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Thread: 1st cycle..

  1. #1

    1st cycle..

    Alright, so the goal is to gain atleast 35lbs, Im at 230 nowIm currently taking Decca 300, planning to stack it with test on the 3rd week I was wondering I supposed to feel tired and sluggish in the gym the first week?
    when will I start to notice progress...also when is my energy gonna come back? im guessing the end of the 2nd week or so? and my muscles get tight REAL EASY since I started...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    You shouldn't have started the cycle without researching mire first! Deca isn't ment to b run by itself... What are your stats?

    cycle exp?
    Training exp?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    deca already, and "planning" to add in test?

    very, very bad idea.....

    the absolute base of ANY cycle HAS to be testosterone. deca can and will shut you down very hard.......

    the fact you feel tired/sluggish is your body most likely being shut down. your body is no longer producing testosterone - which is why you feel like crap. it will only get worse if you keep doing what you're doing.

    start test immediately. prop is fast acting, so you may wanna go that route - but you have to inject every other day.

    enenthate and cypionate can be done with less frequent intervals (twice a week), but can take a few weeks to REALLY start kicking in....

    as for gains? deca only then you stop, you wont keep much, if anything.

    get yourself some nolvadex and clomid also for post cycle therapy.........

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Middle of a Cornfield
    Everyone is different but with deca and test you should notice something by the 6th week. I start to feel mine around the middle of the 5th week. You should start the test right away. What pct do you have planned? And is that you in your avy?

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    deca only-ouch

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    deca already, and "planning" to add in test?

    very, very bad idea.....

    the absolute base of ANY cycle HAS to be testosterone. deca can and will shut you down very hard.......

    the fact you feel tired/sluggish is your body most likely being shut down. your body is no longer producing testosterone - which is why you feel like crap. it will only get worse if you keep doing what you're doing.

    start test immediately. prop is fast acting, so you may wanna go that route - but you have to inject every other day.

    enenthate and cypionate can be done with less frequent intervals (twice a week), but can take a few weeks to REALLY start kicking in....

    as for gains? deca only then you stop, you wont keep much, if anything.

    get yourself some nolvadex and clomid also for post cycle therapy.........
    Enough said...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    You shouldn't have started the cycle without researching mire first! Deca isn't ment to b run by itself... What are your stats?

    cycle exp?
    Training exp?
    22 years old, 6'2'', 230lbs, not sure bout my bf im guessing 12%, this will be my first cycle, I've been a brother of the iron for bout 4 and a half years now, my goal is to put on 30lbs atleast..planning on competing sometime next year, Diet consists of highcarbs bout 80gms a meal, lots of tuna, salmon, chicken breast, brown rice, baked potatoes, eggs, oatmeal, 60gms of protein a meal, 4,400 cals a day..

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Jfew44 View Post
    Everyone is different but with deca and test you should notice something by the 6th week. I start to feel mine around the middle of the 5th week. You should start the test right away. What pct do you have planned? And is that you in your avy?
    Ohh I see, the guy a bought it from competes and has known my dad for like 15 years they used to train together, its a 5 week cycle though he told me to take 2 shots a week tues and friday since im a beginner..yea tomorrow or tuesday i'll have the test as for pct another friend of my dad is gonna show me some stuff he has this dude won the Mr. USA a while back so I know he knows what hes doing, i'll post it when i get what he recommended, Yes haha thats me in my avi

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    deca already, and "planning" to add in test?

    very, very bad idea.....

    the absolute base of ANY cycle HAS to be testosterone. deca can and will shut you down very hard.......

    the fact you feel tired/sluggish is your body most likely being shut down. your body is no longer producing testosterone - which is why you feel like crap. it will only get worse if you keep doing what you're doing.

    start test immediately. prop is fast acting, so you may wanna go that route - but you have to inject every other day.

    enenthate and cypionate can be done with less frequent intervals (twice a week), but can take a few weeks to REALLY start kicking in....

    as for gains? deca only then you stop, you wont keep much, if anything.

