remember that you plan on coming off the "test" if you decide to do it in the future so if you get what you want from it while using it you may also be back where you started when you come off it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by megatoxic View Post
    Thanks everyone--this is a great site!

    Appreciate the helpful advice and tolerance of newbie cluelessness!
    Your welcome.

  14. #14

    maintaining gains


    I've read some threads on this forum suggesting strategies for maintaining at least some of the gains. Do you believe this is possible, or do you think that one has to take the hormone in perpetuity in order to mantain?

    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    Just remember that you plan on coming off the "test" if you decide to do it in the future so if you get what you want from it while using it you may also be back where you started when you come off it.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by megatoxic View Post
    According to the reviews on this site (and what I've read elsewhere), it has lower incidence of side effects than test.

    I should clarify: I'm not looking to add massive bulk or strength. Maybe 5-10 pounds of muscle at best. I'm principally interested in the psychological/wellbeing aspects of these compounds (i.e., youthfulness, higher libido, improved work performance, etc.). Your size/strength gains are going to be built and retained through the amount of work/diet and the proper PCT. Its not going to magically add 20lbs of muscle to your frame just by taking it. There is still copious amounts of work involved. So I wouldn't worry too much about becoming a 'freak show' with a 10 week cycle of 500mg/week of Test E.

    I also don't necessarily want to be on anything permanently. If your on something more than a MAXIMUM of 12 weeks for your first cycle (not including your PCT) then you are way off base. This is not a permanent thing, its used to push you past a plateau.

    Do you still think Test is the best option? Yes, Test is the best and dare I say it the only option I or most other people recommend. Why deviate from what works?
    In bold above ^^

  16. #16

    re: sean holland


    So it is possible to use Test for short bursts and maintain gains even after you stop using it?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by megatoxic View Post

    So it is possible to use Test for short bursts and maintain gains even after you stop using it?
    thts a good question, i could barely maintain any of my gains after pct, some can maintain no problem. in regards to short bursts, you'd be best with test prop for 8wks, 4wks pct and wait 12wks before going again. or of course you could get blood work done to see where your at

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    Quote Originally Posted by megatoxic View Post

    I've read some threads on this forum suggesting strategies for maintaining at least some of the gains. Do you believe this is possible, or do you think that one has to take the hormone in perpetuity in order to mantain?
    What i was referring to was the feeling of well being you get from using test i didnt mean you wouldnt be able to keep gains made while on cycle

    Sorry for the confusion.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by megatoxic View Post

    So it is possible to use Test for short bursts and maintain gains even after you stop using it?
    Yeah, with proper Diet/Training/PCT you should be able to keep between 40-70% of your gains. As long as you get your natural testosterone production back asap after the cycle and you continue your training and diet you should see a noticeable difference in your appearance pre-cycle to post-cycle.

    After the cycle you will deflate a bit and your strength will dip, but it will not go back to where you started. But training and diet must still be a constant or like anything else you will regress.

  20. #20
    I am luck/unlucky enough to be on trt (doctor prescribed).

    "interested in the psychological/wellbeing aspects of these compounds (i.e., youthfulness, higher libido, improved work performance, etc.)"
    Is exactly what you can expect from using test e/c.

    Start with going to the doc for a checkup and getting a blood test. Low test is generally age specific so ask him to do blood work checking test, estro, etc...

    My experience is:
    At 44 I had just spent my longest time away from the gym since I was 13 (18 months). I felt like sh*t so I decided to lose some lbs and get myself back into shape. Lost a lot more weight than I needed (45lbs) and still felt awful.
    This was the exact reason for my seeing a doctor to begin with. After a few weeks of a low dose I started to feel great again. Enery, Libido..........

    As far as the "test prop" suggestion??? Yeah, It will get you there the fastest but for someone who who is new to aas this would be a bad idea. Not only do you have to pin yourself ed or eod the pain can be unforgiving. Not the best idea for someone in your position IMHO.

  21. #21
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    Please do NOT construe this as advice. I am not qualified in any way to give advice on steroids or any other compounds that may or may not be related to same.

    Have you done any research on HGH?

    I have recently done some research on test and a few other compounds and it seems that test weakens collagen synthesis (collagen evidently makes up tendons) so while your building up bigger muscles on test your weakening your tendons. This evidently balances it self out after a test cycle but I do not know if there are differences in this area for someone who is 25 compared to someone who is my age (43).

    I read some stuff that scared me about winnie re: collagen, something about it increasing tendon size but weakening them, making them brittle or something like that.

    I read some positive stuff about EQ and Primo, as well as anavar re: tendons, as well as deca (which I plan to stay away from as a personal choice) and a lot of good stuff on HGH regarding this issue.

    Again, I am not recommending anything and all compounds have risks/side effects, and as others have said mixing compounds will make it difficult to determine what is causing what if you have never used either.

    But based on my research i have decided never to put winnie in my body and based on my age (43) I am looking at HGH pretty favorably, although I have a lot more research to do before I stick any in my body.

    Once again, I am not qualified to give any advice, other than to do thorough research if your going to use, or even considering using, any type of drug outside of it being prescribed by a physician.

    It seems a lot of people use steroids improperly in one or more ways and suffer as a result. It's' unfortunate they are controlled substances in the USA, evidently, prior to the government putting them on the controlled substances list, the AMA was AGAINST it.

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