Originally Posted by
deca already, and "planning" to add in test?
very, very bad idea.....
the absolute base of ANY cycle HAS to be testosterone. deca can and will shut you down very hard.......
the fact you feel tired/sluggish is your body most likely being shut down. your body is no longer producing testosterone - which is why you feel like crap. it will only get worse if you keep doing what you're doing.
start test immediately. prop is fast acting, so you may wanna go that route - but you have to inject every other day.
enenthate and cypionate can be done with less frequent intervals (twice a week), but can take a few weeks to REALLY start kicking in....
as for gains? deca only then you stop, you wont keep much, if anything.
get yourself some nolvadex and clomid also for post cycle therapy.........