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  1. #1
    FinaKat is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Tren and Hair Loss Help

    I took winstrol depot cycle by itself, and I didn't lose any hair. I also took a long cycle of tren acetate and my hairline was totally fine, however the tren i got was not really strong, and the vial seemed very oily, it was oily in color compared to the dark brown tren my friends were taking. Nonetheless it was still tren, I felt the sides and everything for sure.

    After that, I took another cycle of tren, but this time I made it from a fina-kit and the tren pellets at home. This tren was dark brown, much stronger, and the shots were brutal. My hair line receeded back and I got bad thinning on the crown area, and balding on the temples too. Some juiceheads told me the reason I lost my hair was because I made the tren myself and I must have made it "harsh" or ignored an important step. I confronted the guy who gave me the first cycle of tren I took and he said that the tren he gave me was made from powder and not from pellets, and that pellets are way rougher and worse sides.

    If I took winstrol without losing any hair I just dont get it. Anyways I've been on a lowdose of propecia for almost 3 months now, the time it takes before propecia is gauranteed to work, and I want to cycle again but im scared to lose my hair. What I want to take is a good old cycle of Test E, 500mgs over 8 weeks time, what do you guys think?? and if you say no, what can I take without worrying about this?

  2. #2
    FinaKat is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

  3. #3
    Angel of death's Avatar
    Angel of death is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2004
    id take a while off and see if it starts growing back...if it doesnt then your prone to MPB and its only going to get worse and worse and steroids are going to speed it up more and more. you can try using milder steroids like deca , anavar , eq...with maybe a low does of test.

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