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Thread: Whats the best Post Cycle Therapy after Winstrol

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    If you run winny on its own then you are probably going to have some sexual issues....

    I would not run anything at your bodyfat percentage.
    Wrong? Winny is actually one of best bc it does not require anti estrogen, and what you mean sexual issues, I'm pretty sure every steroid has that possible side effect?

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    If you run winny on its own then you are probably going to have some sexual issues....

    I would not run anything at your bodyfat percentage.
    Wrong? Winny is actually one of best bc it does not require anti estrogen, and what you mean sexual issues, I'm pretty sure every steroid has that possible side effect?

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Wrong? Winny is actually one of best bc it does not require anti estrogen, and what do you mean sexual issues, I'm pretty sure every steroid has that possible side effect?

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    You guys shoot everything down,As I said before my BF was done over the internet and I posted a pic of my formed bicep..If I take winny Im kinda 100% sure Ill get even more toned.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Post a full picture...

    How old are you??
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  6. #46
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    you come here and propose your idea, then disagree with everyone who tells you not to do it. I'm 43 years old, and have been around steroids since you were 3 years old. I've run more cycles and used more compounds than you might imagine, and I advise from personal experience. You have never ran a single cycle, yet you seem to think you know more than we do about your winny only cycle. you could simply take the time to click the blue word winny and read the profile and even that would tell you not to run winny only, but perhaps you would think the guy who wrote the profile has singled you out also. we are here to tell people the truth whether it's what they want to hear or not. you said "you guys shoot down everything"...not true. we often get new members who have done logical research that propose good solid cycle ideas, we help them tweak it, then they keep us posted. we also get new members who are badly misinformed, we correct them, they thank us and alter their plan to a sensible one. lastly we get new members who post their plan, we tell them from many years of experience why it's a bad idea, they get an attitude and argue with us. winny only is a bad cycle no matter what you look like, and our advice based on bf was given with your estimation of bf in mind. there are many of us here, myself included, who could tell you exactly what to do to achieve your goals. instead of coming here with an open mind you choose to get pissy because we didn't tell you what you want to hear. sad.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    but big come on man he has a toned bicept....... hes told us so like 10 times so he must be ready right?

  8. #48
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Asura View Post
    Hey guys I about to do a 6 week cycle with winny 50mg/day followed by clomid for 2 weeks 100mg/day than 3-4 50mg/day

    I just want to know how your cycle went and did you get more ripped or vascular? And is winny really all what its hyped up to be?

    any advice? or something you'd do different?
    winny makes your tendons grow big and turns them really brittle, like a 98yo ladies hip bones, they are liable to snap like a twig.

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    Bronx, New York
    i dont know why you want to take steroids at all when your bicep is so toned already... wow! what an amazing bicep!

    my advise to everyone else is don't help this idiot. let him screw himself up and learn the hard way. him and his toned bicep.

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    I know this has no relevence to the OP but I am amazed at how calmly you all deal with this sort of thing lol.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Asura View Post
    Why is it a complete waste, it makes your endurance better,and once again if I have a natural toned bicep why don't you think winny will make it better.26 years old trying to look nice..and was thinking of doing winny alot for next beach season. I was disappointing with my look during this beach season. Not as toned as Id like and Im sitting here for weeks reading up on winny and right when I get to a forum you shut me down and abuse me for being a "noob"
    LMAO, sorry, I just stumbled across this thread and couldn't help reading it through to the end. This is honestly the most entertaining thing I've seen today lol. And why in GOD'S NAME does he keep going on about his "really toned bicep"???
    A word of advice OP, I've only been a member here for a little while, but I have worked out and monitored my diet RELIGIOUSLY for the past 12 years, and I can honestly say 99% of what I've learned about AAS and proper cycling has come from listening to these guys. You should do the same.

    p.s. A "toned bicep" tells as much about someone's condition and "readiness" for AAS as does going by the colour of their shit, you catch my drift?

  12. #52
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    he's on with a tbol cycle now, and I'm doing my best to help him aside from the disrespect he showed me here.

  13. #53
    Hey Big, I read through your reply and it seems you know a good deal about using so I was trying to see if you could help me build a cycle. I could not access your profile and I am unaware on how to message you on this. I think I do not have permissions for this if you could message me that would be awesome, and thanks for any help you can provide.

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    This thread is like nearly 6 years oldso dont be disheartened if you dont get a reply

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