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Thread: Next cycle. Critique needed.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Next cycle. Critique needed.

    I just finished my cutting cycle and I want to bulk up in a couple of months when I get my gear. Anavar is in this cycle because I like bulking but I need an efficient way to keep that fat off.

    Cycle plan:

    Testosterone suspension ---14 weeks--- 1g a week --- 140mgs a day --- split into 3 injections ED. AM preworkout and before bed

    Deca durabolin --- 12 weeks --- 600mgs a week --- once a week injections (was thinking of bumping this up to 800mgs?)

    Anavar --- weeks 8-14 --- 100mgs a day --- AM pre-workout and PM

    Running letro throughout cycle at 25mgs a day. (fairly prone to gyno from suspension.)

    I'm going to include hcg at 250ius weeks 8-14 --- 3 injections a week
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20

    Any comments?

    Weight: 205
    Bodyfat: 7%
    Cycle exp: Alot
    Last edited by CMB; 07-31-2010 at 11:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Why the test susp, doesn't that have to be inj multiple times daily? Why not just a long estered test?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by cobra305 View Post
    Why the test susp, doesn't that have to be inj multiple times daily? Why not just a long estered test?
    Because if I were to use 100mgs of test e, only 70mgs or so would actually be testosterone. With test sup, when I inject 1g of it, I get 1g of testosterone. And IMO sup is the best bulking steroid.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by CMB View Post
    I just finished my cutting cycle and I want to bulk up in a couple of months when I get my gear. Anavar is in this cycle because I like bulking but I need an efficient way to keep that fat off.

    Cycle plan:

    Testosterone suspension ---14 weeks--- 1g a week --- 140mgs a day --- split into 3 injections ED. AM preworkout and before bed

    Deca durabolin --- 12 weeks --- 600mgs a week --- once a week injections (was thinking of bumping this up to 800mgs?)

    Anavar --- weeks 8-14 --- 100mgs a day --- AM pre-workout and PM

    Running letro throughout cycle at 25mgs a day. (fairly prone to gyno from suspension.)

    I'm going to include hcg at 250ius weeks 8-14 --- 3 injections a week
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20

    Any comments?

    Weight: 190
    Bodyfat: 7%
    Cycle exp: Alot
    If you have awesome susp, and have experience with it, you might be ok, but that shit hurts and gets old after a bit. Personally I'd go with something long estered and up the dose or even prop. Deca sounds good, I have had trouble coming off it after pct (or so I think that's what my issue was), but if you have used it and like it, go for it. If this is a bulking cycle I'd drop the var for something else, or at least extend the length of use: if you are worried about cost, I'd drop the dose a bit. I don't know if it's going to do what you want as far as keeping fat off. I would just do light consistent cardio, clean diet, and low doses of short clen cycles throughout (2 on 2 off). If you've used a specific var and like 100 for that time period and it keeps fat off for you, go for it.

    I would work on the PCT though. A cycle that long it may be a good idea to go 5 weeks, and add some IGF...I love the stuff for PCT. I also like adding creatine in PCT, and on my next cycle will try clen for PCT. Good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    R.I.P My friends
    Nice cycle, going to be a beast bro... any thoughts about going to NPP instead of Deca? This is my first go round with NPP, used Deca before and Im liking it infinately more than Deca.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by mediocre45 View Post
    If you have awesome susp, and have experience with it, you might be ok, but that shit hurts and gets old after a bit. Personally I'd go with something long estered and up the dose or even prop. Deca sounds good, I have had trouble coming off it after pct (or so I think that's what my issue was), but if you have used it and like it, go for it. If this is a bulking cycle I'd drop the var for something else, or at least extend the length of use: if you are worried about cost, I'd drop the dose a bit. I don't know if it's going to do what you want as far as keeping fat off. I would just do light consistent cardio, clean diet, and low doses of short clen cycles throughout (2 on 2 off). If you've used a specific var and like 100 for that time period and it keeps fat off for you, go for it.

    I would work on the PCT though. A cycle that long it may be a good idea to go 5 weeks, and add some IGF...I love the stuff for PCT. I also like adding creatine in PCT, and on my next cycle will try clen for PCT. Good luck!
    Yeah I like anavar in my bulking cycles and my cutting cycles so i'll keep in it. Not to big of a clen fan when i'm bulking to be honest with you. And you're correct I should probably add a 5th week into the pct deca will shut me down hard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    Nice cycle, going to be a beast bro... any thoughts about going to NPP instead of Deca? This is my first go round with NPP, used Deca before and Im liking it infinately more than Deca.
    Thanks buddy. But uh yeah NPP is some legit shit no doubt about that but I can't find it anywhere including mexico. I used to be able to get it from a guy a the gym but he disappeared . No doubt in my mine if could find NPP I would use it instead of deca.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Looking good.

    Not much to add, I'd personally up the HCG to about 600iu/week, shot e3d and start it around week 4.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    anybody else?

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