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Thread: Losing 90% of gains in pct?!?!

  1. #1
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    Sep 2006

    Losing 90% of gains in pct?!?!

    Hi guys i need to make a thread about this as its really frustrating me now. Ive ran about 4 cycle now and EVERYTIME i lose basically all my gains and its starting to make me wonder why. For example my last cycle i went from 13 stone 12 to 15 stone 4 (20 pounds gain). and now 6 weeks after my last jab i am back down to 14 stone 4. i have basically lost 15 pounds in 6 weeks and ive just started a creatine to try maintain some weight but it isnt doing anything.

    My pct is hcg, nolva and i had clomid but only 20 tabs of it. I always run a decent pct but i thought this time it was perfect(maybe could of got some extra clomid), my diet is basically the same as it was on cycle around 5000 calories a day. Only thing is my gym has gone from 5-6 days a week to about 4 days as ive started a new job with very long hours.

    Does anybody know what else i could do to prevent these losses? Ive heard a few guys say they take pro peptides in pct to keep their gains and they swear by them? i think they are similar to growth just a lot cheaper and not so strong

    Thanks people

  2. #2
    Sounds like it may be a diet issue. To lose some weight I could understand but 90%, how sure are you of your diet?

  3. #3
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    well 5000 cals should be enough especially for my size. i eat all good foods the occasional snack i admit but still im puttin in the calories. i sometimes have a weight gain shake which makes it to 6000 cals so im eatin plenty. I do gain quite a bit of water on cycle but it feels like im only gainin 3-5 pounds per cycle?

  4. #4
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    wow bro, that is a horrible trend, especially after all that time, money and hard work... are you sure your PCT gear is all legit?

  5. #5
    Just a suggestion but you may want to post your diet in the diet section to see if you are truly taking in 5000 cals. All good foods does not mean you are eating the right foods either.
    Good Luck keeping those gains

  6. #6
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    I have only ran one cycle, I gained about 15 lbs on a 200mg every three days of test e. In th third week after I pinned right when I started my PCT I lost 8 lbs that week and the next week I lost 4 more lbs. Then the next week 2 more lbs. So pissed. I think the prob was with my diet. I got it fixed and my next cycle should go better.

    I would recomend posting your diet in the diet section of this board there are some good guys in there.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by nba2005uk View Post
    Hi guys i need to make a thread about this as its really frustrating me now. Ive ran about 4 cycle now and EVERYTIME i lose basically all my gains and its starting to make me wonder why. For example my last cycle i went from 13 stone 12 to 15 stone 4 (20 pounds gain). and now 6 weeks after my last jab i am back down to 14 stone 4. i have basically lost 15 pounds in 6 weeks and ive just started a creatine to try maintain some weight but it isnt doing anything.

    My pct is hcg, nolva and i had clomid but only 20 tabs of it. I always run a decent pct but i thought this time it was perfect(maybe could of got some extra clomid), my diet is basically the same as it was on cycle around 5000 calories a day. Only thing is my gym has gone from 5-6 days a week to about 4 days as ive started a new job with very long hours.

    Does anybody know what else i could do to prevent these losses? Ive heard a few guys say they take pro peptides in pct to keep their gains and they swear by them? i think they are similar to growth just a lot cheaper and not so strong

    Thanks people
    The bolds are your problem.

    Dont cut corners during PCT. I only opt for pharm grade ancillaries, very rare to use research stuff.

    Temp. increase cals during PCT. You need to take in more cals to support the new bodyweight/mass.

    Long hours, less sleep = stress = cortisol.

  8. #8
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    Gear is definetly real because im gaining around 20 pounds lol! Pct is real because nolva shrinks my minor gyno i sometimes get, clomid makes me feel shit, hcg i tested myself. Trust me ive been training 5+ years and done enough research to know im taking in 5000 calories. Plus it tells you on the back of the food packages haha. All i can think of is im prone to gainin a LOT of water and its all droppin off after cycle. I would say ill eat more calories but in all honesty im force feeding myself as it is i usually feel sick after some meals and i cant really afford too( not trying to make excuses).

  9. #9
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    your diet must be way off. when i started using steroids myself and many, many others never used a single PCT drug and we sure as hell didnt lose 90% of our gains. there has to be something seriously wrong with what your doing
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  10. #10
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    No source checks
    Get some blood works done...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  11. #11
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    I hate to admit this, but Ive run a cycle without a PCT and didnt lose as much as you have... something seems a bit off... are your coritisol levels through the roof?