    get yourself some nolvadex and clomid also for post cycle therapy.........
    Son of a B*tch....thanks man, I'll definately start the test tomorrow, could I still stack it with the Deca?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Spot on 007. Your side effects are that of someone with low T-levels. Next time you cycle, do it right to avoid issues like this.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Spot on 007. Your side effects are that of someone with low T-levels. Next time you cycle, do it right to avoid issues like this.
    Shoots, thanks for the heads up everyone..I promise to research alot more next time..damn I've taken 2 shots so far im getting the test tomorrow no doubt

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by DYNAMIK View Post
    Ohh I see, the guy a bought it from competes and has known my dad for like 15 years they used to train together, its a 5 week cycle though he told me to take 2 shots a week tues and friday since im a beginner..yea tomorrow or tuesday i'll have the test as for pct another friend of my dad is gonna show me some stuff he has this dude won the Mr. USA a while back so I know he knows what hes doing, i'll post it when i get what he recommended, Yes haha thats me in my avi
    5 week cycle of Deca?... You sure this guy has your best interest at heart or was he just trying to get rid of some extra gear.

    Deca needs to be ran more then 5 weeks to see significant gains from it.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2008
    deca is slow.... 5 weeks?... that's it?

    whoever fed you that info knows squat - stop listening to them...if it's that "mr usa" guy - avoid him like the plague.... esp for pct info (if anything, i'd like to see what he suggests, if anything)

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    deca is slow.... 5 weeks?... that's it?

    whoever fed you that info knows squat - stop listening to them...if it's that "mr usa" guy - avoid him like the plague.... esp for pct info (if anything, i'd like to see what he suggests, if anything)
    F*CCCCK naw it wasnt the mr usa guy, that other dude who won the bantam weight competition..hes actually sponsored by muscle inc. too..but yeaa after reading these posts its makin me pissed at that dude I feel like getting off this shit already and staying away from this kinda stuff...f*ck

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Don't sweat it man. Most of us here can safely say that our first cycles weren't always the best and well planned.

    I would talk to your supplier. Tell him some of the things you saw in this thread. Just make sure you get that Test with all your PCT included.

    Good luck.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Don't sweat it man. Most of us here can safely say that our first cycles weren't always the best and well planned.

    I would talk to your supplier. Tell him some of the things you saw in this thread. Just make sure you get that Test with all your PCT included.

    Good luck.
    THanks man! definitely gonna talk to that guy Im glad I found this forum before it was too late thanks everyone.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    You thought you were going to gain 35lbs in 5 weeks on a deca-only cycle???
    This just amazes me. Seriously, kick that guy in the balls. He is an idiot and an asshole.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    The Shore
    I agree with Nicotine. Test is a must with any cycle. 35 lbs is quite a goal. Its not impossible but I've never heard of anyone gaining 35 lbs on the typical 10-12 wk cycle. I'm glad you realized that you have a lot to learn. The educational threads on here contain a wealth of information. Check them out and good luck man.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Why did you do that lol? ...starting a cycle with a suppressive compound without test?

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Don't sweat it man. Most of us here can safely say that our first cycles weren't always the best and well planned.

    I would talk to your supplier. Tell him some of the things you saw in this thread. Just make sure you get that Test with all your PCT included.

    Good luck.
    Ain't that the truth! Before I joined here my first cycle was 8 weeks of test prop injected 2x/week with no pct. Be glad you're on here with some knowledgable guys.

  21. #21
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    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Jfew44 View Post
    Ain't that the truth! Before I joined here my first cycle was 8 weeks of test prop injected 2x/week with no pct. Be glad you're on here with some knowledgable guys.
    Well said.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    R.I.P My friends
    Quote Originally Posted by DYNAMIK View Post
    F*CCCCK naw it wasnt the mr usa guy, that other dude who won the bantam weight competition..hes actually sponsored by muscle inc. too..but yeaa after reading these posts its makin me pissed at that dude I feel like getting off this shit already and staying away from this kinda stuff...f*ck
    Dynamik, this is not uncommon, we see this a lot on here... people trust and look up to the big boys and get fed false info for whatever purpose, whether it be to move extra gear a mentioned above, or keep a good customer coming back cause they are not getting the results they want.

    Its great you came on here, this group of guys will set you straight and get you growing safely. Itsgod you take their advise now, the deca alone would have caused some damage in the following weeks

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