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According to the reviews on this site (and what I've read elsewhere), it has lower incidence of side effects than test.
I should clarify: I'm not looking to add massive bulk or strength. Maybe 5-10 pounds of muscle at best. I'm principally interested in the psychological/wellbeing aspects of these compounds (i.e., youthfulness, higher libido, improved work performance, etc.). Your size/strength gains are going to be built and retained through the amount of work/diet and the proper PCT. Its not going to magically add 20lbs of muscle to your frame just by taking it. There is still copious amounts of work involved. So I wouldn't worry too much about becoming a 'freak show' with a 10 week cycle of 500mg/week of Test E.
I also don't necessarily want to be on anything permanently. If your on something more than a MAXIMUM of 12 weeks for your first cycle (not including your PCT) then you are way off base. This is not a permanent thing, its used to push you past a plateau.
Do you still think Test is the best option? Yes, Test is the best and dare I say it the only option I or most other people recommend. Why deviate from what works?