  12. #12
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    ive lost nearly all in pct's aswell, seems some of us dont hold it after a cycle, and b4 it starts, my diet was on check

  13. #13
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    Well this cycle i used pharm grade test instead of research and ive kept slightly more than previous cycles, Ive kept 6 pounds from about 20 so i was slightly exagerating with the 90%. But the point is in my previous cycles i literally keep about 3-4 pounds from around 18-20 pounds! Im going to use more clomid next time and try to up my calories even if its by 500 per day.

  14. #14
    Just throwing this out there...but maybe the problem is that you've reached or come very close to your genetic potential?? If that's not the case, then somethings not right. Are you keeping some strength gains or are you losing all of that as well?

  15. #15
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    Yeh i am keeping quite a bit of strength gain for example bench press has gone from 6 reps on 100k to around 12. but then again ON cycle i was reppin it for about 20 at times.

  16. #16
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    is it just test or did you use an oral like dbol? even only keeping only 6lb from 20 is like 70% loss... not cool.

  17. #17
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    Dude check how much water your retaining. Maybe most of the weight is water, i know a lot of the weight gain from test is water.

  18. #18
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    What you are experiencing is normal. Do you actually think you can cycle gain and keep 15 lbs every cycle. How many cycles would it then take to be 300 lbs?

    Think about it! If you weigh 200 lbs lean and gain 5lbs of muscle a year in ten years you are a lean 250 lb person.

    Only beginers will gain and keep 15 lbs and it won't be muscle.

  19. #19
    Unfortunately this is a reality of AAS use. I've preached it for a while, but eventually give up because no body seems to understand the principal.

    Once you go off AAS, you size will begin to diminish. This is because your body realizes that it does not have the proper hormones in it anymore to aid in facilitating that sort of size/mass.

    In essence, you revert back to your natural genetic potential.

    Now, people always argue... "well my buddy stayed way bigger then me".... yes, this is because some being adapt to the hormonal fluctuation better then others...

    ^^ That said, it could very well be that your buddy just took a bunch of long estered compounds, and he is still holding onto water.

    This is probably one of the most deceiving aspects of AAS use.

    Oh... I just want to add one more thing.. for anyone who doesn't know NBA2005... this guy is not some kid doing Test-E + D-bol cycles... I watched his entire log, and he made some incredible gains on the last cycle. Very solid build IMO.

    -- so it does disappoint me to hear that you've lost 90%, because those final pics were sick.

    Hopefully things improve for you bro,


  20. #20
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    hgh is the longterm investment to hold your gains

  21. #21
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    I just viewed your cycle log bro... please post a current pic so we know what we are judging. I kno everyone looks for 30lbs solid gains and keep 100%, thats just not the case. People forget that a healthy 20-30 year old male can take a full year to put on 8-12lb oflean muscle if diet, training, sleep etc are in perfect order. If you can keep 8-10lbs after a 3 month cycle, you are still so far ahead of where you would have been naturally. Be patient, stressing yourself out will only lead to higher cortisol levels which ill destroy your hard earned muscle.

  22. #22
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    thanks for the replies guys. here is 3 pics, first from before my cycle, second from the end of my cycle, and third is from yesterday (6 weeks after last jab) coming to end of pct last couple days.

    On a seperate note anybody know about pro peptides
    GHR P6
    GHR P2

    And a few more. my mates run some through pct and say they keep almost double the amount of gains than they normally would.
    Last edited by nba2005uk; 05-24-2014 at 07:50 AM.

  23. #23
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    i still think you look as good 3rd pic as you do 2nd...very close, it's not like you dropped everything...def improvement over the first pic.

    maybe you dropped some water too? creatine = water weight......

  24. #24
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    I still look better than first pic yes i agree. First pic i was 13'12 stone, second pic i was 15'4, and now in the third i am about 14'5. So i am still 6-7 pounds heavier than before the cycle but might even lose some more in the next few weeks HOPEFULLY NOT!

  25. #25
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    I think that maybe I will try to eat another meal when I finnish my next cycle, I'm scared I loose all my gains agian. Allthough some muscle weight is coming back now I seem to be gaining weight with this new diet with out AAS! I thought I was at my genitic limit already.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    your diet must be way off. when i started using steroids myself and many, many others never used a single PCT drug and we sure as hell didnt lose 90% of our gains. there has to be something seriously wrong with what your doing
    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Get some blood works done...
    agreed, especially on the bloodwork

    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    hgh is the longterm investment to hold your gains
    not for someone his age

  27. #27
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    agreed, especially on the bloodwork

    not for someone his age
    yeah, i meant generally speaking

  28. #28
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    boy id be pissed. I just started my pct today (18 days since my last jab) and ive managed to increase weight by 5 pounds since my last jab. So far gained 30 pounds so I expect to lose some. but that much would piss me off.

