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Thread: Test E, Tren E and Anavar Cyle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Test E, Tren E and Anavar Cyle

    planning my next cycle and want to get some feedback on this.

    Test E 1000mg per week
    Tren E 750mg Per week,
    Anavar 70mg per day

    34 years old
    192 wieght
    12% BF
    6 foot
    I want to add good size while losing some fat in the mix
    Gym 4 days a week
    cardio EOD 45 minutes
    calories at 3000 calories a day

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    what's the length of time you plan to run the compounds, and what's your cycle history?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Follow Up

    I plan on running for at least 3 months maybe 4 depending on recomended dosing times. My cycle history
    Iv run mass cycle for 6-8 months at a time.
    For mass ill run Test e with either deca or tren and will jumo start these cycles with dbol
    Iv run all these types accept the anavar. Iv run many different cycles maybe 5-6 cycles. I stay on test e for long lenths at different dosage's.
    I want to drop the bloat with dbol and do a quality gain of mass while losing a mfew more BF% while doing it, so I thought
    Test E
    Tren E
    Anavar cycle. I dont like short esters. They make my muscle very sore. Long chain esters give me best results with less pain and dont have to inject as much etc.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Out of curiosity have you ever gotten any type of blood work done after these so called "mass 8 month cycles?"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Yes. I have a doctor who knows of the use. We have spoke of it and he has to play it cool, but my blood work comes back good. I will usally go in between cycle hoping my test is super low after running that long, but never has been below 350 in the test so he wont give and never would give me more then TRT. Keep in mind, Im not saying i run tren and anavar or deca or anything else beside the test for that length. Even after long cylces of test e which i will run for 8 months sometimes longer at low doses of 500mg per week. My blood work comes back good each time. im 34 and been seeing this docs for the last two years. No problems so far. Be cool bro, its not a real big deal to run test for long lengths, so dont know why you have to come in saying "so Called" Im not telling anyone else to try it or suggesting it, he ask so im being honest. Dont chase peeps away from site with your so called talk. Let me ask you, what is your thought on running test E, Tren E and Anavar??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    LOL, chill out big guy. My concern was strictly in the interest of your health care. So why don't you cool off a bit.

    My thoughts on it? They are great compounds, and I've ran them plenty of times. With the right diet they will work wonders. What else would you like me to answer on the subject?

    What are your goals in wanting to run nearly 2grams of AAS?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I forgot to add:

    I personally don't see a reason in running that much gear, unless you plan on competing. That's just my opinion. I've never gone above 700mg of Test and I've ran plenty of cycles in my time. I'm a firm believer of starting as low as you can to get the results you desire. At your stats, the dosages your running are a bit steep. At least your under doctor supervision.

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