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  1. #1
    AnabolicAnimal80's Avatar
    AnabolicAnimal80 is offline New Member
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    2 Weeks in cycle need advice

    bf% maybe 8 to 10 not positive
    3rd cycle but I have been off for almost a year

    120mg tren e per week
    240mg Drostanolone E per week
    540mg Test E per week

    My nipples are getting sensitive and I am starting to break out with pimples . I can feel a small lump behind both of my nipples. I just started liquid prami last night, I was planning .5mg in the am and .5mg 8 hrs later ED, but I am getting hot flashes, body chills, insomnia, and a headache ALREADY from the prami. I am also running 12.5 exemestane ED and I have ran it before and experienced no sides. I am not really experienced but getting the gear is not an issue at all. I am thinking of just dropping the tren and drost and running 500mg or 600mg per week of Test E. What side's can I expect by dropping the tren and drost and how can I combat them? Also, what other options do I have to stay on all 3 but combat the gyno and other sides, besides the prami?

  2. #2
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicAnimal80 View Post
    bf% maybe 8 to 10 not positive
    3rd cycle but I have been off for almost a year

    120mg tren e per week
    240mg Drostanolone E per week
    540mg Test E per week

    My nipples are getting sensitive and I am starting to break out with pimples . I can feel a small lump behind both of my nipples. I just started liquid prami last night, I was planning .5mg in the am and .5mg 8 hrs later ED, but I am getting hot flashes, body chills, insomnia, and a headache ALREADY from the prami. I am also running 12.5 exemestane ED and I have ran it before and experienced no sides. I am not really experienced but getting the gear is not an issue at all. I am thinking of just dropping the tren and drost and running 500mg or 600mg per week of Test E. What side's can I expect by dropping the tren and drost and how can I combat them? Also, what other options do I have to stay on all 3 but combat the gyno and other sides, besides the prami?
    Is this your first run with tren. Those sides that you are blaming on the prami sound a lot like tren sides. Sweats, insomnia, headache(increased BP), etc.

    IMO tren at that dose will do nothing anyways it is way too low. Drop it. You wont experience sides from dropping it but you may experience the sides you are already having for a little longer because it is a long ester.

    Have you checked your BP lately?

  3. #3
    AnabolicAnimal80's Avatar
    AnabolicAnimal80 is offline New Member
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    FL, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    Is this your first run with tren . Those sides that you are blaming on the prami sound a lot like tren sides. Sweats, insomnia, headache(increased BP), etc.

    IMO tren at that dose will do nothing anyways it is way too low. Drop it. You wont experience sides from dropping it but you may experience the sides you are already having for a little longer because it is a long ester.

    Have you checked your BP lately?
    I have ran tren before but I ran acetate. I'm starting to think long ester's don't work well with my body. Would it be a bad idea to swith to test prop and mast? The only reason I thought it was the prami was because i started getting theese symptoms within 10 mins after taking it and the same thing happened this am, and my body is achy all of a sudden. I'm def going to drop the tren because I think that is whats causing the gyno. Will I still be safe using masteron ?

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