  29. #29
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    Run an AI on your next cycle and see how much you loose, maybe you just retain too much water

  30. #30
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    still impressive stats... hard to say whats with all the losses, you werent holding that much water... its not like you had the godfather chin going on

  31. #31
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    i did actually run arimidex for about 3 weeks during cycle to cut down the bloat but didnt do much.

    'thatguyyeahhim', not to burst ur bubble or nothing but i didnt lose ANY weight until about 20-25 days after my last jab, i was the same as you and gained a couple of pounds with hcg afterwards.

    Im looking at some natural supplements to take during pct apart from creatine as it may give me an extra push and help me keep a few pounds.

  32. #32
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    the exact thing has happened to me so i know how you feel - its the most frustrating experience ive felt. before my cycle i was 17 stone and by the end of it i was 19 and like you i had just over 5000 cals. once i stopped i felt myself losing more and more weight by the week and now im 17.5 stone. ive researched so much on a pct crash and i suppose that some people are more prone to lose gains than others. my pct was what it should have been - clomid 150/100/50/50
    tamox and hcg before the clomid.
    tbh i think the only way to 100% keep gains is to continuously cycle - blast and cruise but its not something that should be done unless you have alot of experience and know what youre doing. i myself am tempted because i know how good i can be and have confidence in myself to succeed but im only 21 and it will be dangerous. its somethin i will definetely do in the future though.
    just keep your cals high man and keep training hard (but reduce volume if you have to cos i read thats best after a cycle to relieve stress from the system).
    youre looking good though man and youre second pic looks excellent. keep it up the good work bro.
    Last edited by ricky23; 07-22-2010 at 12:03 PM.

  33. #33
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    3 letters!!! HGH. its well worth the cost, even if you just run in during pct and 2months after. i kept all my cycle gains doing this!!

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by sitries View Post
    3 letters!!! HGH. its well worth the cost, even if you just run in during pct and 2months after. i kept all my cycle gains doing this!!
    why even suggest HGH at his age?

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    why even suggest HGH at his age?
    x 10... whats this need to keep pounding in more gear?!?!

  36. #36
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    I was thinking about runnin hgh just from people telling me there experiences but i do not have enough knowledge of the drug and im way too young in my opinion. I was thinking of running only 4-5ius a day but think ill give it a miss for a few years.

    Ive heard from another mate he runs 5 weeks of eq straight after his last jab of test overlapping his pct and he said it keeps a lot of gains as it keeps your cortisol levels from dropping,keeps your appetite really high,and your body is anabolic state. Not sure though i guess nobody knows the real answer lol

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by nba2005uk View Post
    I was thinking about runnin hgh just from people telling me there experiences but i do not have enough knowledge of the drug and im way too young in my opinion. I was thinking of running only 4-5ius a day but think ill give it a miss for a few years.

    Ive heard from another mate he runs 5 weeks of eq straight after his last jab of test overlapping his pct and he said it keeps a lot of gains as it keeps your cortisol levels from dropping,keeps your appetite really high,and your body is anabolic state. Not sure though i guess nobody knows the real answer lol
    well it's not that one, lol, if cortisol levels drop then your body restricts the breaking down of muscle for energy, you can't be in an anabolic state while your anabolic hormones are crashing

  38. #38
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    Yeh thought it was a strange idea myself lol. U think you would get shut down from runnin 500mg eq for 4-5 weeks after cycle. Then overlap with pct?

    Anyways im running a test/tren/dbol cycle in 3 weeks time for anyone interested in another log. 7 weeks on 10-12 weeks off is my new strategy, i dont seem to gain ANYTHING after 6-7 weeks even with increased calories.

  39. #39
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    bump plz
    Last edited by nba2005uk; 07-26-2010 at 06:07 AM.

  40. #40
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    i know how your feeling i went from 91kg to 103-104 on cycle, and now ive dropped to 98kl and i feel like im going to drop alot more, i crash hard after my cycle and even proper pct doesnt seem to change things, i recover very slow and isnt really worth my cycling unless i cruize and blast

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